Can we get rational now?

This hysteria over a cold was way over blown.

The H1N flu strains were far more deadly. The H1N1 "Swine Flu" in 2009 put a lot of healthy people on their ass for weeks, and killed way more people percentage wise. I didn't even get it.

The H1N3 strain in 2018 was just as bad and I got that one. I damn near wanted to die. The suffering lasted for weeks. Again, the death toll was significantly higher than the chinese cold that people stocked up on a years worth of toilet paper over because the media acted as if it was The Rapture.

Are we going to piss away an extra 2 trillion dollars every year when the next disease comes along? Are we going to shut down the entire world every time a few thousand people die from an annual disease?

Get real people... This whole thing is bullshit.

The Hysteria over The Cold was caused by Democrats who wanted to raid the treasury over their pet Agendas and who cared nothing about The People, and only care about Power, Growing Government and Weaponizing Fear over a virus in the hopes they could crash the economy and get President Trump out of office.

But they are scum and vipers, so why would you ever expect them to do anything honorable. While half of the country are trying to do The Right Thing, they are Always trying to do THE WRONG THING.
First post, let’s be rational.

Second post:

“Destroying our economy and mortgaging our kids future to give some old people (of which I am one) a couple more years of life is not a rational approach”

“I know you miss your father but have a Big Mac”

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