Can You Really Put God in a Box?

not sure what you are saying however no we are not pieces of God - our Spirits are entirely ourselves and nothing else, to survive or not on our own accord.

Gods influence is not that we are created but that the Everlasting is what God says it is or perish ...


All I’m doing is challenging the conventional idea that “God” is completely separate from you and I.

How do you know that “our Spirits are entirely ourselves and nothing else”? I mean, why would your allegation (which may be true, by the way) hold any more stake than mine? We’re both equal human beings, and (assuming we’re not trying to actively deceive one another) both have legitimate thoughts – right?

KW: All I’m doing is challenging the conventional idea that “God” is completely separate from you and I.

isn't that a new thread ?

KW: We’re both equal human beings, and ... both have legitimate thoughts – right?

... and both have legitimate thoughts

I would suggest the above, our own thoughts answers the question of separation and hopefully a complete one - why would you doubt you are not your own self ? . :eusa_hand:

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not sure what you are saying however no we are not pieces of God - our Spirits are entirely ourselves and nothing else, to survive or not on our own accord.

Gods influence is not that we are created but that the Everlasting is what God says it is or perish ...


All I’m doing is challenging the conventional idea that “God” is completely separate from you and I.

How do you know that “our Spirits are entirely ourselves and nothing else”? I mean, why would your allegation (which may be true, by the way) hold any more stake than mine? We’re both equal human beings, and (assuming we’re not trying to actively deceive one another) both have legitimate thoughts – right?

KW: All I’m doing is challenging the conventional idea that “God” is completely separate from you and I.

isn't that a new thread ?

KW: We’re both equal human beings, and ... both have legitimate thoughts – right?

... and both have legitimate thoughts

I would suggest the above, our own thoughts answers the question of separation and hopefully a complete one - why would you doubt you are not your own self ? . :eusa_hand:


But where do you think your thoughts come from? Aren't they driven largely by reactions to the environment around you, and things you've seen or heard?

In Buddhism (I believe) one of the core truths is that "everything is one" and that separation is only an illusion. Many folks who meditate for enlightenment have come to this conclusion throughout the years and believe it to be a wholly valid opinion.
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We put God in a book. Same thing. Islam. Christianity. Judaism. Buddhism.
Every form of mysticism under the sun, it’s canned and sold.
Boxes. I don't know how many people I have seen put in boxes, and some time soon it will be my turn. I wish I once saw GOD show up. I wish GOD would apologize for all the suffering, cancer, car wrecks and death he causes. Put god in a box? God isn't showing up at any funerals I have been too lately. Perhaps I am a little bitter. Perhaps he is in the faces of the newborn children, or the wind blowing....Yeah. Perhaps it's all a delusion.
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Boxes. I don't know how many people I have seen put in boxes, and some time soon it will be my turn. I wish I once saw GOD show up. I wish GOD would apologize for all the suffering, cancer, car wrecks and death he causes. Put god in a box? God isn't showing up at any funerals I have been too lately. Perhaps I am a little bitter. Perhaps he is in the faces of the newborn children, or the wind blowing....Yeah. Perhaps it's all a delusion.

Listen to the Wind

The trees of a forest bow down to the wind
Oh my people, listen to the wind.

The waves of the sea bow down to the wind
Oh my people, listen to the wind.

The birds in the trees bow down to the wind
Oh my people, listen to the wind.

The lily's in a field bow down to the wind
Oh my people, listen to the wind.

The wind bows down to the creator
Oh my people, listen to the creator.
Can you really put God in a box?

Embarking on a spiritual journey by using the vehicle of a single, rigid religion - in my opinion - has the potential to be extremely limiting. You are given a ceiling of limitations (God cannot be this, but God is this, etc), and you are told never to stray from the central ideas no matter how much you may believe they are false.

Now, I'm not necessarily knocking religious people here; I realize we all come from different places on this idea, and I actually very much so admire the Christians in my community who do a lot of great things. I just wanted to bring up the discussion.

Again, religions seem so incredibly rigid, set, limiting, and human-created that I don't understand why someone would want to go down that route in an effort to become more spiritually enlightened. Why would I listen absolutely to some scribe from 2,000 years ago? Why is it so incredibly wrong to take those ideas, change them, build from them, etc?


The sun, moon, and stars are still around, even after 2,000 years. A good question to ask, that is to reiterate your question, can a man survive for three days in the belly of a fish?
Interesting responses so far, and I think my views relate more to "theword" / "hangover" vs perhaps "avatar's".

Again, I in no way don’t doubt that the Christians (or Muslims, etc) are onto something, however to be limited to one text, or one set of rules, or one single interpretation by scribes thousands of years ago of what God is seems (to me at least) to be extremely limiting. There is little room for growth beyond the borders and regulations laid out by the religions long ago.

I feel that if we are to truly explore ourselves spiritually, we must be open to ALL possibilities (including the one that everything we know now might be incorrect).

If a word is proven, and God's word is pure, then why un-refine it with additives?
You don't have to rely on who said or when said, you have to rely on if what was said is accurate.
I will put the God of Abraham's prophecies up again any other "spiritual entity's" ability to inform of us future events. :eusa_angel:

When you find gold you stop exploring and start digging. For me the God of Abraham is the mother lode. I want the spirit that proves He is who He says He is. Telling me the future, a feat no man can accomplish, has my attention. ;)

Why is it the case that if someone can accurately predict the future that we should also assume they are the authority on God as well? Perhaps in 1,000 years we'll discover (as many scientists say today) that time travel and predicting the future is "simply" a matter of bending time, etc, and that it's just another technology we've yet to partake in?

I'm sure if a person from 2013 landed in the middle of Rome in 24 AD on a fancy helicopter, wielding powerful nuclear weapons and fancy iPads and computers he/she would be able to quickly convince the general population that he/she was sent from God and has all the secrets to the Universe - correct?

Get my point?

To my knowledge there is no way to prove that the Bible is the all encompassing word of God and that no other texts are valid.

Scientists will never understand that we are invisible and always will be invisible. The visible world we experience is only an illusion that comes from processed wavelengths of energy, which is our invisible existence that no man can see. If I said this to an astrophysicist, he wouldn't think I'm as crazy as a religious man would.
If a word is proven, and God's word is pure, then why un-refine it with additives?
You don't have to rely on who said or when said, you have to rely on if what was said is accurate.
I will put the God of Abraham's prophecies up again any other "spiritual entity's" ability to inform of us future events. :eusa_angel:

When you find gold you stop exploring and start digging. For me the God of Abraham is the mother lode. I want the spirit that proves He is who He says He is. Telling me the future, a feat no man can accomplish, has my attention. ;)

Why is it the case that if someone can accurately predict the future that we should also assume they are the authority on God as well? Perhaps in 1,000 years we'll discover (as many scientists say today) that time travel and predicting the future is "simply" a matter of bending time, etc, and that it's just another technology we've yet to partake in?

I'm sure if a person from 2013 landed in the middle of Rome in 24 AD on a fancy helicopter, wielding powerful nuclear weapons and fancy iPads and computers he/she would be able to quickly convince the general population that he/she was sent from God and has all the secrets to the Universe - correct?

Get my point?

To my knowledge there is no way to prove that the Bible is the all encompassing word of God and that no other texts are valid.

Scientists will never understand that we are invisible and always will be invisible. The visible world we experience is only an illusion that comes from processed wavelengths of energy, which is our invisible existence that no man can see. If I said this to an astrophysicist, he wouldn't think I'm as crazy as a religious man would.

Are the processed wavelengths of energy visible? Could you explain further?
Why is it the case that if someone can accurately predict the future that we should also assume they are the authority on God as well? Perhaps in 1,000 years we'll discover (as many scientists say today) that time travel and predicting the future is "simply" a matter of bending time, etc, and that it's just another technology we've yet to partake in?

I'm sure if a person from 2013 landed in the middle of Rome in 24 AD on a fancy helicopter, wielding powerful nuclear weapons and fancy iPads and computers he/she would be able to quickly convince the general population that he/she was sent from God and has all the secrets to the Universe - correct?

Get my point?

To my knowledge there is no way to prove that the Bible is the all encompassing word of God and that no other texts are valid.

Scientists will never understand that we are invisible and always will be invisible. The visible world we experience is only an illusion that comes from processed wavelengths of energy, which is our invisible existence that no man can see. If I said this to an astrophysicist, he wouldn't think I'm as crazy as a religious man would.

Are the processed wavelengths of energy visible? Could you explain further?

No man can see a wavelength of energy but once it's processed into illusions that we can understand, then we perceive a defined world. Scientists keep looking at an atomic element as being something real but it's only an illusion. Atomic elements are like pixels on a monitor that we experience while working with pictures on a computer program called Photoshop. Except the atomic elements are something we view on our retina's instead of a monitor. You have to remember that computer monitors and our retina's are only illusions also. Everything we perceive with our senses is the result of processed energy ( which is information ).

In other words, we created "beings" are bits of information spoken into existence through the voice of God, also known as the Word of God. These bits of information have to be processed by our invisible brain, which is a processor of information. So our created existence is a processor, just like a computer processor is used to take invisible thoughts of God converted into 0's and 1's on a binary code and processed into information we can experience with our senses.
God had dinner at my house last Tuesday. He said he was ashamed of right wingers. We had Kentucky Fried with two sides.

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