Can Trump have one News Conference without Slamming and Insulting the Democrats?

I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


can the democrats stop insulting trump at every turn?
can the anti-fa ever let someone else speak if they don't agree with them?
cnn can't go through the day w/o raggging on him. hell, through an hour
we can have liberal plays of ceasar and kill trump on stage and that's ok

we've been divided for a long time. if you're just now noticing it then you like how obama divided us up but maybe not trump.

but rest assured the divide isn't new and trump is not the root of it.

I felt that way with Fox when Obama was president who had to twist and spin to keep the righties angry.

The only time that I have ever seen the country united was for a few days after 9/11...

At least nobody on Fox News said that they "got a shiver down their leg" when Trump won the election.
Or is the next messiah.
Barbara Walters admits ‘we’ thought Obama was ‘the next messiah’
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


can the democrats stop insulting trump at every turn?
can the anti-fa ever let someone else speak if they don't agree with them?
cnn can't go through the day w/o raggging on him. hell, through an hour
we can have liberal plays of ceasar and kill trump on stage and that's ok

we've been divided for a long time. if you're just now noticing it then you like how obama divided us up but maybe not trump.

but rest assured the divide isn't new and trump is not the root of it.

I felt that way with Fox when Obama was president who had to twist and spin to keep the righties angry.

The only time that I have ever seen the country united was for a few days after 9/11...

At least nobody on Fox News said that they "got a shiver down their leg" when Trump won the election.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


can the democrats stop insulting trump at every turn?
can the anti-fa ever let someone else speak if they don't agree with them?
cnn can't go through the day w/o raggging on him. hell, through an hour
we can have liberal plays of ceasar and kill trump on stage and that's ok

we've been divided for a long time. if you're just now noticing it then you like how obama divided us up but maybe not trump.

but rest assured the divide isn't new and trump is not the root of it.

I felt that way with Fox when Obama was president who had to twist and spin to keep the righties angry.

The only time that I have ever seen the country united was for a few days after 9/11...

8 years of open hatred was fine with you under Obama, now you suddenly care about unity?

Oh, and America hates your vile and dishonest press.

  • 32% say they have "a great deal" or "a fair amount" of trust
  • 14% of Republicans express trust, down from 32% last year
  • Confidence drops among younger and older Americans
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

I liked Obama, but yes the country was extremely divided as well... especially with the internet taking off full speed...
But.... Did you ever see Obama sending out hate messages on Twitter or any other social media to flame the hate..?

Uh, the Internet took off full speed around 1990.

Obama only spoke through party ministers in CNN, NBC, the Nazi Yokel Times, etc. Trump tries to bypass the corrupt little Goebbels of the DNC press so that America knows what he is actually saying.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Stop listening. Problem solved.

You haven’t listened to anyone in decades…see how well you turned out?

Gorsuch on the court, Hillary's crime empire crumbling...

Yep, worked out pretty fucking well.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


can the democrats stop insulting trump at every turn?
can the anti-fa ever let someone else speak if they don't agree with them?
cnn can't go through the day w/o raggging on him. hell, through an hour
we can have liberal plays of ceasar and kill trump on stage and that's ok

we've been divided for a long time. if you're just now noticing it then you like how obama divided us up but maybe not trump.

but rest assured the divide isn't new and trump is not the root of it.

I felt that way with Fox when Obama was president who had to twist and spin to keep the righties angry.

The only time that I have ever seen the country united was for a few days after 9/11...
the sad part is - i'm not even sure that would pull us together now. we have people in here wishing death on fellow americans. why? cause we disagree.

basically that's it and its sad as hell. if we did go to war we'd almost be split in who we'd support. idiotic liberals are out there pushing muslim values as better than our own. if this were a tv show i'd change it for being stupid.

but it's life and you got nowhere to go but to keep on trying to fix things. show patience. and keep at it til we eventually do in fact find that "common ground".

Not true at all.

Some perspective if I may.

According to Wikipedia, the 2016 General election saw 129,000,000 Americans vote. Approximately 200,000,000 did not vote. You can say it was because of the quality of candidate but the ones before that had similar numbers; 127 million in 2012 and about 129 million again in 2008 when you had a very inspirational candidate. National politics mean so little to most Americans that the majority of citizens do not vote. And yes, some are not able to due to age or other restrictions but it’s still a massive number. For those who do vote, believe it or not, it isn’t bloodsport for most Americans. We sit around and sip our coffee or stronger beverages every morning and decry the state of affairs if X happens or Y happens but most often, X and Y do happen and there is little that changes on main street. Politics is simply not that important to most people.

When we do fight a war (as we are still doing by the way) only sick and easily dismissed lunatics are on the side of anyone except the soldiers doing their duty and getting home safely. I will be the first to admit, I do not have a clue of why we are still fighting in the middle east. Nobody can tell me what “winning” looks like. Personally, I think we should be a colonial power again and the cause is important enough to waste blood and treasure, we should conquer the nations that we’re invading with the mind set on adding a star to the flag; Because whenever we leave, the power vacuum issues and you have chaos and danger in the region. Administrations of all stripes do it.

Anyway, the nation is no where near as divided as most people think. Media have 168 hours to fill every week. Sensationalist stories sell. So the stories are sensationalized. In the old days, the news divisions never had to turn a profit. When corporations started buying networks, they bought their news divisions as well and right along side Happy Days, the Cosby Show and Seinfeld, the nightly news had to turn a profit. Sensationalism almost always means scandal of some sort. In the news business, the old saying is that nobody cares when a dog bites a man; they only care when the unusual happens; man bites dog. Reporting that the stop lights at 5th Avenue and W57th are working fine is not news. The traffic jam caused by their not working is. And of course, as we saw with Bridgegate…you don’t hear about people getting home late, you hear about the ambulances and police that had trouble (I suppose there are some but I would find it hard to believe that if you have a medical emergency in Fort Lee, you’re going to dispatch an ambulance from Manhattan…just saying).

Take this test. The politics of my mailman are __________. The politics of my daughter’s gym teacher are ______________. Most people I meet are _____________ politically. If you didn’t answer “mixed” to all three questions, you either live in one of the very few enclaves where there legitimately is a stronghold of ideology or you’re kidding yourself.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


can the democrats stop insulting trump at every turn?
can the anti-fa ever let someone else speak if they don't agree with them?
cnn can't go through the day w/o raggging on him. hell, through an hour
we can have liberal plays of ceasar and kill trump on stage and that's ok

we've been divided for a long time. if you're just now noticing it then you like how obama divided us up but maybe not trump.

but rest assured the divide isn't new and trump is not the root of it.

I felt that way with Fox when Obama was president who had to twist and spin to keep the righties angry.

The only time that I have ever seen the country united was for a few days after 9/11...

8 years of open hatred was fine with you under Obama, now you suddenly care about unity?

Oh, and America hates your vile and dishonest press.

  • 32% say they have "a great deal" or "a fair amount" of trust
  • 14% of Republicans express trust, down from 32% last year
  • Confidence drops among younger and older Americans
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

I liked Obama, but yes the country was extremely divided as well... especially with the internet taking off full speed...
But.... Did you ever see Obama sending out hate messages on Twitter or any other social media to flame the hate..?

indirectly yes. when you get up and call everything race related, how is that not a form of hate? trump is crude about it yes, and he's IN YOUR FACE a lot.

obama called the police stupid before hearing from them at least on the college professor incident. "that could be my son" alienated people as well cause he "took sides". in the end if your goal is to divide, does it matter if you're elegant or not about it when the end result is the same?

“That could be my son” alienated people?
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


can the democrats stop insulting trump at every turn?
can the anti-fa ever let someone else speak if they don't agree with them?
cnn can't go through the day w/o raggging on him. hell, through an hour
we can have liberal plays of ceasar and kill trump on stage and that's ok

we've been divided for a long time. if you're just now noticing it then you like how obama divided us up but maybe not trump.

but rest assured the divide isn't new and trump is not the root of it.

I felt that way with Fox when Obama was president who had to twist and spin to keep the righties angry.

The only time that I have ever seen the country united was for a few days after 9/11...
the sad part is - i'm not even sure that would pull us together now. we have people in here wishing death on fellow americans. why? cause we disagree.

basically that's it and its sad as hell. if we did go to war we'd almost be split in who we'd support. idiotic liberals are out there pushing muslim values as better than our own. if this were a tv show i'd change it for being stupid.

but it's life and you got nowhere to go but to keep on trying to fix things. show patience. and keep at it til we eventually do in fact find that "common ground".

Not true at all.

Some perspective if I may.

According to Wikipedia, the 2016 General election saw 129,000,000 Americans vote. Approximately 200,000,000 did not vote. You can say it was because of the quality of candidate but the ones before that had similar numbers; 127 million in 2012 and about 129 million again in 2008 when you had a very inspirational candidate. National politics mean so little to most Americans that the majority of citizens do not vote. And yes, some are not able to due to age or other restrictions but it’s still a massive number. For those who do vote, believe it or not, it isn’t bloodsport for most Americans. We sit around and sip our coffee or stronger beverages every morning and decry the state of affairs if X happens or Y happens but most often, X and Y do happen and there is little that changes on main street. Politics is simply not that important to most people.

When we do fight a war (as we are still doing by the way) only sick and easily dismissed lunatics are on the side of anyone except the soldiers doing their duty and getting home safely. I will be the first to admit, I do not have a clue of why we are still fighting in the middle east. Nobody can tell me what “winning” looks like. Personally, I think we should be a colonial power again and the cause is important enough to waste blood and treasure, we should conquer the nations that we’re invading with the mind set on adding a star to the flag; Because whenever we leave, the power vacuum issues and you have chaos and danger in the region. Administrations of all stripes do it.

Anyway, the nation is no where near as divided as most people think. Media have 168 hours to fill every week. Sensationalist stories sell. So the stories are sensationalized. In the old days, the news divisions never had to turn a profit. When corporations started buying networks, they bought their news divisions as well and right along side Happy Days, the Cosby Show and Seinfeld, the nightly news had to turn a profit. Sensationalism almost always means scandal of some sort. In the news business, the old saying is that nobody cares when a dog bites a man; they only care when the unusual happens; man bites dog. Reporting that the stop lights at 5th Avenue and W57th are working fine is not news. The traffic jam caused by their not working is. And of course, as we saw with Bridgegate…you don’t hear about people getting home late, you hear about the ambulances and police that had trouble (I suppose there are some but I would find it hard to believe that if you have a medical emergency in Fort Lee, you’re going to dispatch an ambulance from Manhattan…just saying).

Take this test. The politics of my mailman are __________. The politics of my daughter’s gym teacher are ______________. Most people I meet are _____________ politically. If you didn’t answer “mixed” to all three questions, you either live in one of the very few enclaves where there legitimately is a stronghold of ideology or you’re kidding yourself.
wow. a reasonable and unbiased reply from you. leave your computer unlocked?

maybe you're right in that people in *here* are a pretty bad example of what most of the country thinks. we're just a set who happens to dive in and analyze it blow by blow so to speak.

i can only hope if war does break out, we do in fact come together. would that we could do that w/o the war part of this.
can the democrats stop insulting trump at every turn?
can the anti-fa ever let someone else speak if they don't agree with them?
cnn can't go through the day w/o raggging on him. hell, through an hour
we can have liberal plays of ceasar and kill trump on stage and that's ok

we've been divided for a long time. if you're just now noticing it then you like how obama divided us up but maybe not trump.

but rest assured the divide isn't new and trump is not the root of it.

I felt that way with Fox when Obama was president who had to twist and spin to keep the righties angry.

The only time that I have ever seen the country united was for a few days after 9/11...

8 years of open hatred was fine with you under Obama, now you suddenly care about unity?

Oh, and America hates your vile and dishonest press.

  • 32% say they have "a great deal" or "a fair amount" of trust
  • 14% of Republicans express trust, down from 32% last year
  • Confidence drops among younger and older Americans
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

I liked Obama, but yes the country was extremely divided as well... especially with the internet taking off full speed...
But.... Did you ever see Obama sending out hate messages on Twitter or any other social media to flame the hate..?

indirectly yes. when you get up and call everything race related, how is that not a form of hate? trump is crude about it yes, and he's IN YOUR FACE a lot.

obama called the police stupid before hearing from them at least on the college professor incident. "that could be my son" alienated people as well cause he "took sides". in the end if your goal is to divide, does it matter if you're elegant or not about it when the end result is the same?

“That could be my son” alienated people?

Well, not those who want their kids to be thugs....
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


can the democrats stop insulting trump at every turn?
can the anti-fa ever let someone else speak if they don't agree with them?
cnn can't go through the day w/o raggging on him. hell, through an hour
we can have liberal plays of ceasar and kill trump on stage and that's ok

we've been divided for a long time. if you're just now noticing it then you like how obama divided us up but maybe not trump.

but rest assured the divide isn't new and trump is not the root of it.

I felt that way with Fox when Obama was president who had to twist and spin to keep the righties angry.

The only time that I have ever seen the country united was for a few days after 9/11...
the sad part is - i'm not even sure that would pull us together now. we have people in here wishing death on fellow americans. why? cause we disagree.

basically that's it and its sad as hell. if we did go to war we'd almost be split in who we'd support. idiotic liberals are out there pushing muslim values as better than our own. if this were a tv show i'd change it for being stupid.

but it's life and you got nowhere to go but to keep on trying to fix things. show patience. and keep at it til we eventually do in fact find that "common ground".

Not true at all.

Some perspective if I may.

According to Wikipedia, the 2016 General election saw 129,000,000 Americans vote. Approximately 200,000,000 did not vote. You can say it was because of the quality of candidate but the ones before that had similar numbers; 127 million in 2012 and about 129 million again in 2008 when you had a very inspirational candidate. National politics mean so little to most Americans that the majority of citizens do not vote. And yes, some are not able to due to age or other restrictions but it’s still a massive number. For those who do vote, believe it or not, it isn’t bloodsport for most Americans. We sit around and sip our coffee or stronger beverages every morning and decry the state of affairs if X happens or Y happens but most often, X and Y do happen and there is little that changes on main street. Politics is simply not that important to most people.

When we do fight a war (as we are still doing by the way) only sick and easily dismissed lunatics are on the side of anyone except the soldiers doing their duty and getting home safely. I will be the first to admit, I do not have a clue of why we are still fighting in the middle east. Nobody can tell me what “winning” looks like. Personally, I think we should be a colonial power again and the cause is important enough to waste blood and treasure, we should conquer the nations that we’re invading with the mind set on adding a star to the flag; Because whenever we leave, the power vacuum issues and you have chaos and danger in the region. Administrations of all stripes do it.

Anyway, the nation is no where near as divided as most people think. Media have 168 hours to fill every week. Sensationalist stories sell. So the stories are sensationalized. In the old days, the news divisions never had to turn a profit. When corporations started buying networks, they bought their news divisions as well and right along side Happy Days, the Cosby Show and Seinfeld, the nightly news had to turn a profit. Sensationalism almost always means scandal of some sort. In the news business, the old saying is that nobody cares when a dog bites a man; they only care when the unusual happens; man bites dog. Reporting that the stop lights at 5th Avenue and W57th are working fine is not news. The traffic jam caused by their not working is. And of course, as we saw with Bridgegate…you don’t hear about people getting home late, you hear about the ambulances and police that had trouble (I suppose there are some but I would find it hard to believe that if you have a medical emergency in Fort Lee, you’re going to dispatch an ambulance from Manhattan…just saying).

Take this test. The politics of my mailman are __________. The politics of my daughter’s gym teacher are ______________. Most people I meet are _____________ politically. If you didn’t answer “mixed” to all three questions, you either live in one of the very few enclaves where there legitimately is a stronghold of ideology or you’re kidding yourself.
wow. a reasonable and unbiased reply from you. leave your computer unlocked?

maybe you're right in that people in *here* are a pretty bad example of what most of the country thinks. we're just a set who happens to dive in and analyze it blow by blow so to speak.

i can only hope if war does break out, we do in fact come together. would that we could do that w/o the war part of this.

Most of my replies are reasonable. My bias is toward the truth. I just got asked by one conservative “What investigation” when talking about Trump. How do you respond to that with anything except venom? I chose not to reply

Anyway, during the First and Second world wars, laws were passed to quell dissent. Still there were strikes and upheaval on the assembly lines. When we’ve had police actions and these undeclared wars, there was no such utility for passing a law so you saw protests. Its not a matter of if you’ll see dissent (when it’s allowed); it’s a matter of how long it will take to manifest itself into some visible action. And when it does, usually it’s a one-shot deal.

Americans support the troops. Except for some wholly disavowed and regrettable instances of Viet Nam, thanking a vet for his/her service is what is appropriate regardless of your politics.
I felt that way with Fox when Obama was president who had to twist and spin to keep the righties angry.

The only time that I have ever seen the country united was for a few days after 9/11...

8 years of open hatred was fine with you under Obama, now you suddenly care about unity?

Oh, and America hates your vile and dishonest press.

  • 32% say they have "a great deal" or "a fair amount" of trust
  • 14% of Republicans express trust, down from 32% last year
  • Confidence drops among younger and older Americans
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

I liked Obama, but yes the country was extremely divided as well... especially with the internet taking off full speed...
But.... Did you ever see Obama sending out hate messages on Twitter or any other social media to flame the hate..?

indirectly yes. when you get up and call everything race related, how is that not a form of hate? trump is crude about it yes, and he's IN YOUR FACE a lot.

obama called the police stupid before hearing from them at least on the college professor incident. "that could be my son" alienated people as well cause he "took sides". in the end if your goal is to divide, does it matter if you're elegant or not about it when the end result is the same?

“That could be my son” alienated people?

Well, not those who want their kids to be thugs....

I doubt Zimmerman’s parents wanted him to turn out like he did. Correct.
What's the matter libs, don't like getting a taste of your own medicine? Don't like a president who will get in your face? Its high time we elected a president who stands up to the left, good job president Trump :eusa_clap:
Time for the Press to start laughing at him.

To make up for the public laughing at the lying press? :dunno:

It might happen when Democrats stop talking about Russian collusion and obstruction of justice every time they are in front of the media.

Trump has brought it all upon himself by his Twitter account and well his mouth too.....

From day one Trump has triggered everyone with his insults ,except for his parrots...

View attachment 132488
his insults and overpromising are tiresome
8 years of open hatred was fine with you under Obama, now you suddenly care about unity?

Oh, and America hates your vile and dishonest press.

  • 32% say they have "a great deal" or "a fair amount" of trust
  • 14% of Republicans express trust, down from 32% last year
  • Confidence drops among younger and older Americans
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

I liked Obama, but yes the country was extremely divided as well... especially with the internet taking off full speed...
But.... Did you ever see Obama sending out hate messages on Twitter or any other social media to flame the hate..?

indirectly yes. when you get up and call everything race related, how is that not a form of hate? trump is crude about it yes, and he's IN YOUR FACE a lot.

obama called the police stupid before hearing from them at least on the college professor incident. "that could be my son" alienated people as well cause he "took sides". in the end if your goal is to divide, does it matter if you're elegant or not about it when the end result is the same?

“That could be my son” alienated people?

Well, not those who want their kids to be thugs....

I doubt Zimmerman’s parents wanted him to turn out like he did. Correct.

Zimmerman? What the fuck.

Now Martin's parents were grooming a thug, no doubt about it. His mother bragged about how proud she was.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare


He knows that his base, the minority of voters that voted for him, will believe anything he says. He lies like it's a bodily function. His supporters don't care that he lies, they eat lies for breakfast. Reality isn't their thing. They voted for an 8 year old child that pretends to be an adult, who has insulted all of our staunchest allies, and who has already made America a third world country that has given up it's leadership role world-wide.

He and his supporters are a cohort of people that need to believe all the world is wrong and they few are absolutely right about everything. Even when all the evidence points the other way.

No reason to watch the orange-turd, his time in office is limited anyway.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Stop listening. Problem solved.
I know I quit listening to Obama a long time ago.
I am at the point where I can't stand hearing his bullshit... :eusa_doh:

"We are going to get Millions and Millions back to work" <<<
Loves to exaggerated

BTW: the democrats will never vote on Trumpcare who only helps the high income..He loves to divide the country and distract from what he is really doing..

View attachment 132480

Trump blasts 'obstruction' by Democrats on fixing healthcare

Stop listening. Problem solved.
I know I quit listening to Obama a long time ago.
I've tuned almost all of them out 100%

Nothing but a bunch of frauds on both sides
I liked Obama, but yes the country was extremely divided as well... especially with the internet taking off full speed...
But.... Did you ever see Obama sending out hate messages on Twitter or any other social media to flame the hate..?

indirectly yes. when you get up and call everything race related, how is that not a form of hate? trump is crude about it yes, and he's IN YOUR FACE a lot.

obama called the police stupid before hearing from them at least on the college professor incident. "that could be my son" alienated people as well cause he "took sides". in the end if your goal is to divide, does it matter if you're elegant or not about it when the end result is the same?

“That could be my son” alienated people?

Well, not those who want their kids to be thugs....

I doubt Zimmerman’s parents wanted him to turn out like he did. Correct.

Zimmerman? What the fuck.

Now Martin's parents were grooming a thug, no doubt about it. His mother bragged about how proud she was.

We’ll we will never know how Martin may have turned out; he ran into George Zimmerman

We do know how Zimmerman turned out. How many times has he been arrested?

Screen Shot 2017-06-12 at 1.05.26 PM.png
Are democrats going to stop opposing his agenda?

Then probably not.

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