Can You Really Put God in a Box?


Mar 8, 2012
Chicago, IL
Can you really put God in a box?

Embarking on a spiritual journey by using the vehicle of a single, rigid religion - in my opinion - has the potential to be extremely limiting. You are given a ceiling of limitations (God cannot be this, but God is this, etc), and you are told never to stray from the central ideas no matter how much you may believe they are false.

Now, I'm not necessarily knocking religious people here; I realize we all come from different places on this idea, and I actually very much so admire the Christians in my community who do a lot of great things. I just wanted to bring up the discussion.

Again, religions seem so incredibly rigid, set, limiting, and human-created that I don't understand why someone would want to go down that route in an effort to become more spiritually enlightened. Why would I listen absolutely to some scribe from 2,000 years ago? Why is it so incredibly wrong to take those ideas, change them, build from them, etc?

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Can You Really Put God in a Box?

what would the Bible be today if it had gone through revisions to the scriptures responsible for inequities over the centuries during those times to become actual representations of the true religion ?

why are scriptures condoning servitude not rewritten ?

why was there not ordination of women from the very beginning ?

the present day Bible by the lack of revisions to its text is its own indictment against representing the True Religion.

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Where did GOD come from? Such a simple question. Why bother with the pretenses? We are HERE, we are NOW. Human intellect can figure out the mechanics of how the universe works, but NOT the metaphysics of WHY.
So, where did GOD come from? WHY? Prove it.
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Can you really put God in a box?

Embarking on a spiritual journey by using the vehicle of a single, rigid religion - in my opinion - has the potential to be extremely limiting. You are given a ceiling of limitations (God cannot be this, but God is this, etc), and you are told never to stray from the central ideas no matter how much you may believe they are false.

Now, I'm not necessarily knocking religious people here; I realize we all come from different places on this idea, and I actually very much so admire the Christians in my community who do a lot of great things. I just wanted to bring up the discussion.

Again, religions seem so incredibly rigid, set, limiting, and human-created that I don't understand why someone would want to go down that route in an effort to become more spiritually enlightened. Why would I listen absolutely to some scribe from 2,000 years ago? Why is it so incredibly wrong to take those ideas, change them, build from them, etc?


Man can:
Walk with God in the garden. See Him on a mountain. Seat God beside your campfire, Serve Him stew. See Him guiding you through a desert night and day. Beseech Him in the Temple.
What you can't do is add to or take away from what He says. If He is all Truth, why would you corrupt the truth right off the bat with your limited understanding?

God is multi- dimensional. He can move freely forward or backward in time. That is how He is able to tell us in advance what the future holds. 1/4 of the Bible is prophecy.

If man created it, man should be able to produce it.
Predict for me if it is a man thing. Who will win the Kentucky Derby in 2019? Live up to your allegation........... :eusa_angel:
Can you really put God in a box?

Embarking on a spiritual journey by using the vehicle of a single, rigid religion - in my opinion - has the potential to be extremely limiting. You are given a ceiling of limitations (God cannot be this, but God is this, etc), and you are told never to stray from the central ideas no matter how much you may believe they are false.

Now, I'm not necessarily knocking religious people here; I realize we all come from different places on this idea, and I actually very much so admire the Christians in my community who do a lot of great things. I just wanted to bring up the discussion.

Again, religions seem so incredibly rigid, set, limiting, and human-created that I don't understand why someone would want to go down that route in an effort to become more spiritually enlightened. Why would I listen absolutely to some scribe from 2,000 years ago? Why is it so incredibly wrong to take those ideas, change them, build from them, etc?


Whose in the Box, God or Man

God doesn't live in a box so man can build a religion around him, rather, men live in a box and if they have enough faith in God, he will help them out of the box but only if they obey him.

It's man who lives in the Bible and can't seem to get out of it. They'll live according to the Bible until they are dead because they never came alive by reading and studying it. The invisible Christ testified by the saints didn't come to compete with the scriptures and this is why they told the Jewish Pharisees that the scriptures only testified to our Father through Christ. Scriptures don't give eternal life. Our Creator is the way, the truth and the life.

I've had countless people try tell me the Holy Bible is the Word of God but they fail to listen to it. Everywhere in the Bible it says that we need to be righteous before God. This means we cannot sin but those people who worship the Bible as their God cannot live up to it. All I have to do is mention that I'm sinless and they let me know right away that they're not righteous before God.

These people are living in a box that they can't get out of unless they have enough faith for God to start working in their lives. All they can see is open sky above them, hoping that the promises of God they read about in the Bible will come true for them. These are only dreams that will fade away into the dark when they die without his spirit that gives them life. Faith is the only way to see the spirit of God who can give them eternal life.

Someday soon, God will close the top of the box and throw it into the fire to end this age. Those who had faith and had God help them out of the box will know our Creator as their friend and Christ as the true Word of God that never was the Holy Bible. Are you sitting in the box today, wondering if you're following the Truth? If you're wondering, then you don't know him and you better place your faith somewhere else besides the Holy Bible. Don't be caught in that burning box at the end of this age.

I'm a true saint who speaks from outside the box where our Creator is.
I don't put God in a box. My religion is everything God reveals to be true.
I don't put God in a box. My religion is everything God reveals to be true.

And your religion is the box that you Christians keep your false gods in. Whatever interpretations of the scriptures that a Christian believes in is the box for their god. Any other interpretation beyond your own interpretation is rejected.

God is the Creator of EVERYTHING, including all the unbelievers who put their gods in a box.
Interesting responses so far, and I think my views relate more to "theword" / "hangover" vs perhaps "avatar's".

Again, I in no way don’t doubt that the Christians (or Muslims, etc) are onto something, however to be limited to one text, or one set of rules, or one single interpretation by scribes thousands of years ago of what God is seems (to me at least) to be extremely limiting. There is little room for growth beyond the borders and regulations laid out by the religions long ago.

I feel that if we are to truly explore ourselves spiritually, we must be open to ALL possibilities (including the one that everything we know now might be incorrect).
God is the Creator of EVERYTHING, including all the unbelievers who put their gods in a box.

"God" is a creator, not Everything is created by God but Everything created exists because of God ... Satan is Dead.

God is the Creator of EVERYTHING, including all the unbelievers who put their gods in a box.

"God" is a creator, not Everything is created by God but Everything created exists because of God ... Satan is Dead.


How do you know that you and I and everyone else on this planet (and beyond) aren't just "pieces" of God broken out and made to believe we are separate?

In that case, "God" would have created everything - right?
God is the Creator of EVERYTHING, including all the unbelievers who put their gods in a box.

"God" is a creator, not Everything is created by God but Everything created exists because of God ... Satan is Dead.


How do you know that you and I and everyone else on this planet (and beyond) aren't just "pieces" of God broken out and made to believe we are separate?

In that case, "God" would have created everything - right?

not sure what you are saying however no we are not pieces of God - our Spirits are entirely ourselves and nothing else, to survive or not on our own accord.

Gods influence is not that we are created but that the Everlasting is what God says it is or perish ...

not sure what you are saying however no we are not pieces of God - our Spirits are entirely ourselves and nothing else, to survive or not on our own accord.

Gods influence is not that we are created but that the Everlasting is what God says it is or perish ...


All I’m doing is challenging the conventional idea that “God” is completely separate from you and I.

How do you know that “our Spirits are entirely ourselves and nothing else”? I mean, why would your allegation (which may be true, by the way) hold any more stake than mine? We’re both equal human beings, and (assuming we’re not trying to actively deceive one another) both have legitimate thoughts – right?
Interesting responses so far, and I think my views relate more to "theword" / "hangover" vs perhaps "avatar's".

Again, I in no way don’t doubt that the Christians (or Muslims, etc) are onto something, however to be limited to one text, or one set of rules, or one single interpretation by scribes thousands of years ago of what God is seems (to me at least) to be extremely limiting. There is little room for growth beyond the borders and regulations laid out by the religions long ago.

I feel that if we are to truly explore ourselves spiritually, we must be open to ALL possibilities (including the one that everything we know now might be incorrect).

If a word is proven, and God's word is pure, then why un-refine it with additives?
You don't have to rely on who said or when said, you have to rely on if what was said is accurate.
I will put the God of Abraham's prophecies up against any other "spiritual entity's" ability to inform of us future events. :eusa_angel:

When you find gold you stop exploring and start digging. For me the God of Abraham is the mother lode. I want the spirit that proves He is who He says He is. Telling me the future, a feat no man can accomplish, has my attention. ;)
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Interesting responses so far, and I think my views relate more to "theword" / "hangover" vs perhaps "avatar's".

Again, I in no way don’t doubt that the Christians (or Muslims, etc) are onto something, however to be limited to one text, or one set of rules, or one single interpretation by scribes thousands of years ago of what God is seems (to me at least) to be extremely limiting. There is little room for growth beyond the borders and regulations laid out by the religions long ago.

I feel that if we are to truly explore ourselves spiritually, we must be open to ALL possibilities (including the one that everything we know now might be incorrect).

If a word is proven, and God's word is pure, then why un-refine it with additives?
You don't have to rely on who said or when said, you have to rely on if what was said is accurate.
I will put the God of Abraham's prophecies up again any other "spiritual entity's" ability to inform of us future events. :eusa_angel:

When you find gold you stop exploring and start digging. For me the God of Abraham is the mother lode. I want the spirit that proves He is who He says He is. Telling me the future, a feat no man can accomplish, has my attention. ;)

Why is it the case that if someone can accurately predict the future that we should also assume they are the authority on God as well? Perhaps in 1,000 years we'll discover (as many scientists say today) that time travel and predicting the future is "simply" a matter of bending time, etc, and that it's just another technology we've yet to partake in?

I'm sure if a person from 2013 landed in the middle of Rome in 24 AD on a fancy helicopter, wielding powerful nuclear weapons and fancy iPads and computers he/she would be able to quickly convince the general population that he/she was sent from God and has all the secrets to the Universe - correct?

Get my point?

To my knowledge there is no way to prove that the Bible is the all encompassing word of God and that no other texts are valid.
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John 7:17 will prove to you that the Bible is the all encompassing word of God. It is up to you to decide if you are willing to do the will of God once you know it, Kevin. If you are willing? You'll know it, because God will reveal himself to such a person. - Jeri

p.s. organized religion - books by other christians to help you along the way - are as Guyon said.....just oars in the water to get you out onto the deep blue sea with God - once you are deep enough and the Spirit of God is ready to send you out you'll lift the sail and pull the oars into the boat. Because you won't need those anymore. Then you will go wherever the Spirit of God takes you and not where man is taking you. ( which is how it should be ) There are two ways to live. Be led by the Spirit or be led by dead religion which refuses to be led by the Spirit and won't allow you to be either.
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John 7:17 will prove to you that the Bible is the all encompassing word of God. It is up to you to decide if you are willing to do the will of God once you know it, Kevin. If you are willing? You'll know it, because God will reveal himself to such a person. - Jeri

p.s. organized religion - books by other christians to help you along the way - are as Guyon said.....just oars in the water to get you out onto the deep blue sea with God - once you are deep enough and the Spirit of God is ready to send you out you'll lift the sail and pull the oars into the boat. Because you won't need those anymore. Then you will go wherever the Spirit of God takes you and not where man is taking you. ( which is how it should be ) There are two ways to live. Be led by the Spirit or be led by dead religion which refuses to be led by the Spirit and won't allow you to be either.

With all due respect, I don't believe John 7:17 - "Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own" - proves anything here.

There have been countless other human beings who have also claimed to have personally spoken to/felt God in a spiritual experience in a way not affiliated with Christianity. Why is your opinion or experience any more important or profound than a Tibetan monk's?
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Interesting responses so far, and I think my views relate more to "theword" / "hangover" vs perhaps "avatar's".

Again, I in no way don’t doubt that the Christians (or Muslims, etc) are onto something, however to be limited to one text, or one set of rules, or one single interpretation by scribes thousands of years ago of what God is seems (to me at least) to be extremely limiting. There is little room for growth beyond the borders and regulations laid out by the religions long ago.

I feel that if we are to truly explore ourselves spiritually, we must be open to ALL possibilities (including the one that everything we know now might be incorrect).

If a word is proven, and God's word is pure, then why un-refine it with additives?
You don't have to rely on who said or when said, you have to rely on if what was said is accurate.
I will put the God of Abraham's prophecies up again any other "spiritual entity's" ability to inform of us future events. :eusa_angel:

When you find gold you stop exploring and start digging. For me the God of Abraham is the mother lode. I want the spirit that proves He is who He says He is. Telling me the future, a feat no man can accomplish, has my attention. ;)

Why is it the case that if someone can accurately predict the future that we should also assume they are the authority on God as well? Perhaps in 1,000 years we'll discover (as many scientists say today) that time travel and predicting the future is "simply" a matter of bending time, etc, and that it's just another technology we've yet to partake in?

I'm sure if a person from 2013 landed in the middle of Rome in 24 AD on a fancy helicopter, wielding powerful nuclear weapons and fancy iPads and computers he/she would be able to quickly convince the general population that he/she was sent from God and has all the secrets to the Universe - correct?

Get my point?

To my knowledge there is no way to prove that the Bible is the all encompassing word of God and that no other texts are valid.

It is not that some one can correctly guess a future event, it is that God's prophets did it consistently throughout history. And they attribute their ability to God, not themselves.

Science today has concluded that dimensions can be traveled through. And that there are more than 4 to travel through. Something God has known all along, him being the architect of dimensions. It is how He sees the end from the beginning. Not guesswork here and there........
Been there, seen that, is how we get prophecy.

We may have to wait for science or 1,000 years to partake in time travel, but we don't have to wait that long to understand it exists. The one that created time is not bound by it.
Read the Bible. 6 dimensions were necessary for Christ to appear and disappear at will. That is time travel, 2000 years ago style. Why wait for Hawking to get the revelation.? :cuckoo: :eusa_angel:
If a word is proven, and God's word is pure, then why un-refine it with additives?
You don't have to rely on who said or when said, you have to rely on if what was said is accurate.
I will put the God of Abraham's prophecies up again any other "spiritual entity's" ability to inform of us future events. :eusa_angel:

When you find gold you stop exploring and start digging. For me the God of Abraham is the mother lode. I want the spirit that proves He is who He says He is. Telling me the future, a feat no man can accomplish, has my attention. ;)

Why is it the case that if someone can accurately predict the future that we should also assume they are the authority on God as well? Perhaps in 1,000 years we'll discover (as many scientists say today) that time travel and predicting the future is "simply" a matter of bending time, etc, and that it's just another technology we've yet to partake in?

I'm sure if a person from 2013 landed in the middle of Rome in 24 AD on a fancy helicopter, wielding powerful nuclear weapons and fancy iPads and computers he/she would be able to quickly convince the general population that he/she was sent from God and has all the secrets to the Universe - correct?

Get my point?

To my knowledge there is no way to prove that the Bible is the all encompassing word of God and that no other texts are valid.

It is not that some one can correctly guess a future event, it is that God's prophets did it consistently throughout history. And they attribute their ability to God, not themselves.

Science today has concluded that dimensions can be traveled through. And that there are more than 4 to travel through. Something God has known all along, him being the architect of dimensions. It is how He sees the end from the beginning. Not guesswork here and there........
Been there, seen that, is how we get prophecy.

We may have to wait for science or 1,000 years to partake in time travel, but we don't have to wait that long to understand it exists. The one that created time is not bound by it.
Read the Bible. 6 dimensions were necessary for Christ to appear and disappear at will. That is time travel, 2000 years ago style. Why wait for Hawking to get the revelation.? :cuckoo: :eusa_angel:

But again, how do you know - absolutely - that all of these prophets throughout the years weren't just being manipulated by beings who were very powerful (by our standards) but not necessarily "God"? That is my point. We (as humans) manipulate, trick, and deceive "lesser beings" all of the time, from domesticated animals to mighty lions in the wild.

Just because an individual or a series of individuals are able to do something that we (with our limited knowledge and experience) deem "magical" and "prophetic" doesn't necessarily mean that what they claim to know about God is the end all, say all.

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