Can we take Ray Epps off the list now?

Are the nutbaggers who still think the 1/6 insurrectionist riot was a false flag operation (like Tucker Carlson) prepared to acknowledge the accusations leveled at Ray Epps were just part of a delusional defense mechanism? You know, the one that was frantically created to escape the reality that the mob was comprised of Trump cultists.

Jan. 6 Participant Who Right-Wing Media Cast As Agent Provocateur Speaks Out

As Trump allies searched for any excuse to shift blame for the Capitol attack — It was antifa! The FBI! — they seized on videos of Epps and cast him as an undercover operative looking to entrap upstanding patriots. Epps was publicly targeted by Tucker Carlson, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), and even Donald Trump himself, accused of successfully scheming to turn innocent Trump supporters into bloodthirsty rioters.

And, well, Epps is pretty pissed about it!

After months of being the subject of a wild conspiracy theory that conveniently absolves everyday Capitol attackers of their agency, Epps finally spoke publicly to The New York Times in an article published Wednesday.

“All of this, it’s just been hell,” Epps said, presumably referring not to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack — to which he was an eager attendee — but rather the false allegations that painted him as a federal asset.

“I am at the center of this thing, and it’s the biggest farce that’s ever been,” Epps told the paper. “It’s just not right. The American people are being led down a path. I think it should be criminal.”

The poor guy has been scapegoated long enough. Now you nitwits can focus all your attention on the other remaining baseless conspiracy theories about the FBI and ANTIFA and leave Ray out of it.
. . . and you believe this article, and the NYT do you?

Not exactly a full quote OR in context, Shitlips. Also, pretend not to grasp the use of an old metaphorical expression. Stupidity suits you!
Cry Baby Losers who indulge themselves in metaphorical expressions do not pleasure themselves by watching their goons "fight like hell" for over three hours after telling them to do so, Petunia.
This thread for one. All right-wing talking points from him. If you’re so interested in them, go look them up yourself. Or not. I don’t care what you do.
I haven't seen any such "information." All I've seen is your utterly unsubstantiated claims.
Oh look, after Epps coerces people to go in to the capitol, breaking the law, he goes to, but doesn't cross the barrier.

How fucking stupid are you?

"He goes to(sic)"

"But doesn't cross the barrier"

Those two statements say opposite things. Both can't be true.

He did NOT enter the Capitol
Oh look, after Epps coerces people to go in to the capitol, breaking the law, he goes to, but doesn't cross the barrier.

All of these people "crossed the barrier". Most were not arrested . Does that make them FBI?


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