Can we all finally agree that FISA has to go?

Can we all now agree that FISA has to go?

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Can we all finally agree that FISA has to go? Now that we have an example of how FISA might be abused, do we agree to shit can that POS?
??? Is the fact that an entity, policy, procedure or people who administer it may/might be "abused" is sufficient basis for you to conclude that it is a "POS?"
Now that we have an example of how FISA might be abused, do we agree to shit can that POS?
So you think that intelligence operations should be discussed in open court?
It is unconstitutional. Period.
What's unconstitutional about it?
the COTUS requires evidence for the issue of a search warrant. Does "secret" evidence count?
Besides that, isnt a federal judge ruling in abstract unconstitutional?
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?
ALL unconstitutional agencies must go.
Restore limited federal power and restore individual liberty.
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?
See, this is where you are WRONG AGAIN!!!

I am a liberal. I have always been a liberal.

Liberals HATE this shit and have always hated it.

Those defending in are NOT liberals. They are statist commie authoritarians.
Now that we have an example of how FISA might be abused, do we agree to shit can that POS?
So you think that intelligence operations should be discussed in open court?
It is unconstitutional. Period.
What's unconstitutional about it?
the COTUS requires evidence for the issue of a search warrant. Does "secret" evidence count?
Besides that, isnt a federal judge ruling in abstract unconstitutional?

It is unconstitutional, why hasn't no case been brought to the SC?

The SCOTUS will have to do a lot of interpretation to rule FISA is constitutional
Now that we have an example of how FISA might be abused, do we agree to shit can that POS?
So you think that intelligence operations should be discussed in open court?
It is unconstitutional. Period.
What's unconstitutional about it?
the COTUS requires evidence for the issue of a search warrant. Does "secret" evidence count?
Besides that, isnt a federal judge ruling in abstract unconstitutional?

It is unconstitutional, why hasn't no case been brought to the SC?

The SCOTUS will have to do a lot of interpretation to rule FISA is constitutional
Maybe we should all sue so it will go to them!
Its not like they would rule against us. The constitution is clear. Also, there is a previous case that says congress cant change constitutional requirements for court jurisdiction.
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?
See, this is where you are WRONG AGAIN!!!

I am a liberal. I have always been a liberal.

Liberals HATE this shit and have always hated it.

Those defending in are NOT liberals. They are statist commie authoritarians.

Others commenting are far right people who openly backed fisa, patriot act , gitmo , Big gov spying . They 100% back law enforcement even when they are caught red handed violating people’s rights .

Now that trump is in the mix they suddenly cry “constitution “! Bunch of fakes .
It is unconstitutional, why hasn't no case been brought to the SC?
Who has standing to bring a matter to bring to the SC? Most people don't even know they were violated. If then, will a lower court rule it unconstitutional? Will the SC grant cert?

It's too hard to prove a case against the Fed Gov for civil rights violations. It need to be shit canned now.
It is unconstitutional, why hasn't no case been brought to the SC?
Who has standing to bring a matter to bring to the SC? Most people don't even know they were violated. If then, will a lower court rule it unconstitutional? Will the SC grant cert?

It's too hard to prove a case against the Fed Gov for civil rights violations. It need to be shit canned now.
You dont think a big enough law suit with previous SC judgements would help?
Now that we have an example of how FISA might be abused, do we agree to shit can that POS?
So you think that intelligence operations should be discussed in open court?
It is unconstitutional. Period.
What's unconstitutional about it?
the COTUS requires evidence for the issue of a search warrant. Does "secret" evidence count?
Besides that, isnt a federal judge ruling in abstract unconstitutional?
Why wouldn't secret evidence count? The evidence still requires to be judged on merit and if someone is indicted the prosecution still has to give the evidence. The rights of the defense are still adhered to. The process is the same as any other request for a warrant. The difference being that the findings aren't made public.

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