Can You Name The Smallest Government Spender Since Dwight D. Eisenhower

How does going $5 trillion deeper into debt come anywhere close to paying down the credit card?

I think my question was rather simple.

We have outstanding debt from 2 wars. That's not even close to being paid off yet.

What exactly do we do about that?

And I'm not even factoring in all the other spending that the Bush administration left for future generations.

Strangely enough, Eisenhower managed to spend down the nations credit card with bills left over from the last administration. In fact, he is the only president to have ever actually reduced the debt. You pretending it can't be done doesn't change the fact that we need to, nor does your deflection change the fact that Obama is responsible for the largest increase in spending in history.

careful... the libs will be wanting to take us back to the 90% tax rates of the 1950's
I believe I am starting to understand the Obama-apologist argument now:

How does going $5 trillion deeper into debt come anywhere close to paying down the credit card?

The real problem is that everyone on all sides has racked up the credit card balance, conservatives and liberals alike. If we want economic prosperity we have to do two things:

1. Restructure out taxation scheme to improve revenues (raise some taxes, lower others)

2. Reduce spending

3. Do both these things in a responsible manner that doesn't shock the economy into slower growth or into reduction.

I think everyone could get on-board with that.

Except democrats.

see, democrats will NOT accept spending cuts. EVER. Remember the 'throw grandma off the cliff' routine? You ain't seen NUTHIN' yet.

They'll promise to cut spending, as long as they get their tax increases. Then they'll take the tax increases and shitcan the spending reductions... and get us even DEEPER into debt.

See T.E.F.R.A. 1982. (and don't look up the candy-ass wikipedia version of history, do some research for proper entertainment)

Reagan often gets credit for passing the largest tax increase in history. Rightfully so. But what they don't tell you, is that Tip O'niell promised congress would REDUCE SPENDING by 2 dollars for every 1 dollar in new tax revenue.

Sounds great right? Raise taxes for the purpose of balancing the budget.

Trouble is they kept the tax dollars and promptly SPENT them, never ONCE reducing spending, nor even TRYING.

Fool me once.....
I gave you the list of over $200 billion add-ons, moron.

But of course you ignore the added on appropriations that Bush requested, and received, aside from the budget.

And, his Super Majority could have cut spending in any non-discretionary area they wanted to.

And so could Bush. So yet again you demonstrate that the real complaint is that OBAMA did it, and nevermind the fact that every single President for decades, both Republican and Democrat, have been contributing to the debt. You're a deranged idiot.
I gave you the list of over $200 billion add-ons, moron.

But of course you ignore the added on appropriations that Bush requested, and received, aside from the budget.

And, his Super Majority could have cut spending in any non-discretionary area they wanted to.

And so could Bush. So yet again you demonstrate that the real complaint is that OBAMA did it, and nevermind the fact that every single President for decades, both Republican and Democrat, have been contributing to the debt. You're a deranged idiot.

But now you dance.

You said the budget Obama signed was just Bush's, rubber-stamped.

I made you look like the damn fool that you are.

Pelosi-Reid-Obama LOADED the budget for '09 with their own spending priorities, as it has easily been demonstrated.

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Obama wrote three budgets, none of them got a single vote in Congress, does that mean we aren't spending any money, or does it mean that congresscritters rewrote the budget?

Make up your mind. Are we going to blame Presidents for budgets, or Congress? You can't freely switch back and forth as it conveniences your partisantry.
The most important lesson I’ve learned is you can’t change Washington from the inside.” BHO

[ame=""]Obama: I've Learned You Can't Change Washington From The Inside - YouTube[/ame]

So why would we ever send him back there for four more years when he himself says he can't change Washington from the inside? I thought he was going to be the change?
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Not surprised that the rw's whine and wail but don't offer even one fact to back up their erroneous beliefs.

Please post some reliable and verifiable sources for these opinions.


Sent from my iPad.
Not surprised that the rw's whine and wail but don't offer even one fact to back up their erroneous beliefs.

Please post some reliable and verifiable sources for these opinions.


Sent from my iPad.

Read the thread. Who is whining? Just not going to let a BS article make a claim that is factually inaccurate.
Good lord

It says he spent 1.4

1.4 was just in spending bills

well, gotta mark forbes off the honest list
Thread fail.

Federal spending has been a freaking hockey stick chart since Owebama took office.

Can you name the whitest US President since last week?


Yep, play that race card. It is after all....all you've got.

uhm, no

How about the terror attacks on our soil

The execution w/o trial of a citizen

the murder, then rape of an ambassador

Fast and furious cover up

wasted money on green companies

$4/gal for gas

8% UE

22.5 Million unemployed

Vast amounts of executive decrease

and that's just off the cuff
Watch out ain't gonna like it.

Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes.

Forbes is hardly a Left Wing Publication.

He didn't spend less but rather spending grew at a slower rate.


It quite clearly states in the title of the chart that it is a mesure of the growth in federal spending not the total federal spending.

You do realize that when the government spends 3.8 trillion a year that a small increase can be a big number as compared to when the government spent 590 billion in 1980 don't you

So let's see Reagan raise spending by 8.7% and spent 754 billion in 1982

Obama raise spending by 1.4% and spent 3.8 trillion in 2011

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