Can you accept that Man is greater than God?

The point? There is always a higher order who sits in judgement of your actions. You can claim this is the courts, or you can claim it is the government. You can even claim it is your fellow man. But, then, you have to ask the question: Who judges the judges? And, who judges those who judge the judges? Someone, somewhere, must sit in ultimate judgement.

Only if you choose to recognize such an entity. If not, you are the final arbiter. That is scripture.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.

That there is a higher judgement is your judgement yet you do not know God at all. No one does.

Since we know that there is no single man who rules over all others, then it follows that God must be superior to man. Only He can judge the actions of man. Man does not have the ability to judge God.

Yet you have and have judged God to be good.

To judge man, God must be here to give his verdict. He is not.

Actually, it's pretty simple - who is the ultimate authority? Clearly, it can't be man - so just who the hell is it?

Not God as he is not here. man is here and like you, many have set God as good, even though he is shown to be a genocidal son murderer.

Do you think genocidal to be a good character trait?

You are EVER so wrong ....

I do not JUDGE God .... I ACCEPT God .... a world of difference.

As for the rest of your post, I marvel at your ability to twist truth and reality to suit your need. But, hey, you know the price ...

Yes. Clear moral thinking as compared to Christian immorality.

Go use your fear mongering on children just as it was used against you. I am immune to your garbage.

So is this bishop.


Moral thinking, you say? Just where did these so-called morals come from? Let me guess .... some amorphous group think, right?

Morals like religion are human constructs that have evolved over time.


Then, how does that explain the moral equivocation of man? You will do what is best for you, no matter the impact on others. That which is unacceptable for others is merely the norm for you. You chastise those who cheat others, who cheat on their spouses, but yet, you strategize every day on how to take advantage of others, how to cheat them out of their share, and how to avoid detection by your wife.

Hardly a highly evolved set of morals, wouldn't you say? "It depends" .... THAT is a moral code?

God, on the other hand, has a clearly defined moral code that He has passed on to His followers. There's no ambiguity on right or wrong, and certainly no ambiguity on the consequences of intentional disregard.

Which one is more "evolved"?
Let's test you view shall we.

You spoke of Jesus as a proof of good.

Tell us, who is more likely to see justice in the punishment of the innocent instead of the guilty?

Who is more likely to ask for us to accept that notion as good?

Satan or your God?



rain falls on the just and the unjust, but to answer your question man has a proven track record of punishing the innocent vs the guilty. just look at our court system or better yet our leaders. lol

God doesn't ask you to accept that notion since Gods judgment is perfect.

Let me ask you now....

Who is more likely to bring about confusion and create doubt?

Who acknowledges there is a God, quotes the Bible like there's no tomorrow yet either denies the Gospel or preaches another Gospel?

Who wants to exalt himself above God?

God or Satan
Surely, you just when you comment about "man's justice" - you claim it is fair and right and just?

You need to wake up.
No I said the opposite. Often the innocent are condemned and the guilty go free. ie justice system, wealthy vs poor.

Welcome to a world dictated by the whims of man - one without God, without remorse, and without accountability - one in which equivocation isn't an art form, it's a way of life.

Well we could just kill innocents like your god has done so many times correct?

Tell me who is the better man ?

The one who out of fear of punishment and eternal damnation lives a good life in order to receive some eternal reward or the man or the man who knows there is no eternal reward and chooses to lead a good life anyway?

All religion is based on fear and greed.
Your definition of "innocent" clearly is different than God's .... but then, man has no problem killing his definition of "innocents", does he?

You are incapable of living a "good life" if you don't adhere to the precepts of God.
Man invented god, therefore, he is greater than god.

Genesis 1:27

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."…

NOW, you can close the thread.
Only if you choose to recognize such an entity. If not, you are the final arbiter. That is scripture.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.

That there is a higher judgement is your judgement yet you do not know God at all. No one does.

Yet you have and have judged God to be good.

To judge man, God must be here to give his verdict. He is not.

Not God as he is not here. man is here and like you, many have set God as good, even though he is shown to be a genocidal son murderer.

Do you think genocidal to be a good character trait?

You are EVER so wrong ....

I do not JUDGE God .... I ACCEPT God .... a world of difference.

As for the rest of your post, I marvel at your ability to twist truth and reality to suit your need. But, hey, you know the price ...

Yes. Clear moral thinking as compared to Christian immorality.

Go use your fear mongering on children just as it was used against you. I am immune to your garbage.

So is this bishop.


Moral thinking, you say? Just where did these so-called morals come from? Let me guess .... some amorphous group think, right?

Morals like religion are human constructs that have evolved over time.


Then, how does that explain the moral equivocation of man? You will do what is best for you, no matter the impact on others. That which is unacceptable for others is merely the norm for you. You chastise those who cheat others, who cheat on their spouses, but yet, you strategize every day on how to take advantage of others, how to cheat them out of their share, and how to avoid detection by your wife.

Hardly a highly evolved set of morals, wouldn't you say? "It depends" .... THAT is a moral code?

God, on the other hand, has a clearly defined moral code that He has passed on to His followers. There's no ambiguity on right or wrong, and certainly no ambiguity on the consequences of intentional disregard.

Which one is more "evolved"?

You have no clue as to how I live my life do you? So don't tell me how I live or that I will cheat anyone I can.

I have never cheated on my wife and I don't need the threat of some god's wrath to be faithful to my wife or to be honest in my dealings with others.

You must need the threat of damnation and the promise of some eternal reward in order to live honestly treat other people ethically. I don't because I choose to live my life honestly and ethically knowing that there is no reward for doing so.

Just because I stated morals are a human invention in no way implies that all people will be moral.

how many so called believers act immorally? So it seems even a threat from a god won't make all people behave morally.
rain falls on the just and the unjust, but to answer your question man has a proven track record of punishing the innocent vs the guilty. just look at our court system or better yet our leaders. lol

God doesn't ask you to accept that notion since Gods judgment is perfect.

Let me ask you now....

Who is more likely to bring about confusion and create doubt?

Who acknowledges there is a God, quotes the Bible like there's no tomorrow yet either denies the Gospel or preaches another Gospel?

Who wants to exalt himself above God?

God or Satan
Surely, you just when you comment about "man's justice" - you claim it is fair and right and just?

You need to wake up.
No I said the opposite. Often the innocent are condemned and the guilty go free. ie justice system, wealthy vs poor.

Welcome to a world dictated by the whims of man - one without God, without remorse, and without accountability - one in which equivocation isn't an art form, it's a way of life.

Well we could just kill innocents like your god has done so many times correct?

Tell me who is the better man ?

The one who out of fear of punishment and eternal damnation lives a good life in order to receive some eternal reward or the man or the man who knows there is no eternal reward and chooses to lead a good life anyway?

All religion is based on fear and greed.
Your definition of "innocent" clearly is different than God's .... but then, man has no problem killing his definition of "innocents", does he?

You are incapable of living a "good life" if you don't adhere to the precepts of God.

I am perfectly capable of living a good life without god. It's you who can't act ethically without the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head.

And yes in my book a child is innocent. How many children has your god killed in a capricious temper tantrum?
Man invented god, therefore, he is greater than god.

Genesis 1:27

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."…

NOW, you can close the thread.
The passage you quoted was written by a man. Case closed.
You are EVER so wrong ....

I do not JUDGE God .... I ACCEPT God .... a world of difference.

As for the rest of your post, I marvel at your ability to twist truth and reality to suit your need. But, hey, you know the price ...

Yes. Clear moral thinking as compared to Christian immorality.

Go use your fear mongering on children just as it was used against you. I am immune to your garbage.

So is this bishop.


Moral thinking, you say? Just where did these so-called morals come from? Let me guess .... some amorphous group think, right?

Morals like religion are human constructs that have evolved over time.


Then, how does that explain the moral equivocation of man? You will do what is best for you, no matter the impact on others. That which is unacceptable for others is merely the norm for you. You chastise those who cheat others, who cheat on their spouses, but yet, you strategize every day on how to take advantage of others, how to cheat them out of their share, and how to avoid detection by your wife.

Hardly a highly evolved set of morals, wouldn't you say? "It depends" .... THAT is a moral code?

God, on the other hand, has a clearly defined moral code that He has passed on to His followers. There's no ambiguity on right or wrong, and certainly no ambiguity on the consequences of intentional disregard.

Which one is more "evolved"?

You have no clue as to how I live my life do you? So don't tell me how I live or that I will cheat anyone I can.

I have never cheated on my wife and I don't need the threat of some god's wrath to be faithful to my wife or to be honest in my dealings with others.

You must need the threat of damnation and the promise of some eternal reward in order to live honestly treat other people ethically. I don't because I choose to live my life honestly and ethically knowing that there is no reward for doing so.

Just because I stated morals are a human invention in no way implies that all people will be moral.

how many so called believers act immorally? So it seems even a threat from a god won't make all people behave morally.

Hoisted by your petard, huh?

And, now you squirm trying to get off? Better luck next time.
Yes. Clear moral thinking as compared to Christian immorality.

Go use your fear mongering on children just as it was used against you. I am immune to your garbage.

So is this bishop.


Moral thinking, you say? Just where did these so-called morals come from? Let me guess .... some amorphous group think, right?

Morals like religion are human constructs that have evolved over time.


Then, how does that explain the moral equivocation of man? You will do what is best for you, no matter the impact on others. That which is unacceptable for others is merely the norm for you. You chastise those who cheat others, who cheat on their spouses, but yet, you strategize every day on how to take advantage of others, how to cheat them out of their share, and how to avoid detection by your wife.

Hardly a highly evolved set of morals, wouldn't you say? "It depends" .... THAT is a moral code?

God, on the other hand, has a clearly defined moral code that He has passed on to His followers. There's no ambiguity on right or wrong, and certainly no ambiguity on the consequences of intentional disregard.

Which one is more "evolved"?

You have no clue as to how I live my life do you? So don't tell me how I live or that I will cheat anyone I can.

I have never cheated on my wife and I don't need the threat of some god's wrath to be faithful to my wife or to be honest in my dealings with others.

You must need the threat of damnation and the promise of some eternal reward in order to live honestly treat other people ethically. I don't because I choose to live my life honestly and ethically knowing that there is no reward for doing so.

Just because I stated morals are a human invention in no way implies that all people will be moral.

how many so called believers act immorally? So it seems even a threat from a god won't make all people behave morally.

Hoisted by your petard, huh?

And, now you squirm trying to get off? Better luck next time.

As if you could get me to squirm.

Your statements regarding my behavior have no basis in fact because you do not know me.

You are guilty of judgment even though your bible states Judge not that ye be not judged.

So it seems to me that even with the threat of eternal damnation you cannot abide by your own god's words.
Surely, you just when you comment about "man's justice" - you claim it is fair and right and just?

You need to wake up.
No I said the opposite. Often the innocent are condemned and the guilty go free. ie justice system, wealthy vs poor.

Welcome to a world dictated by the whims of man - one without God, without remorse, and without accountability - one in which equivocation isn't an art form, it's a way of life.

Well we could just kill innocents like your god has done so many times correct?

Tell me who is the better man ?

The one who out of fear of punishment and eternal damnation lives a good life in order to receive some eternal reward or the man or the man who knows there is no eternal reward and chooses to lead a good life anyway?

All religion is based on fear and greed.
Your definition of "innocent" clearly is different than God's .... but then, man has no problem killing his definition of "innocents", does he?

You are incapable of living a "good life" if you don't adhere to the precepts of God.

I am perfectly capable of living a good life without god. It's you who can't act ethically without the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head.

And yes in my book a child is innocent. How many children has your god killed in a capricious temper tantrum?
You are not capable of living a good life without God - but you are capable of living a flawed and vindictive life that you rationalize to yourself as being a "good" life, so that you can avoid the reality of what the future holds for you.

But not to worry --- I will pray for your soul. (I strongly suggest you solicit others to do the same - this going to be a big job).
Man invented god, therefore, he is greater than god.

Genesis 1:27

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."…

NOW, you can close the thread.
The passage you quoted was written by a man. Case closed.
... with guidance from God.

Case closed.
Man invented god, therefore, he is greater than god.

Genesis 1:27

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."…

NOW, you can close the thread.
The passage you quoted was written by a man. Case closed.
... with guidance from God.

Case closed.
How do you know that that guy who wrote it wasn't just making the whole thing up? Where you there? Got anything at all?
Man invented god, therefore, he is greater than god.

Genesis 1:27

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."…

NOW, you can close the thread.
The passage you quoted was written by a man. Case closed.
... with guidance from God.

Case closed.
How do you know that that guy who wrote it wasn't just making the whole thing up? Where you there? Got anything at all?
Clearly, your biblical history is severely lacking, or you wouldn't have asked that question.
Man invented god, therefore, he is greater than god.

Genesis 1:27

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."…

NOW, you can close the thread.
The passage you quoted was written by a man. Case closed.
... with guidance from God.

Case closed.
How do you know that that guy who wrote it wasn't just making the whole thing up? Where you there? Got anything at all?
Clearly, your biblical history is severely lacking, or you wouldn't have asked that question.
So you have nothing except to call me a know-nothing. Oh well, I tried.
Perhaps some of you perfect God folks can show me evidence of his perfection, but I won't hold my breath waiting.

I'm still waiting for defense of the one example I already posted. God's admission of failure and killing off all his human creations in the Flood.

Satan was clearly a failure and he had a bunch of angels with him.

The existence of evil is clearly also a blunder. You can still have free will without evil, so don't pull that nonsense.

Even Eden was a blunder. It took only a few days for God to prove he was a terrible creator.
Man invented god, therefore, he is greater than god.

Genesis 1:27

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."…

NOW, you can close the thread.
The passage you quoted was written by a man. Case closed.
... with guidance from God.

Case closed.
How do you know that that guy who wrote it wasn't just making the whole thing up? Where you there? Got anything at all?
Clearly, your biblical history is severely lacking, or you wouldn't have asked that question.
The Bible is not history. It is fable.
No I said the opposite. Often the innocent are condemned and the guilty go free. ie justice system, wealthy vs poor.

Welcome to a world dictated by the whims of man - one without God, without remorse, and without accountability - one in which equivocation isn't an art form, it's a way of life.

Well we could just kill innocents like your god has done so many times correct?

Tell me who is the better man ?

The one who out of fear of punishment and eternal damnation lives a good life in order to receive some eternal reward or the man or the man who knows there is no eternal reward and chooses to lead a good life anyway?

All religion is based on fear and greed.
Your definition of "innocent" clearly is different than God's .... but then, man has no problem killing his definition of "innocents", does he?

You are incapable of living a "good life" if you don't adhere to the precepts of God.

I am perfectly capable of living a good life without god. It's you who can't act ethically without the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head.

And yes in my book a child is innocent. How many children has your god killed in a capricious temper tantrum?
You are not capable of living a good life without God - but you are capable of living a flawed and vindictive life that you rationalize to yourself as being a "good" life, so that you can avoid the reality of what the future holds for you.

But not to worry --- I will pray for your soul. (I strongly suggest you solicit others to do the same - this going to be a big job).
There you go again judging which is acting against the command of your god

If you can't follow orders from your own god you have no business telling other people how to live

And prayer has been scientifically proven not to work

Long-Awaited Medical Study Questions the Power of Prayer
Genesis 1:27

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."…

NOW, you can close the thread.
The passage you quoted was written by a man. Case closed.
... with guidance from God.

Case closed.
How do you know that that guy who wrote it wasn't just making the whole thing up? Where you there? Got anything at all?
Clearly, your biblical history is severely lacking, or you wouldn't have asked that question.
So you have nothing except to call me a know-nothing. Oh well, I tried.
i will admit that you tried ... and, frankly, you pretty much explored the depth of your ignorance. You get an A for effort, but you fail the course.
Perhaps some of you perfect God folks can show me evidence of his perfection, but I won't hold my breath waiting.

I'm still waiting for defense of the one example I already posted. God's admission of failure and killing off all his human creations in the Flood.

Satan was clearly a failure and he had a bunch of angels with him.

The existence of evil is clearly also a blunder. You can still have free will without evil, so don't pull that nonsense.

Even Eden was a blunder. It took only a few days for God to prove he was a terrible creator.
LOL ---- I'll give you one thing. Your ignorance is extremely humorous. You truly don't have any idea how you present yourself, do you? More's the pity.
Welcome to a world dictated by the whims of man - one without God, without remorse, and without accountability - one in which equivocation isn't an art form, it's a way of life.

Well we could just kill innocents like your god has done so many times correct?

Tell me who is the better man ?

The one who out of fear of punishment and eternal damnation lives a good life in order to receive some eternal reward or the man or the man who knows there is no eternal reward and chooses to lead a good life anyway?

All religion is based on fear and greed.
Your definition of "innocent" clearly is different than God's .... but then, man has no problem killing his definition of "innocents", does he?

You are incapable of living a "good life" if you don't adhere to the precepts of God.

I am perfectly capable of living a good life without god. It's you who can't act ethically without the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head.

And yes in my book a child is innocent. How many children has your god killed in a capricious temper tantrum?
You are not capable of living a good life without God - but you are capable of living a flawed and vindictive life that you rationalize to yourself as being a "good" life, so that you can avoid the reality of what the future holds for you.

But not to worry --- I will pray for your soul. (I strongly suggest you solicit others to do the same - this going to be a big job).
There you go again judging which is acting against the command of your god

If you can't follow orders from your own god you have no business telling other people how to live

And prayer has been scientifically proven not to work

Long-Awaited Medical Study Questions the Power of Prayer

I judge no one ... I merely commented on your condition. If it pleases you, enjoy it while you can ... and repent at your leisure.
Well we could just kill innocents like your god has done so many times correct?

Tell me who is the better man ?

The one who out of fear of punishment and eternal damnation lives a good life in order to receive some eternal reward or the man or the man who knows there is no eternal reward and chooses to lead a good life anyway?

All religion is based on fear and greed.
Your definition of "innocent" clearly is different than God's .... but then, man has no problem killing his definition of "innocents", does he?

You are incapable of living a "good life" if you don't adhere to the precepts of God.

I am perfectly capable of living a good life without god. It's you who can't act ethically without the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head.

And yes in my book a child is innocent. How many children has your god killed in a capricious temper tantrum?
You are not capable of living a good life without God - but you are capable of living a flawed and vindictive life that you rationalize to yourself as being a "good" life, so that you can avoid the reality of what the future holds for you.

But not to worry --- I will pray for your soul. (I strongly suggest you solicit others to do the same - this going to be a big job).
There you go again judging which is acting against the command of your god

If you can't follow orders from your own god you have no business telling other people how to live

And prayer has been scientifically proven not to work

Long-Awaited Medical Study Questions the Power of Prayer

I judge no one ... I merely commented on your condition. If it pleases you, enjoy it while you can ... and repent at your leisure.
No you made judgement on my life with no information other than I don't believe in the magic man in the sky.

And I do enjoy my life without the fear of some capricious god. But you choose to live in fear of some god and in supplication to an invisible force but hey even some slaves chose to remain in servitude. because they were too scared to be free.

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