Can you be a "non-Christian" and still go to heaven?

Can you prove that heaven exists? And forget quoting a book, I mean for real.

Are you speaking of evidence? Evidence works in the physical realm, because, by definition, evidence requires a physical object. Since ancient times, we have had reports of life after death, of angels. People in my family have had experiences with both--and I'm betting most people have heard similar stories within their families or close circle of friends. We read accounts of ghosts, of life after death, of angels. But in all these, we are dealing with the non-physical, so no, by definition it is not possible to provide evidence you seek. Can you find a tooth in a tube of toothpaste? Likewise, you will not find physical proof in a spiritual realm.
So you are all just self-deluded wishful thinkers and have nothing except lame excuses for having nothing. Got it.
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
Math and other scientific discoveries are not man-made but existed before man discovered them. Ex: man did not set the speed of light, but merely observed it and quantified it. Whereas, because nothing about god is observable, this makes god a theory until such point that something about god can be proven.

Now you are getting my point. The same is true of God. Man did not create God, but observed God's presence within life. Once again, we cannot measure that which is spirit by physical means. We do not measure rocks using a liter measurement, nor do we measure rainfall in terms of miles. If mankind ever does find the means to measure God, we can be certain we won't be using a yardstick. Consider, for example: How do we measure the beauty of an almond blossom against the beauty of a pear blossom? Just as we do not have a measure for beauty and other things qualitative, we don't have a measure for spiritual. We can observe.
So you are all just self-deluded wishful thinkers and have nothing except lame excuses for having nothing. Got it.

Grin. You might "got it", but you don't get it. I understand people what to understand and experience for themselves--that they are just as worthy as anyone else--and that would be correct. It's comparable to a person being born to a poor family growing up and becoming rich and famous. The words we often hear are, "If I can do it, anyone can." They don't see themselves as anything special. The same is true of spiritual experiences. If we can, so can doesn't require anything special. Just like becoming rich: Just because anyone can, doesn't mean everyone will.
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
Precisely! If people don't care about God or goodness in this life, what takes place the instant after death to make one care about God and goodness in the next?
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
Precisely! If people don't care about God or goodness in this life, what takes place the instant after death to make one care about God and goodness in the next?

I care about God. I am God, so I care quite a lot, thank you very much.

I'm also a very moral person, I don't need others to tell me what morals I should follow, I have a brain and I use it.

I live my life in the way I deem to be the best way, I care about other people around me, and I put a lot of effort into trying to help others to achieve what it is they want to achieve.

I don't need to be criticized by others simply because I don't accept their make belief.
You should know that the only way to Heaven is through Christ, meaning your faith that he is the son of God, and he sacrificed his life to cleanse us of our sins. You cannot assume you're going to Heaven, but you must always strive for that goal. Who really knows. Anyone who says they do is lying.
So you just lied? :lol:
Nope. I was answering his question in the OP.
The truth is nobody knows if they're going to Heaven. But, I said the only way to Heaven is through Christ.
You said: "I said the only way to Heaven is through Christ." as well as ". Who really knows. Anyone who says they do is lying." Which means you're lying when you say the first statement.
Well you were mistaken. I have no problem with short-term memory loss, which allows me to not be distracted easily. Sometimes instead of showing your stupidity and making silly statements you should read the comment that a person is responding to first before popping off some wild accusation about what the intention was. It helps to formulate proper context before make a fool of one's self.
So you are all just self-deluded wishful thinkers and have nothing except lame excuses for having nothing. Got it.

Grin. You might "got it", but you don't get it. I understand people what to understand and experience for themselves--that they are just as worthy as anyone else--and that would be correct. It's comparable to a person being born to a poor family growing up and becoming rich and famous. The words we often hear are, "If I can do it, anyone can." They don't see themselves as anything special. The same is true of spiritual experiences. If we can, so can doesn't require anything special. Just like becoming rich: Just because anyone can, doesn't mean everyone will.

So Mudda, in conclusion, If you would only set your rational mind aside and just believe that a three in one god diddled a virgin to become and edible man, you too could lose your mind and spend the rest of your days gibbering incoherently and praying to a cracker for presents from paradise..

If you do not you will never know the boundless joys of fantasy land.
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
Precisely! If people don't care about God or goodness in this life, what takes place the instant after death to make one care about God and goodness in the next?

I care about God. I am God, so I care quite a lot, thank you very much.

I'm also a very moral person, I don't need others to tell me what morals I should follow, I have a brain and I use it.

I live my life in the way I deem to be the best way, I care about other people around me, and I put a lot of effort into trying to help others to achieve what it is they want to achieve.

I don't need to be criticized by others simply because I don't accept their make belief.
Anyone who claims to be God probably isn't going to be welcomed into Heaven. Not only do you replace God in your heart, but you have no sense of humility.....which has a tendency to rule your thoughts and actions. Another thing that was stressed in the Gospel was good works alone cannot get you into the kingdom of Heaven. Faith is essential.
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
I'm sure you think you can.....but then again that's just arrogance talking.
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
Precisely! If people don't care about God or goodness in this life, what takes place the instant after death to make one care about God and goodness in the next?
Ultimately, you get what you want. Eternity with God, or eternity without Him. It's your choice.
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
Precisely! If people don't care about God or goodness in this life, what takes place the instant after death to make one care about God and goodness in the next?

I care about God. I am God, so I care quite a lot, thank you very much.

I'm also a very moral person, I don't need others to tell me what morals I should follow, I have a brain and I use it.

I live my life in the way I deem to be the best way, I care about other people around me, and I put a lot of effort into trying to help others to achieve what it is they want to achieve.

I don't need to be criticized by others simply because I don't accept their make belief.
Anyone who claims to be God probably isn't going to be welcomed into Heaven. Not only do you replace God in your heart, but you have no sense of humility.....which has a tendency to rule your thoughts and actions. Another thing that was stressed in the Gospel was good works alone cannot get you into the kingdom of Heaven. Faith is essential.

That's great. I don't want to be welcome in heaven.

Do i need a sense of humility?

Faith is about as essential as pot. I don't need either. Some people can't do without these. It's the way it goes.

I've not died, I've managed to get through the whole of my life up to this point, and at no point have I believed in fairy tales and made up stuff. Why is it essential when I've done without and will do without for the rest of my life?
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
Precisely! If people don't care about God or goodness in this life, what takes place the instant after death to make one care about God and goodness in the next?

I care about God. I am God, so I care quite a lot, thank you very much.

I'm also a very moral person, I don't need others to tell me what morals I should follow, I have a brain and I use it.

I live my life in the way I deem to be the best way, I care about other people around me, and I put a lot of effort into trying to help others to achieve what it is they want to achieve.

I don't need to be criticized by others simply because I don't accept their make belief.
Anyone who claims to be God probably isn't going to be welcomed into Heaven. Not only do you replace God in your heart, but you have no sense of humility.....which has a tendency to rule your thoughts and actions. Another thing that was stressed in the Gospel was good works alone cannot get you into the kingdom of Heaven. Faith is essential.

I don't believe they were saying they are "The God" - simply that God is in all of us, you can chose to recognize it or not. Church or religion have nothing to do with it, or doesn't have to. I have seen people use church and religion for both great good and great evil.

I don't believe that God put us here to bow down and spend our life worshiping him/her/it.
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
I'm sure you think you can.....but then again that's just arrogance talking.

No it's not arrogance.

Arrogance would be telling people what happens after death, and telling them you KNOW this is true.

Rubbish, you have as much idea as I do, and I don't have a clue.
This one always cracked me up...
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
I'm sure you think you can.....but then again that's just arrogance talking.

No it's not arrogance.

Arrogance would be telling people what happens after death, and telling them you KNOW this is true.

Rubbish, you have as much idea as I do, and I don't have a clue.

I think that's the key point. None of us have a freaking clue.
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
Precisely! If people don't care about God or goodness in this life, what takes place the instant after death to make one care about God and goodness in the next?

I care about God. I am God, so I care quite a lot, thank you very much.

I'm also a very moral person, I don't need others to tell me what morals I should follow, I have a brain and I use it.

I live my life in the way I deem to be the best way, I care about other people around me, and I put a lot of effort into trying to help others to achieve what it is they want to achieve.

I don't need to be criticized by others simply because I don't accept their make belief.
Anyone who claims to be God probably isn't going to be welcomed into Heaven. Not only do you replace God in your heart, but you have no sense of humility.....which has a tendency to rule your thoughts and actions. Another thing that was stressed in the Gospel was good works alone cannot get you into the kingdom of Heaven. Faith is essential.

I don't believe they were saying they are "The God" - simply that God is in all of us, you can chose to recognize it or not. Church or religion have nothing to do with it, or doesn't have to. I have seen people use church and religion for both great good and great evil.

I don't believe that God put us here to bow down and spend our life worshiping him/her/it.

No, I was saying I am God. God isn't in me.

The point I was making, had anyone bothered to ask, is that God is what people consider to be the thing that controls stuff. I control my life, therefore I am my own God.

Either that or I tell people I'm God because it's hilarious.
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
Precisely! If people don't care about God or goodness in this life, what takes place the instant after death to make one care about God and goodness in the next?

I care about God. I am God, so I care quite a lot, thank you very much.

I'm also a very moral person, I don't need others to tell me what morals I should follow, I have a brain and I use it.

I live my life in the way I deem to be the best way, I care about other people around me, and I put a lot of effort into trying to help others to achieve what it is they want to achieve.

I don't need to be criticized by others simply because I don't accept their make belief.
Anyone who claims to be God probably isn't going to be welcomed into Heaven. Not only do you replace God in your heart, but you have no sense of humility.....which has a tendency to rule your thoughts and actions. Another thing that was stressed in the Gospel was good works alone cannot get you into the kingdom of Heaven. Faith is essential.

That's great. I don't want to be welcome in heaven.

Do i need a sense of humility?

Faith is about as essential as pot. I don't need either. Some people can't do without these. It's the way it goes.

I've not died, I've managed to get through the whole of my life up to this point, and at no point have I believed in fairy tales and made up stuff. Why is it essential when I've done without and will do without for the rest of my life?
Well, I guess you'll have to find out when you die then.
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
I'm sure you think you can.....but then again that's just arrogance talking.

No it's not arrogance.

Arrogance would be telling people what happens after death, and telling them you KNOW this is true.

Rubbish, you have as much idea as I do, and I don't have a clue.

I think that's the key point. None of us have a freaking clue.

And there are those who make up religion to replace the unknown, and there are those who accept the unknown.
If you're not a Christian, why would you want to go to Christian heaven? It sounds rather a dull and boring place in the first place, kind of like being forced to go to Sunday School or Church for the rest of your death. I can think of better things to do in my death.
Precisely! If people don't care about God or goodness in this life, what takes place the instant after death to make one care about God and goodness in the next?

I care about God. I am God, so I care quite a lot, thank you very much.

I'm also a very moral person, I don't need others to tell me what morals I should follow, I have a brain and I use it.

I live my life in the way I deem to be the best way, I care about other people around me, and I put a lot of effort into trying to help others to achieve what it is they want to achieve.

I don't need to be criticized by others simply because I don't accept their make belief.
Anyone who claims to be God probably isn't going to be welcomed into Heaven. Not only do you replace God in your heart, but you have no sense of humility.....which has a tendency to rule your thoughts and actions. Another thing that was stressed in the Gospel was good works alone cannot get you into the kingdom of Heaven. Faith is essential.

That's great. I don't want to be welcome in heaven.

Do i need a sense of humility?

Faith is about as essential as pot. I don't need either. Some people can't do without these. It's the way it goes.

I've not died, I've managed to get through the whole of my life up to this point, and at no point have I believed in fairy tales and made up stuff. Why is it essential when I've done without and will do without for the rest of my life?
Well, I guess you'll have to find out when you die then.

And I guess you'll have to find out when you die too.

The difference is, it won't be a shock to me, because I haven't made up something. For you, chances you are right is something like one in infinity or something. Not great odds.

I tell you what, you buy a lottery ticket, then if you win the jackpot I might start thinking you're getting closer to knowing what happens when we die.

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