Can You Believe It ? DOD Tells Guards To Stand Down. Pheeeew!!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It's almost as if we were watching a cartoon. Something fictitious. But no. Obama's Defense Dept really has requested that the armed citizens guarding the military recruiting centers stand down, and stop what they're doing. I'm about speechless. Just when you think you have seen everything idiotic from this administration, now we have this. Good lord!

First the administration, partially causes the massacre of 13 soldiers in Fort Hood, TX, and the shooting of 30 something more, by a deranged jihadist, just to avoid possibly offending the precious sensibilities of Muslims (2009). Then a recruiting center (2013) is attacked in Arkansas, and one person is killed by another Muslim loon, while the soldiers inside, like the Fort Hood soldiers, were unarmed and defenseless.

So now, right after another jihad attack killing 5 servicemen, in yet another recruiting station, these anti-gun, anti-military screwballs are actually asking courageous citizens to stand down from their posts, where they are protecting our servicemen. Not only are these imbeciles so detached from reality on all this, and uncaring about their own dereliction of duty, that has caused the needless deaths of our military men & women, over the past 6 years, but they have the audacity (and stupidity) to now ask the people who, at some risk, are covering for their negligence, to stop covering for them, and allow the servicemen to remain vulnerable to attack.

Makes you really wonder whose side are these loons are on ? If they were working for the terrorists, what exactly would they be doing differently ? Wow.

Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said this >> “While we greatly appreciate the outpouring of support for our recruiters from the American public, we ask that individuals not stand guard at recruiting offices as it could adversely impact our mission, and potentially create unintended security risks,

1. It now is questionable as to what your "mission" exactly is.

2. The "unintended security RISK" of our military recruiters being massacred, by another jihadist lunatic, doesn't bother you at all ?
News reports are that the administration is "reviewing options" to deal with the problem. Perfect example of what Donald Trump was talking about when he said politicians don't do anything. They plan, they do studies, they confer, they hold meetings, and they never get anything done.

RIGHT NOW, our soldiers are soft targets in recruiting centers, and are in danger, while the DOD dum dums are reviewing their options.

EARTH TO DOD: Your option is to have the recruiting soldiers carry pistols, and have assault rifles handy as well. Should have been already done. There hasn't been another attack since the July 16 attack in Chattanooga, TN, lucky for you.
And the vast majority of those who are standing guard on recruiting stations are combat vets. They're basically telling DOD to stuff it!
oh but of those killed two were armed and returned fire at the killer...
Then one of the citizens accidentally fired his weapon,,oops........
The DOD, both Military and Civilians, have accidental discharges nearly every day.
Yes indeed, which is why the DOD wants to control the amount of weapons in an area of civilians and other military personnel......
Military members should be armed wherever there is a threat. Now there is a demonstrated threat against the recruiting stations so they should be armed.

I do agree with the request for armed civilians not to stand guard in front of military recruiting stations though. Therror is potential for some of these untrained unprofessional individuals to open fire on an innocent person who "looked like a terrorist".
They're making the DoD look stupid as the DoD is stupid. All of the smart officers have retired or been forced out.
Military members should be armed wherever there is a threat. Now there is a demonstrated threat against the recruiting stations so they should be armed.

I do agree with the request for armed civilians not to stand guard in front of military recruiting stations though. Therror is potential for some of these untrained unprofessional individuals to open fire on an innocent person who "looked like a terrorist".
They are not "untrained" and they're not "unprofessional". They are trained and professional military VETERANS.
Military members should be armed wherever there is a threat. Now there is a demonstrated threat against the recruiting stations so they should be armed.

I do agree with the request for armed civilians not to stand guard in front of military recruiting stations though. Therror is potential for some of these untrained unprofessional individuals to open fire on an innocent person who "looked like a terrorist".
They are not "untrained" and they're not "unprofessional". They are trained and professional military VETERANS.


Like the clown who shot a round into the sidewalk trying to clear his weapon while "defending" his local recruiting station?

These morons standing outside polling places are just clowns playing dress-up.
Military members should be armed wherever there is a threat. Now there is a demonstrated threat against the recruiting stations so they should be armed.

I do agree with the request for armed civilians not to stand guard in front of military recruiting stations though. Therror is potential for some of these untrained unprofessional individuals to open fire on an innocent person who "looked like a terrorist".
Like the clown who shot a round into the sidewalk trying to clear his weapon while "defending" his local recruiting station? These morons standing outside polling places are just clowns playing dress-up.
As I said they are VETERANS, and YOU are the clown here, for mocking them after they put themselves in harm's way, serving you and the country for the years that they did, and now are doing it again.

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