Can we all finally agree that FISA has to go?

Can we all now agree that FISA has to go?

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Can we all finally agree that FISA has to go? Now that we have an example of how FISA might be abused, do we agree to shit can that POS?
??? Is the fact that an entity, policy, procedure or people who administer it may/might be "abused" is sufficient basis for you to conclude that it is a "POS?"

Go argue with the ACLU and true Civil Libertarians. We've been decieved and lied to the scope and rules of this Big Brother system. It was ostensibly for keeping Jihadists out of America. But it's been used in run of the mill criminal prosecutions and APPARENTLY weaponized for political insurrection..

I voted Yes, BUT it should REVERT to a counter-terrorism tool. PERIOD. With COMPLETE Constitutional protection for citizens and LIMITED ACCESS.. Obama GREATLY opened the circle of folks and agencies that can mis-use and abuse this awesome power..

It's not UNIQUE in history. We HAD domestic spying in the 20th Century.. It WAS ABUSED. And we CANNED the concept and deep sixed it for about 30 years until 9-11.. We're at that point AGAIN -- where most everyone acknowledges -- it's a VERY bad idea....
" questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution.”
--Thomas Jefferson - Kentucky Resolutions of 1798
" questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution.”
--Thomas Jefferson - Kentucky Resolutions of 1798
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government - Thomas Jefferson
He was known to be a tad inconsistent :blowpop:
" questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution.”
--Thomas Jefferson - Kentucky Resolutions of 1798
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government - Thomas Jefferson
He was known to be a tad inconsistent :blowpop:
In context, those quotes are consistent. Don't give too much credit to a man to not be tempted to abuse power. Bind him down by the constitution.
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?
ALL unconstitutional agencies must go.
Restore limited federal power and restore individual liberty.

they aren't unconstitutional. you throw that word around an awful lot without

federal power was never supposed to be limited.... not once we dumped the articles of confederation.

and these "debates" existed between the founders.... they were around when Marbury v Madison was decided.... it might behoove you to actually read it.

Who tagged that post “winner”?

All these self delared constitutional experts think they know better than the best legal minds in the Fed Court system .
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?
ALL unconstitutional agencies must go.
Restore limited federal power and restore individual liberty.

they aren't unconstitutional. you throw that word around an awful lot without

federal power was never supposed to be limited.... not once we dumped the articles of confederation.

and these "debates" existed between the founders.... they were around when Marbury v Madison was decided.... it might behoove you to actually read it.

Who tagged that post “winner”?

All these self delared constitutional experts think they know better than the best legal minds in the Fed Court system .
You are just as dumb as the fake lawyer
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?
ALL unconstitutional agencies must go.
Restore limited federal power and restore individual liberty.

they aren't unconstitutional. you throw that word around an awful lot without

federal power was never supposed to be limited.... not once we dumped the articles of confederation.

and these "debates" existed between the founders.... they were around when Marbury v Madison was decided.... it might behoove you to actually read it.

Who tagged that post “winner”?

All these self delared constitutional experts think they know better than the best legal minds in the Fed Court system .
You are just as dumb as the fake lawyer
Praise from Ceasar! Lol.

You simpletons really think these agencies haven’t been challenged in court ?
" questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution.”
--Thomas Jefferson - Kentucky Resolutions of 1798
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government - Thomas Jefferson
He was known to be a tad inconsistent :blowpop:

He also lost that battle. Hamilton won
federal power was never supposed to be limited....


Didn't you claim to be a lawyer? and yet you are apparently unaware that the U.S. Constitution's primary purpose was to LIMIT federal power?
The articles of confederation had limited federal
Government idiota. The whole point of this constitution was a powerful central government. And that whole state’s rights was put to rest with the civil war.

You got your law degree where, snooks?
The articles of confederation had limited federal
Government idiota. The whole point of this constitution was a powerful central government. And that whole state’s rights was put to rest with the civil war.

You got your law degree where, snooks?
Again, you way over simplify history and the current situation.

The ONLY reason the fed has encroached on State's rights is because States have tolerated it (and the SCOTUS has been full of idiots).
The articles of confederation had limited federal
Government idiota. The whole point of this constitution was a powerful central government. And that whole state’s rights was put to rest with the civil war.

You got your law degree where, snooks?
Again, you way over simplify history and the current situation.

The ONLY reason the fed has encroached on State's rights is because States have tolerated it (and the SCOTUS has been full of idiots).

Again wishful thinking on your part.
Again Jefferson was an opinion. Other opinions of the day Varied. He lost the battle of the powerful central government to Hamilton.
It was not a powerful central government. That is a false statement. It only provided for common defense, interstate commerce (the states were screwing each other), and common currency. That's it. EVERYTHING else was left to the states.
Oh geez .

They wrote the Con to be open ended . It allows for the creation of laws and amendments .
ALL unconstitutional agencies must go.
Restore limited federal power and restore individual liberty.

they aren't unconstitutional. you throw that word around an awful lot without

federal power was never supposed to be limited.... not once we dumped the articles of confederation.

and these "debates" existed between the founders.... they were around when Marbury v Madison was decided.... it might behoove you to actually read it.

Who tagged that post “winner”?

All these self delared constitutional experts think they know better than the best legal minds in the Fed Court system .
You are just as dumb as the fake lawyer
Praise from Ceasar! Lol.

You simpletons really think these agencies haven’t been challenged in court ?
Fisa has?
Or were you talking about other agencies? Apparently you know which ones i spoke of :lol:

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