Canada Complains that Trump Negotiator is a “vicious son of a bitch”

That's why I like Trump he plays hardball every time.
-------------------------------------------- TRUMP is taking to heart Americas war with the 'canadians' -- err , the 'pre canadians' and he remembers who the 'tories' were . :afro:
Canada Complains that Trump Negotiator is a “vicious son of a bitch”


Well. Well. Well. Another President Trump promise kept. Exactly what we need after so many decades of pussy-footing with other nations – especially our closest neighbors.

As NAFTA negotiations come down to the crunch in Washington this week, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer wants to eliminate Chapter 19. The Americans have never been fans of the way the panels work.

So Canada has a tough decision to make: does it mount a vigorous defence of this imperfect tool? Does it try to convince the U.S. to replace it with something that might work better? Or does it give in, holding its fire for another front?

Much more about this @ Why NAFTA's Chapter 19 may not be the right hill to die on thanks to Canada: ‘When it comes to negotiating “Robert Lighthizer is a vicious son of a bitch”…

Trump threatens to pull out of World Trade Organization @ Trump threatens to pull out of World Trade Organization

More promises kept!
If he sucks up to the orange sociopath, I have no doubt he’s a vicious petty little freak of nature.

That isn’t a promise kept except to clueless trumpkins who don’t understand international trade
we dont need yours thats for sure. The world police can stand down!



That's not fair to Canadian soldiers. They want to contribute and are willing to put their asses on the line as much as any soldier, they have just been insulted by our governments for decades, always at the expense of funding a big domestic covert police apparatus.

I agree we don't pull our weight, but it isn't the fault of the front line soldier. He is being shortchanged and overlooked for some covert police patsy who pulls in $120k a year, while the Canadian solder lives on $20k a year. FAR greater danger, and far less pay and support. It angers me.
I don't have any gripes about the Canadian soldier. I've been stationed with them 2 different times and They're no different than our troops. As you say it's the protected class that gripes my ass.
You'll notice I added American soldiers to the post.
we dont need yours thats for sure. The world police can stand down!



That's not fair to Canadian soldiers. They want to contribute and are willing to put their asses on the line as much as any soldier, they have just been insulted by our governments for decades, always at the expense of funding a big domestic covert police apparatus.

I agree we don't pull our weight, but it isn't the fault of the front line soldier. He is being shortchanged and overlooked for some covert police patsy who pulls in $120k a year, while the Canadian solder lives on $20k a year. FAR greater danger, and far less pay and support. It angers me.
We have nothing personal against you bro.........just poking fun in a Trade disagreement........unless we are talking about liberal idiots which you most certainly are not.

We need the government there to ACT LIKE FRIENDS......Friends don't let friends screw Lady Liberty.

Canada Complains that Trump Negotiator is a “vicious son of a bitch”

TRANSLATION: Trump surprised the shit out of these people by not being just another smiling, handshaking gladhander pressed suit asshole like Obumma or another Hillary Koont who is OK with anything so long as you just stuff two dollars down her bra. Surprise of prises, the new USA President actually has a real head on his shoulders, knows a good deal from bad, and actually doesn't want his country taken to the cleaners anymore and can't be bought out!

Even worse, when this crazy SOB says he'll pull out of the WTO, THEY BELIEVE HIM! Doesn't this guy know that American politicians are supposed to always be for sale to the rest of the world with their hands out and their eyes closed so that the rest of the world can milk the USA like a fat cow?

HOLY SHIT! Now all these other countries around the world are going to have to rethink and regroup and start making plans for actually carrying their own weight. Guess that'll be one more person we can scratch off the list as a guest to attend Trump's funeral someday. Oh well. Trump actually cares about getting real shit done during his life rather than making a good showing after he is gone.
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Surprise of prises, the new USA President actually has a real head on his shoulders, knows a good deal from bad
He knows a lot about Chapter 11. I imagine the whole of the US will have a better understanding of it soon.
Surprise of prises, the new USA President actually has a real head on his shoulders, knows a good deal from bad
He knows a lot about Chapter 11. I imagine the whole of the US will have a better understanding of it soon.
Living proof that America has it's dumb asses too..........Perhaps we can do a deal to relocate the idiots from both countries.........maybe to northern Canada...............

Lure them in by saying they have to make ICE to save the earth or something...........would be better for both sides.
I agree we don't pull our weight,
Yeah? Really? How many had to die to equalise the scales, in your opinion?

How about paying 2% of GDP, giving them proper gear and weapons? This isn't a game of "how many die", it's a game of who is on the front lines, prepared and taking up the global military challenges.

There were Canadian soldiers recently who didn't even have proper issued boots and other incidentals. Not to mention our aging jets, ships and the like. I feel for these guys, all who love their country and they are treated like a nuisance for daring to ask to be given proper funding. This is a nation that loves big domestic agencies, but spit on the best in our nation who take up the call in the military.

Americans love and celebrate their military. They want them to be properly equipped, every life so precious. The Canadian hierarchy looks down on our soldiers. Viewed as paupers to be waved off. Expendable serfs. It might be the one issue that pisses me off the most in Canada. That's saying a lot considering what I have personally been through.
Surprise of prises, the new USA President actually has a real head on his shoulders, knows a good deal from bad
He knows a lot about Chapter 11. I imagine the whole of the US will have a better understanding of it soon.

Yep. Unlike 99% of your democrats, Trump has actually made his living entirely from running his own businesses, punching a time-card, making a payroll, earning every dollar in his wallet, and yes, as a result, sometimes failing, unlike most politicians who live off the taxpayer and who don't have to worry about ever failing because they have that taxpayer safety net under them to just raise taxes when things get tight! They don't worry because they have no possibility of ever failing when there is no accountability for poor performance.

But I see you have more respect for a government sponge who takes from others like a good little socialist than you do a fearless and daring entrepreneur who risks all trying to buoy the capitalist system.
The problem with Canada and I've been there, is once a merit based immigration is established here it will disintegrate because of the refugee policy and other policies that Ottawa is pushing. Quebec makes its money by providing electricity to the declining North east of the US and much of the Atlantic provinces sell most of their output to the US. If the US refuses to put up with the usual crap Canada east of the plains provinces are in deep trouble. And the rest of Canada will have problems too. In terms of real aftertax income minus the implicit welfare payments provided by inequality of tariffs between our two countries would create a depression very quickly if equality of tariffs kicked in.
How about paying 2% of GDP, giving them proper gear and weapons? This isn't a game of "how many die", it's a game of who is on the front lines, prepared and taking up the global military challenges.
And Canada was there on the front lines in Afghanistan, dying for America, taking up global military challenges. Unlike, for example, Israel. So how is it not pulling it's weight? Why did the US need that help when its military expenditure both in gross terms and as a percentage of gdp is so massive?

Because gdp is a measure used by stupid people to gauge defence capability. That means you.
How about paying 2% of GDP, giving them proper gear and weapons? This isn't a game of "how many die", it's a game of who is on the front lines, prepared and taking up the global military challenges.
And Canada was there on the front lines in Afghanistan, dying for America, taking up global military challenges. Unlike, for example, Israel. So how is it not pulling it's weight? Why did the US need that help when its military expenditure both in gross terms and as a percentage of gdp is so massive?

Because gdp is a measure used by stupid people to gauge defence capability. That means you.
Only a dimwit would not understand why Israel can't join us there........The Hate of Israel over there is extreme.......not a good plan............
a fearless and daring entrepreneur who risks all trying to buoy the capitalist system.
Making his money off stiffing contractors, money laundering, tax scams and tax breaks. Ffs, have you read no history? Oh well, swallowers will swallow.
How about paying 2% of GDP, giving them proper gear and weapons? This isn't a game of "how many die", it's a game of who is on the front lines, prepared and taking up the global military challenges.
And Canada was there on the front lines in Afghanistan, dying for America, taking up global military challenges. Unlike, for example, Israel. So how is it not pulling it's weight? Why did the US need that help when its military expenditure both in gross terms and as a percentage of gdp is so massive?

Because gdp is a measure used by stupid people to gauge defence capability. That means you.

Israel isn't a member of NATO.

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