Can You Name The Smallest Government Spender Since Dwight D. Eisenhower

I'd like to know how Obama can be such a huge spender when he cannot get anything though the thoroughly retarded house of representatives for the last couple of years and then barely did before that?

Well, never having a budget might have a bit to do with it...
The whole story is that Bush didn't get anywhere near the '09 budget, which was written by Pelosi-Reid- and President / President Elect Obama - which they chocked full of their budget-busting priories before Obama signed it into law. But they attribute this budget to Bush, anyways.

The budget was written before Obama was even nominated, and was signed by Bush.

You are an embarrassment to humanity, Libtard.

In 2011, the federal budget reached $3.6 trillion, compared to $2.9 trillion in 2008. By contrast, under the Eisenhower administration, the federal budget ranged from $76 billion in 1953, to $97 billion in 1961, according to the World Almanac. So Obama is obviously a bigger spender than either Bush, or Eisenhower, contrary to Rick Ungar’s absurd claim that Obama is “the smallest government spender since Eisenhower.” Ungar cites the claims of a liberal reporter, MarketWatch’s Rex Nutting, who has claimed that “under Obama, federal spending is rising at the slowest pace since Dwight Eisenhower.” As the Washington Examiner notes, this is misleading, since it largely blames Bush for $400 billion in spending in 2009 that Obama was responsible for, including major spending increases that Bush had opposed:

You are an embarrassment to humanity, Libtard.

Hook, line, sinker.

Time for you to log off, cocksucker.


President Obama Signs FY 2009 Omnibus Budget Bill
Written by Michael Wero
Friday, 13 March 2009 14:29

Navajo Nation Washington Office &view=article&id=66:president-obama-signs-fy-2009-omnibus-budget-bill-&catid=35:fy20 09&Itemid=45

'It was supposed to have been completed last fall, but Democrats opted against election-year battles with Republicans and former President George W. Bush.'

Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill - politics - White House | NBC News

'Feb 26, 2009

President calls for fiscal responsibility and hard choices, but not yet.

Washington, DC - President Obama’s $3.5 trillion 2009 budget will spend money today and burden taxpayers for generations. Under the Presidents proposal, spending will increase to nearly 35 percent of GDP, far from the historical norm of 20 percent, and the deficit will soar to 12.3 percent of GDP, levels not seen since the height of World War II.'
Last edited:
You are an embarrassment to humanity, Libtard.

Hook, line, sinker.

Time for you to log off, cocksucker.


President Obama Signs FY 2009 Omnibus Budget Bill
Written by Michael Wero
Friday, 13 March 2009 14:29

Navajo Nation Washington Office &view=article&id=66:president-obama-signs-fy-2009-omnibus-budget-bill-&catid=35:fy20 09&Itemid=45

'It was supposed to have been completed last fall, but Democrats opted against election-year battles with Republicans and former President George W. Bush.'

Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill - politics - White House | NBC News

'Feb 26, 2009

President calls for fiscal responsibility and hard choices, but not yet.

Washington, DC - President Obama’s $3.5 trillion 2009 budget will spend money today and burden taxpayers for generations. Under the Presidents proposal, spending will increase to nearly 35 percent of GDP, far from the historical norm of 20 percent, and the deficit will soar to 12.3 percent of GDP, levels not seen since the height of World War II.' -2009-budget-projects-deficit-of-175-trillion

Too late, Dreamy beat you to it.

I intentionally made an inaccurate statement. If you were a person knowledgeable about what you're speaking, you would have addressed the factual merit of my statements. But facts aren't really your style. So you predictably went the route of blathering blatherskite.
Hook, line, sinker.

Time for you to log off, cocksucker.


President Obama Signs FY 2009 Omnibus Budget Bill
Written by Michael Wero
Friday, 13 March 2009 14:29

Navajo Nation Washington Office &view=article&id=66:president-obama-signs-fy-2009-omnibus-budget-bill-&catid=35:fy20 09&Itemid=45

'It was supposed to have been completed last fall, but Democrats opted against election-year battles with Republicans and former President George W. Bush.'

Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill - politics - White House | NBC News

'Feb 26, 2009

President calls for fiscal responsibility and hard choices, but not yet.

Washington, DC - President Obama’s $3.5 trillion 2009 budget will spend money today and burden taxpayers for generations. Under the Presidents proposal, spending will increase to nearly 35 percent of GDP, far from the historical norm of 20 percent, and the deficit will soar to 12.3 percent of GDP, levels not seen since the height of World War II.' -2009-budget-projects-deficit-of-175-trillion

Too late, Dreamy beat you to it.

I intentionally made an inaccurate statement. If you were a person knowledgeable about what you're speaking, you would have addressed the factual merit of my statements. But facts aren't really your style. So you predictably went the route of blathering blatherskite.

They all say that.

How does going $5 trillion deeper into debt come anywhere close to paying down the credit card?

The real problem is that everyone on all sides has racked up the credit card balance, conservatives and liberals alike. If we want economic prosperity we have to do two things:

1. Restructure out taxation scheme to improve revenues (raise some taxes, lower others)

2. Reduce spending

3. Do both these things in a responsible manner that doesn't shock the economy into slower growth or into reduction.

There is no doubt that both parties have contributed to the problem, that does not change the fact that Obama made it worse in 4 years than Bush did in 8, or the previous presidents did combined.
Hook, line, sinker.

Time for you to log off, cocksucker.


President Obama Signs FY 2009 Omnibus Budget Bill
Written by Michael Wero
Friday, 13 March 2009 14:29

Navajo Nation Washington Office &view=article&id=66:president-obama-signs-fy-2009-omnibus-budget-bill-&catid=35:fy20 09&Itemid=45

'It was supposed to have been completed last fall, but Democrats opted against election-year battles with Republicans and former President George W. Bush.'

Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill - politics - White House | NBC News

'Feb 26, 2009

President calls for fiscal responsibility and hard choices, but not yet.

Washington, DC - President Obama’s $3.5 trillion 2009 budget will spend money today and burden taxpayers for generations. Under the Presidents proposal, spending will increase to nearly 35 percent of GDP, far from the historical norm of 20 percent, and the deficit will soar to 12.3 percent of GDP, levels not seen since the height of World War II.' -2009-budget-projects-deficit-of-175-trillion

Too late, Dreamy beat you to it.

I intentionally made an inaccurate statement. If you were a person knowledgeable about what you're speaking, you would have addressed the factual merit of my statements. But facts aren't really your style. So you predictably went the route of blathering blatherskite.

Well played.

Not that I agree with that tactics..
The whole story is that Bush didn't get anywhere near the '09 budget, which was written by Pelosi-Reid- and President / President Elect Obama - which they chocked full of their budget-busting priories before Obama signed it into law. But they attribute this budget to Bush, anyways.

The budget was written before Obama was even nominated, and was signed by Bush.

Bush signed a 90 day stopgap spending measure, not the budget. Obama signed the budget. Don't believe me? Try MSNBC.

Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill - politics - White House | NBC News
The whole story is that Bush didn't get anywhere near the '09 budget, which was written by Pelosi-Reid- and President / President Elect Obama - which they chocked full of their budget-busting priories before Obama signed it into law. But they attribute this budget to Bush, anyways.

The budget was written before Obama was even nominated, and was signed by Bush.

Bush signed a 90 day stopgap spending measure, not the budget. Obama signed the budget. Don't believe me? Try MSNBC.

Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill - politics - White House | NBC News

Evidently, they already know this and are just trolling.
They all say that.


The weak of mind are easily manipulated. :lol:

Hook, line, sinker.

Time for you to log off, cocksucker.


President Obama Signs FY 2009 Omnibus Budget Bill
Written by Michael Wero
Friday, 13 March 2009 14:29

Navajo Nation Washington Office &view=article&id=66:president-obama-signs-fy-2009-omnibus-budget-bill-&catid=35:fy20 09&Itemid=45

'It was supposed to have been completed last fall, but Democrats opted against election-year battles with Republicans and former President George W. Bush.'

Obama signs massive, 'imperfect' spending bill - politics - White House | NBC News

'Feb 26, 2009

President calls for fiscal responsibility and hard choices, but not yet.

Washington, DC - President Obama’s $3.5 trillion 2009 budget will spend money today and burden taxpayers for generations. Under the Presidents proposal, spending will increase to nearly 35 percent of GDP, far from the historical norm of 20 percent, and the deficit will soar to 12.3 percent of GDP, levels not seen since the height of World War II.' -2009-budget-projects-deficit-of-175-trillion

Too late, Dreamy beat you to it.

I intentionally made an inaccurate statement. If you were a person knowledgeable about what you're speaking, you would have addressed the factual merit of my statements. But facts aren't really your style. So you predictably went the route of blathering blatherskite.


I stepped in it bad by saying something really stupid because I am an ignorant fuckwit, so I am going to pretend I did it on purpose rather than admit I was wrong.
Spent so little that we're $6 trillion deeper in debt. :rolleyes:

Before you say something so ignorant, you could do a little research. Or not. You may not know how.

Obama was given a yearly debt of of nearly 1.5 trillion. This year is just over 1 trillion. That means he has cut that deficit by a third. At that rate, the national deficit can be taken out, with a growing economy, in just over 10 years.

And government has shrunk by, how much? You guys insist you know what you are talking about. How many government workers have been cut during Obama's first term. You guys hate him. What do you know about him? Real stuff, not the nonsense, like he's a Kenyan Mau Mau or some other nonsense.

And I'm curious. Considering the amount of money Romney has invested in China, what is it you expect him to do?

And Romney's plan to bring immigrants here with degrees. Do Republicans really like that plan? They want bosses with accents?

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