Can You Mainline a Cellphone?


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Some students are truly and fully addicted to their fucking cellphones. This year we are going all in on getting the students to get the fuck off those damn things. Every classroom has a pouch hung over a door in the room with numbered pockets. Every student is required to place their phone in the pocket that corresponds to their desk number. Unsurprisingly, several students in each class are claiming not to have a phone at all. I have kicked at least a dozen the hell out already, with much drill sergeant barking. They will get the idea sooner or later. It's on.
This year we are going all in on getting the students to get the fuck off those damn things.


It’s a technology that isnt intrinsically good or evil.

But, it IS convenient and it ISN’T going away.

Embrace it.
Some students are truly and fully addicted to their fucking cellphones. This year we are going all in on getting the students to get the fuck off those damn things. Every classroom has a pouch hung over a door in the room with numbered pockets. Every student is required to place their phone in the pocket that corresponds to their desk number. Unsurprisingly, several students in each class are claiming not to have a phone at all. I have kicked at least a dozen the hell out already, with much drill sergeant barking. They will get the idea sooner or later. It's on.
My golfers know to not bring their phones out of the locker room... ever... and now I'm also an assistant coach for the Varsity Basketball team and I brought that rule with me... it caused some backlash but only for a while...
Now some students have taken to bringing TWO cell phones to school. They make a show of putting their phones in the pouch but using the other phone when they can. Not gonna work.
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