Can we all finally agree that FISA has to go?

Can we all now agree that FISA has to go?

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End our wars on drugs, and terror.
Also unconstitutional
Fuck em
ya big broken record :lol:
Nothing but repeal is too much hard work for the right wing when they have a majority in Congress, for the moment; and allege they are for smaller government whenever it is about the poor.
We all know the duopoly is full of shit.
We have a mixed-market economy.
Now that we have an example of how FISA might be abused, do we agree to shit can that POS?
So you think that intelligence operations should be discussed in open court?
It is unconstitutional. Period.
What's unconstitutional about it?
the COTUS requires evidence for the issue of a search warrant. Does "secret" evidence count?
Besides that, isnt a federal judge ruling in abstract unconstitutional?
Why wouldn't secret evidence count? The evidence still requires to be judged on merit and if someone is indicted the prosecution still has to give the evidence. The rights of the defense are still adhered to. The process is the same as any other request for a warrant. The difference being that the findings aren't made public.
Federal judges. There is a difference.
End our wars on drugs, and terror.
Also unconstitutional
Fuck em
ya big broken record :lol:
Nothing but repeal is too much hard work for the right wing when they have a majority in Congress, for the moment; and allege they are for smaller government whenever it is about the poor.
We all know the duopoly is full of shit.
We have a mixed-market economy.
we don't have a monopoly; are you claiming a tri-opoly or more?
Also unconstitutional
Fuck em
ya big broken record :lol:
Nothing but repeal is too much hard work for the right wing when they have a majority in Congress, for the moment; and allege they are for smaller government whenever it is about the poor.
We all know the duopoly is full of shit.
We have a mixed-market economy.
we don't have a monopoly; are you claiming a tri-opoly or more?
WTF are you even talking about? People like you make think twice about lighting up a doobie.
So you think that intelligence operations should be discussed in open court?
It is unconstitutional. Period.
What's unconstitutional about it?
the COTUS requires evidence for the issue of a search warrant. Does "secret" evidence count?
Besides that, isnt a federal judge ruling in abstract unconstitutional?
Why wouldn't secret evidence count? The evidence still requires to be judged on merit and if someone is indicted the prosecution still has to give the evidence. The rights of the defense are still adhered to. The process is the same as any other request for a warrant. The difference being that the findings aren't made public.
Federal judges. There is a difference.
I don't follow what do you mean? Federal judges what?
Nothing but repeal is too much hard work for the right wing when they have a majority in Congress, for the moment; and allege they are for smaller government whenever it is about the poor.
We all know the duopoly is full of shit.
We have a mixed-market economy.
we don't have a monopoly; are you claiming a tri-opoly or more?
WTF are you even talking about? People like you make think twice about lighting up a doobie.
a mixed-market economy could imply a duopoly of a private sector and a public sector.
Others commenting are far right people who openly backed fisa, patriot act , gitmo , Big gov spying . They 100% back law enforcement even when they are caught red handed violating people’s rights .

Now that trump is in the mix they suddenly cry “constitution “! Bunch of fakes .
Hypocrisy is rampant on BOTH sides.

EVERYONE is an authoritarian until they become the victim.
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?
Do you think we can pick the color of our enemies skin? How stupid are you, this is not about race.
Now that we have an example of how FISA might be abused, do we agree to shit can that POS?
not much that can't be abused out there if you know how. are we to get rid of everything now?

find the abuses and how they happened and work to keep it from happening again. however, if the biggest failure is no one believed them when they said obama and co abused the process, killing it or changing the process won't do much good if people simply don't care.
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?
ALL unconstitutional agencies must go.
Restore limited federal power and restore individual liberty.

they aren't unconstitutional. you throw that word around an awful lot without

federal power was never supposed to be limited.... not once we dumped the articles of confederation.

and these "debates" existed between the founders.... they were around when Marbury v Madison was decided.... it might behoove you to actually read it.
so you think Carter page, the Russian plaything, should have been protected from surveillance?
I am not sure yet, but we have an example (whether true or not) of how the FISA process can be manipulated for political purposes. Isn't that enough?

but it wasn't manipulated for political purpose. that is only what Donald and his henchmen are saying because they're desperate.

I will however remind you that when baby bush passed the patriot act, we (meaning liberals) said the FISA Courts could be used against one's political enemies because FISA warrants were largely rubber-stamped. however, there is ZERO indication they were used for political purpose here.

that is the lie that Donald is telling and you're fostering.
WOW. Suddenly you get these righties caring about fisa?

THey were really cool with it when they wanted to use it against brown people . Now you change your tune ?
ALL unconstitutional agencies must go.
Restore limited federal power and restore individual liberty.

they aren't unconstitutional. you throw that word around an awful lot without

federal power was never supposed to be limited.... not once we dumped the articles of confederation.

and these "debates" existed between the founders.... they were around when Marbury v Madison was decided.... it might behoove you to actually read it.
so you think Carter page, the Russian plaything, should have been protected from surveillance?
I am not sure yet, but we have an example (whether true or not) of how the FISA process can be manipulated for political purposes. Isn't that enough?

but it wasn't manipulated for political purpose. that is only what Donald and his henchmen are saying because they're desperate.

I will however remind you that when baby bush passed the patriot act, we (meaning liberals) said the FISA Courts could be used against one's political enemies because FISA warrants were largely rubber-stamped. however, there is ZERO indication they were used for political purpose here.

that is the lie that Donald is telling and you're fostering.
actually FISA said it was abuse. but hey, you keep blaming donald, you one trick pony you.
so you think Carter page, the Russian plaything, should have been protected from surveillance?
I am not sure yet, but we have an example (whether true or not) of how the FISA process can be manipulated for political purposes. Isn't that enough?

but it wasn't manipulated for political purpose. that is only what Donald and his henchmen are saying because they're desperate.

I will however remind you that when baby bush passed the patriot act, we (meaning liberals) said the FISA Courts could be used against one's political enemies because FISA warrants were largely rubber-stamped. however, there is ZERO indication they were used for political purpose here.

that is the lie that Donald is telling and you're fostering.
You dont know jillian. Nobody does. Spare us your bullshit.

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