Can we all finally agree that FISA has to go?

Can we all now agree that FISA has to go?

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Again Jefferson was an opinion. Other opinions of the day Varied. He lost the battle of the powerful central government to Hamilton.
It was not a powerful central government. That is a false statement. It only provided for common defense, interstate commerce (the states were screwing each other), and common currency. That's it. EVERYTHING else was left to the states.
The fake lawyer can read english better than you and i!
Oh geez .

They wrote the Con to be open ended . It allows for the creation of laws and amendments .
Laws that are unconstutional need an amendment. Try not be so damn redundant..

Why don’t you give us an example of these unconstitutional laws and agencies?

By the way . I have a big problem wh fisa and the rubber stamp warrants . FOR YEARS .

Cons act like this is something new when they have been pro fisa since 911 .
Oh geez .

They wrote the Con to be open ended . It allows for the creation of laws and amendments .
Laws that are unconstutional need an amendment. Try not be so damn redundant..

Why don’t you give us an example of these unconstitutional laws and agencies?

By the way . I have a big problem wh fisa and the rubber stamp warrants . FOR YEARS .

Cons act like this is something new when they have been pro fisa since 911 .
The drug war
The patriot act
Would like more? I can name a shitload more.
Whay do i care what "cons" say and think?
Up until 2012, the EPA (which I believe is unconstitutional in itself) was dictating to property owners and giving them no recourse in a court. The SCOTUS shot that bullshit down, but until then, it was being abused BIG TIME by the Obama Administration.
Up until 2012, the EPA (which I believe is unconstitutional in itself) was dictating to property owners and giving them no recourse in a court. The SCOTUS shot that bullshit down, but until then, it was being abused BIG TIME by the Obama Administration.
I believe it as well.
How surprising, right? Lol
Again Jefferson was an opinion. Other opinions of the day Varied. He lost the battle of the powerful central government to Hamilton.
It was not a powerful central government. That is a false statement. It only provided for common defense, interstate commerce (the states were screwing each other), and common currency. That's it. EVERYTHING else was left to the states.
The fake lawyer can read english better than you and i!

wishful thinking again, eh?

and why would you think some hack on a message board is worth lying to?

Up until 2012, the EPA (which I believe is unconstitutional in itself) was dictating to property owners and giving them no recourse in a court. The SCOTUS shot that bullshit down, but until then, it was being abused BIG TIME by the Obama Administration.
I believe it as well.
How surprising, right? Lol

there is nothing unconstitutional about the EPA.... dumbasses.
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?

You lefties shat yourselves when FISA was used to tap calls originating in other countries yet had no problem when FISA was used on Trump. What Brown people are you referring to or do you have no substance so you must pull the race card?
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?

You lefties shat yourselves when FISA was used to tap calls originating in other countries yet had no problem when FISA was used on Trump. What Brown people are you referring to or do you have no substance so you must pull the race card?

Arab Muslims mostly .

Dont play stupid .
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?

You lefties shat yourselves when FISA was used to tap calls originating in other countries yet had no problem when FISA was used on Trump. What Brown people are you referring to or do you have no substance so you must pull the race card?

Arab Muslims mostly .

Dont play stupid .
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?

You lefties shat yourselves when FISA was used to tap calls originating in other countries yet had no problem when FISA was used on Trump. What Brown people are you referring to or do you have no substance so you must pull the race card?

Arab Muslims mostly .

Dont play stupid .

Show US instances where FISA was not used on white terror suspects to only focus on Arab Muslims? Show US communication or memos where FISA was to be directed at Arab Muslims in place of other suspects?

You are convoluting the results to fit your agenda.
Now that we have an example of how FISA might be abused, do we agree to shit can that POS?

That would be great. Too bad Trump just signed a 6 year extension for it.
federal power was never supposed to be limited....


Didn't you claim to be a lawyer? and yet you are apparently unaware that the U.S. Constitution's primary purpose was to LIMIT federal power?
The articles of confederation had limited federal
Government idiota. The whole point of this constitution was a powerful central government. And that whole state’s rights was put to rest with the civil war.
ROFLMAO! I cannot believe that you are that ignorant of American History and apparently have never bothered to read the federalist papers or paid any attention to the debate surrounding the ratification of the Constitution.... powerful in comparison to the Articles of Confederation and unlimited power are not the same thing and the purpose of the Constitution was to EXPLICITLY delineate the powers delegated to the federal government by the states and the people, which is an exercise in LIMITING federal power.

You got your law degree where, snooks?
First off, I'd rather be dead than be a useless waste of air commonly known as a lawyer, secondly where did you get your law degree, North Korea? because it certainly doesn't appear that you got it anywhere in the United States.

If you are a lawyer, I feel sorry for your clients.
federal power was never supposed to be limited....


Didn't you claim to be a lawyer? and yet you are apparently unaware that the U.S. Constitution's primary purpose was to LIMIT federal power?
The articles of confederation had limited federal
Government idiota. The whole point of this constitution was a powerful central government. And that whole state’s rights was put to rest with the civil war.
ROFLMAO! I cannot believe that you are that ignorant of American History and apparently have never bothered to read the federalist papers or paid any attention to the debate surrounding the ratification of the Constitution.... powerful in comparison to the Articles of Confederation and unlimited power are not the same thing and the purpose of the Constitution was to EXPLICITLY delineate the powers delegated to the federal government by the states and the people, which is an exercise in LIMITING federal power.

You got your law degree where, snooks?
First off, I'd rather be dead than be a useless waste of air commonly known as a lawyer, secondly where did you get your law degree, North Korea? because it certainly doesn't appear that you got it anywhere in the United States.

If you are a lawyer, I feel sorry for your clients.

in other words, you aren't educated and couldn't get into law school on a bet. no worries. you don't have to feel badly about yourself. and if pretending you know more than me makes you feel better about yourself have at it.

again, your jeffersonian view of government lost. Hamilton's view of government won. the fact that confederates are still pretending that they have the right to discriminate against anyone they want is silliness. the idea that government can't act for the good of it's people is sad and pathetic.

do you want to call the civil war - the war against northern aggression, too?

and the power of the federal government isn't all-powerful... yet, you and your ilk would like it to be powerful enough to tell women what to do with their bodies and people who they have to love. you wacko's don't see THAT as too much gubmint.... but telling you that if you run a business you have to accommodate THE PUBLIC and can't refuse to serve people who offend your little hearts... THAT is too much gumbmint for you.

Alexander Hamilton was way smarter than you and his view of government kicked Jefferson's butt. you cherry picking from Jefferson's agri-view notwithstanding.

and notice ... I wasn't half as insulting as an uneducated dolt like you was.

oh... and you make a lot more money as a lawyer than a winger on a message board.
and the power of the federal government isn't all-powerful... yet, you and your ilk would like it to be powerful enough to tell women what to do with their bodies
No they don't. They want it to be a state-level decision. YOUR ilk made it an all-powerful federal government issue.
federal power was never supposed to be limited....


Didn't you claim to be a lawyer? and yet you are apparently unaware that the U.S. Constitution's primary purpose was to LIMIT federal power?
The articles of confederation had limited federal
Government idiota. The whole point of this constitution was a powerful central government. And that whole state’s rights was put to rest with the civil war.
ROFLMAO! I cannot believe that you are that ignorant of American History and apparently have never bothered to read the federalist papers or paid any attention to the debate surrounding the ratification of the Constitution.... powerful in comparison to the Articles of Confederation and unlimited power are not the same thing and the purpose of the Constitution was to EXPLICITLY delineate the powers delegated to the federal government by the states and the people, which is an exercise in LIMITING federal power.

You got your law degree where, snooks?
First off, I'd rather be dead than be a useless waste of air commonly known as a lawyer, secondly where did you get your law degree, North Korea? because it certainly doesn't appear that you got it anywhere in the United States.

If you are a lawyer, I feel sorry for your clients.

in other words, you aren't educated and couldn't get into law school on a bet. no worries. you don't have to feel badly about yourself. and if pretending you know more than me makes you feel better about yourself have at it.

again, your jeffersonian view of government lost. Hamilton's view of government won. the fact that confederates are still pretending that they have the right to discriminate against anyone they want is silliness. the idea that government can't act for the good of it's people is sad and pathetic.

do you want to call the civil war - the war against northern aggression, too?

and the power of the federal government isn't all-powerful... yet, you and your ilk would like it to be powerful enough to tell women what to do with their bodies and people who they have to love. you wacko's don't see THAT as too much gubmint.... but telling you that if you run a business you have to accommodate THE PUBLIC and can't refuse to serve people who offend your little hearts... THAT is too much gumbmint for you.

Alexander Hamilton was way smarter than you and his view of government kicked Jefferson's butt. you cherry picking from Jefferson's agri-view notwithstanding.

and notice ... I wasn't half as insulting as an uneducated dolt like you was.

oh... and you make a lot more money as a lawyer than a winger on a message board.
No one should tell a woman what to do with her body.
People should be able to CHOOSE who they share their private property with.

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