Can You Name The Smallest Government Spender Since Dwight D. Eisenhower

Spent so little that we're $6 trillion deeper in debt. :rolleyes:


Explain it to us all.

How exactly do you pay down the nation's credit card with bills left over from the last administration?

Cancel the debt?

I mean that's one way.

Would you have agreed that we should do that?

How does going $5 trillion deeper into debt come anywhere close to paying down the credit card?
And then we have the rest of the story......


Obama can’t avoid responsibility for 2009, either. As a columnist notes,
Obama didn’t come in and live with the budget Bush had approved. He immediately signed off on enormous spending programs that had been specifically rejected by Bush. This included a $410 billion spending bill that Bush had refused to sign before he left office. Obama signed it on March 10, 2009. Bush had been chopping brush in Texas for two months at that point. Marketwatch’s Nutting says that’s Bush’s spending. There are other spending bills that Obama signed in the first quarter of his presidency, bills that would be considered massive under any other president — such as the $40 billion child health care bill, which extended coverage to immigrants as well as millions of additional Americans. This, too, is called Bush’s spending. . .Frustrated that he can’t shift all of Obama’s spending to Bush, Nutting also lowballs the spending estimates during the later Obama years. For example, although he claims to be using the White House’s numbers, the White House’s estimate for 2012 spending is $3.795 trillion. Nutting helpfully knocks that down to $3.63 trillion. But all those errors pale in comparison to Nutting’s counting Obama’s nine-month spending binge as Bush’s spending

Ungar is lefty lawyer.

You may wonder why I am even citing the blogger Rick Ungar, who is not an economist, but rather a left-wing lawyer who wants more government control of the health care system. Ungar is a blogger at Forbes who gets his traffic there partly due to the man-bites-dog-quality of the “conservative” Forbes seemingly endorsing all sorts of left-wing talking points and legends promoted on Ungar’s blog. (Forbes’ publisher, unlike many of its staff, is conservative.) For example, this link describes Ungar’s blog post as an assertion by Forbes itself that Obama is “the smallest government spender since Eisenhower.” The fact that Ungar’s blog is on the web site of the supposedly conservative Forbes Magazine enables liberals like Roger Ebert to say that “even Forbes, of all places” agrees with whatever is the factually-baseless liberal taking-point of the day, by linking to Ungar’s blog on the site. Everything Ungar says in favor of big government, or against free market-oriented economic policies, is treated by those who agree with him as a confession or admission by a conservative magazine that markets don’t work, or that the conservative reformers that Ungar criticizes must be extremists to be criticized even at Forbes.

Tsk tsk for such misleading headlines and spin. Read the entire article for the facts.
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Spent so little that we're $6 trillion deeper in debt. :rolleyes:


Explain it to us all.

How exactly do you pay down the nation's credit card with bills left over from the last administration?

Cancel the debt?

I mean that's one way.

Would you have agreed that we should do that?

How does going $5 trillion deeper into debt come anywhere close to paying down the credit card?

I think my question was rather simple.

We have outstanding debt from 2 wars. That's not even close to being paid off yet.

What exactly do we do about that?

And I'm not even factoring in all the other spending that the Bush administration left for future generations.
I visit a candy store and spend 25 cents.

Obama visits the candy store and spends five dollars.

I return to the store and spend 50 cents. A 100 percent increase over my last visit.

Obama returns to the store and spends six dollars. A 20 percent increase over his last visit.

A liberal writes an article, "Obama smallest candy store spender".

Read it. See if I am lying.

Spent so little that we're $6 trillion deeper in debt. :rolleyes:

Since what point? As pointed out, the largest increase which is often attributed to Obama was a Bush budget that took effect before Obama was even elected.

The largest increase is the combination of Obama's $850 billion stimulus and the budget he signed in April of 2009. I might be confused, but I doubt you can sign a budget until after you have been sworn into office, and that happens 75 days after the election. Want to explain how you can claim he had nothing to do with a bill he signed?

Explain it to us all.

How exactly do you pay down the nation's credit card with bills left over from the last administration?

Cancel the debt?

I mean that's one way.

Would you have agreed that we should do that?

How does going $5 trillion deeper into debt come anywhere close to paying down the credit card?

I think my question was rather simple.

We have outstanding debt from 2 wars. That's not even close to being paid off yet.

What exactly do we do about that?

And I'm not even factoring in all the other spending that the Bush administration left for future generations.

Strangely enough, Eisenhower managed to spend down the nations credit card with bills left over from the last administration. In fact, he is the only president to have ever actually reduced the debt. You pretending it can't be done doesn't change the fact that we need to, nor does your deflection change the fact that Obama is responsible for the largest increase in spending in history.
How does going $5 trillion deeper into debt come anywhere close to paying down the credit card?

The real problem is that everyone on all sides has racked up the credit card balance, conservatives and liberals alike. If we want economic prosperity we have to do two things:

1. Restructure out taxation scheme to improve revenues (raise some taxes, lower others)

2. Reduce spending

3. Do both these things in a responsible manner that doesn't shock the economy into slower growth or into reduction.
Spent so little that we're $6 trillion deeper in debt. :rolleyes:


Explain it to us all.

How exactly do you pay down the nation's credit card with bills left over from the last administration?

Cancel the debt?

I mean that's one way.

Would you have agreed that we should do that?

By spending trillions more you don't have of course! Then, after you spend trillions more, adding to our deficit you have your Obama-bots flood political boards with crap like "Obama the mostist fiscal responsible President like EVER!!!"

Was it Bush that kept Obama in Iraq for 3 years? Was it Bush that made Obama expand Afghanistan? Was it Bush that made Obama waste 800 billion on a stimulus that failed? Was it Bush that Made Obama pass the ever growing costs associated with Obamacare? Was it Bush that made Obama spend more on military in starting “not-wars” in Libya, Egypt, Iran, Syria, Pakistan? Was it Bush that made Obama re-pass the Bush era tax cuts that Obama promised to “sunset”?
Spent so little that we're $6 trillion deeper in debt. :rolleyes:


Explain it to us all.

How exactly do you pay down the nation's credit card with bills left over from the last administration?

Cancel the debt?

I mean that's one way.

Would you have agreed that we should do that?

That's what I did in college. Ran up a couple thousand in cc debt and paid it off in a year after college. Never got a credit increase.

As the author of the piece, Rick Ungar, points out on the same page:

As the title of the page suggests, I am Forbes' official 'token lefty'.

That doesn't mean the piece is a lie, I think those numbers are interesting. But, crazy me, I'd like to hear the WHOLE story, whatever that may be.


The whole story is that Bush didn't get anywhere near the '09 budget, which was written by Pelosi-Reid- and President / President Elect Obama - which they chocked full of their budget-busting priories before Obama signed it into law. But they attribute this budget to Bush, anyways.

It hasn't grown much since that enormous bump in '09, because of course the Republicans were elected to stop the insanity.
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Spent so little that we're $6 trillion deeper in debt. :rolleyes:


Explain it to us all.

How exactly do you pay down the nation's credit card with bills left over from the last administration?

Cancel the debt?

I mean that's one way.

Would you have agreed that we should do that?

By spending trillions more you don't have of course! Then, after you spend trillions more, adding to our deficit you have your Obama-bots flood political boards with crap like "Obama the mostist fiscal responsible President like EVER!!!"

Was it Bush that kept Obama in Iraq for 3 years? Was it Bush that made Obama expand Afghanistan? Was it Bush that made Obama waste 800 billion on a stimulus that failed? Was it Bush that Made Obama pass the ever growing costs associated with Obamacare? Was it Bush that made Obama spend more on military in starting “not-wars” in Libya, Egypt, Iran, Syria, Pakistan? Was it Bush that made Obama re-pass the Bush era tax cuts that Obama promised to “sunset”?

Yes, they'll blame Bush for all of that.
Watch out ain't gonna like it.

Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes.

Forbes is hardly a Left Wing Publication.

First off, it's a Forbes reprint of a Washington Post column, and Forbes went hard left years ago.

The article is total bullshit, as you know. Obama increased federal expenditures from $2.9 trillion under bush to an average of $3.6 trillion, about a 25% increase. This is the third highest increase in spending since Eisenhower. (Bush is #1)
The whole story is that Bush didn't get anywhere near the '09 budget, which was written by Pelosi-Reid- and President / President Elect Obama - which they chocked full of their budget-busting priories before Obama signed it into law. But they attribute this budget to Bush, anyways.

The budget was written before Obama was even nominated, and was signed by Bush.

Explain it to us all.

How exactly do you pay down the nation's credit card with bills left over from the last administration?

Cancel the debt?

I mean that's one way.

Would you have agreed that we should do that?

The explanation is simple; you leftists are lying. It's kind of what you do....

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