Canada legalized gay marriage ten years ago -- Here's what to expect next, America


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Way to go you were duped Again and now live: in the ObamaNation. They want to dump the flags, well dump the name United States of America too. No wonder why Obama used YOU MONIES to light up HIS white house. His way of saying they now OWN YOU


Today, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. But the truth is, this fight was lost a while ago.

In Canada, same sex marriage was legalized a decade ago, and that ushered in changes to Canadian society, large and small.

Laws will have to be re-written, for one thing; words like "husband" and "wife" have to be removed, along with the phrase "natural parent."

But there's much more...

all of it here:
Canada legalized gay marriage ten years ago -- Here s what to expect next America - The Rebel
Way to go you were duped Again and now live: in the ObamaNation. They want to dump the flags, well dump the name United States of America too. No wonder why Obama used YOU MONIES to light up HIS white house. His way of saying they now OWN YOU


Today, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. But the truth is, this fight was lost a while ago.

In Canada, same sex marriage was legalized a decade ago, and that ushered in changes to Canadian society, large and small.

Laws will have to be re-written, for one thing; words like "husband" and "wife" have to be removed, along with the phrase "natural parent."

But there's much more...

all of it here:
Canada legalized gay marriage ten years ago -- Here s what to expect next America - The Rebel

Same sex marriage was legalized in Massachusetts 11 years ago,

and none of that happened.

So go fuck yourself you fat twat.
Way to go you were duped Again and now live: in the ObamaNation. They want to dump the flags, well dump the name United States of America too. No wonder why Obama used YOU MONIES to light up HIS white house. His way of saying they now OWN YOU


Today, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. But the truth is, this fight was lost a while ago.

In Canada, same sex marriage was legalized a decade ago, and that ushered in changes to Canadian society, large and small.

Laws will have to be re-written, for one thing; words like "husband" and "wife" have to be removed, along with the phrase "natural parent."

But there's much more...

all of it here:
Canada legalized gay marriage ten years ago -- Here s what to expect next America - The Rebel

Same sex marriage was legalized in Massachusetts 11 years ago,

and none of that happened.

So go fuck yourself you fat twat.

Oh, pardon me for calling you a twat. Quite imprecise. There are at least two or more legitimate functions for an actual twat.

You, on the other hand, are utterly useless.
well here you go. I'm sure many more will follow. Unless they PLAN ON FORCING that on them too

After Gay Marriage Decision, Mississippi May Stop Issuing All Marriage Licenses
By Polly Mosendz 6/26/15 at 4:40 PM

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the Constitution's guarantees of due process and equal protection under the law mean that states cannot ban same-sex marriages. However, Mississippi may not allow gay marriages to go through. Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Filed Under: U.S.
Mississippi is considering pulling the plug on issuing marriage licenses altogether after the Supreme Court struck down bans on gay marriage Friday morning.

As the state's governor and lieutenant governor condemned the court’s decision, state House Judiciary Chairman Andy Gipson began studying ways to prevent gay marriage in Mississippi. Governor Phil Bryant said he would do all he can "to protect and defend the religious freedoms of Mississippi.” To Bryant’s point of doing “all” the state could do, Gipson, who is a Baptist minister, suggested removing marriage licenses entirely.

all of it here:
Oh good. Mississippi is cutting of its nose to spite its face.

Fill that pool so the ****** kids can't swim.
The USA is the 21st nation to legalize same sex marriage.

None of those other nations have been destroyed.

The USA will survive just fine too.
“Those who refuse to participate in the worship of man, those who refuse to surrender to man’s complacent satisfaction with man and man’s society, are increasingly branded as aliens … Every kind of subtle and direct pressure is employed to force the true believer into conformity with the City of man and the creed of Cain.” —R. J. Rushdoony, 1970[1]

“Each judgment emanating out of our various human rights commissions seems to be more brazen and bizarre than the one that preceded it. However, for inane stupidity and gross miscarriage of justice our own Alberta Human Rights Tribunal deserves to take first prize for its treatment of Stephen Boissoin.” —Fred Henry, Roman Catholic Bishop of Calgary (quoted by Ezra Levant on June 24, )

A Protestant minister and a Roman Catholic priest who edits a Catholic magazine are in the crosshairs of Canada’s “human rights” commissions.

In Alberta, Rev. Stephen Boissoin has run up almost $200,000 in legal costs, defending himself from the provincial “human rights” commission. In Ontario, Fr. Alphonse de Valk’s monthly magazine, Catholic Insight, has incurred $20,000 in legal fees while awaiting a ruling from the commission as to whether he and his magazine are guilty of promoting “hate.”

What crimes did they commit to place them in such jeopardy?

Six years ago, Rev. Boissoin wrote a letter to his local newspaper, Red Deer Advocate, expressing his opposition to “the homosexual machine that has been mercilessly gaining ground in our society since the 1960s” (for the full text of the letter, see And Catholic Insight’s offense was to publish the church’s teachings on sexual morality. In both cases, offended homosexual activists complained to provincial “human rights” commissions, and the machinery of censorship was set in motion.

Will Boissoin Go to Prison?
The Alberta Human Rights Commission has ordered Rev. Boissoin to pay $7,000 to the offended party, to write a public apology for publication in the Advocate, and never again to say or write anything critical of homosexuality in any public venue, including the Internet—a lifetime gag order. The gay activist plaintiff, Boissoin said, “has told me in person that I need to be reeducated.”

But Boissoin says he will not pay the fine, he will not recant, and he will not keep silence.

“They can incarcerate me if they want to,” he told Chalcedon. “But by the power of God, I don’t think I can be ruined spiritually. If I’m incarcerated, I’ll minister in prison.”

Meanwhile, he hopes to file an appeal in a court of law against the commission’s decision. He is being represented pro bono by the Alliance Defense Fund in the United States: otherwise, he said, he never could have borne the costs—although concerned citizens can donate to his defense fund via

“I have been ordered not to talk about this case, or make any disparaging remarks about the commission or its actions,” he said. “But I’m talking to you, and I’ll keep talking. I’ve started educating people, and I’ve had fantastic opportunities to do this since my letter was published.”

Hate Literature?
It may seem natural to most of us for a Catholic magazine to publish articles about Catholic teachings, but that’s what plaintiffs are trying to stop Catholic Insight from doing.

“They’re trying to put us out of business, harass us, cost us money,” Fr. de Valk said. “Our magazine is hate literature, as far as they’re concerned. We haven’t had a hearing in front of the commission yet, but we’ve already spent $20,000 fighting nuisance actions. Meanwhile, they’ve asked the Heritage Ministry to take away our subsidy.”

Canadian magazines, he explained, are all subsidized by the Heritage Ministry, an agency of the federal government.

Over the years, he said, Insight has published more than one hundred articles on homosexual activity, including official Vatican statements and scientific studies of the health effects of sodomy. Sixteen months ago, a gay activist in Edmonton filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Fr. de Valk is still waiting to learn whether the commission will hear the case.

Canadian Human Rights Commissions Bear Down on Christian Clergymen - Research - Chalcedon
For Pete's sake, TK, go out and find a job!

Then you might have some perspective on how everyone else in the real world deals with these issues.

Gay marriage is not Armageddon!

It is merely another step in this nation's attempt to reach a more perfect union with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for We the People.

Let me make a prediction.

The very last minority to still be discriminated against by theists like you will be the Atheists.

And no one is ever going to deprive you of your bigotry against Atheists.

You can continue to hate them for as long as you like because Atheists don't give a flying fig about what you believe.

Happy now?
well here you go. I'm sure many more will follow. Unless they PLAN ON FORCING that on them too

After Gay Marriage Decision, Mississippi May Stop Issuing All Marriage Licenses
By Polly Mosendz 6/26/15 at 4:40 PM

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the Constitution's guarantees of due process and equal protection under the law mean that states cannot ban same-sex marriages. However, Mississippi may not allow gay marriages to go through. Joshua Roberts/Reuters

Filed Under: U.S.
Mississippi is considering pulling the plug on issuing marriage licenses altogether after the Supreme Court struck down bans on gay marriage Friday morning.

As the state's governor and lieutenant governor condemned the court’s decision, state House Judiciary Chairman Andy Gipson began studying ways to prevent gay marriage in Mississippi. Governor Phil Bryant said he would do all he can "to protect and defend the religious freedoms of Mississippi.” To Bryant’s point of doing “all” the state could do, Gipson, who is a Baptist minister, suggested removing marriage licenses entirely.

all of it here:
All the butthurt is just DELICIOUS!!! :rofl:

Roll on Steph!!! :laugh:
Canada has suffered so much in the last ten years

That's why they are all streaming across our border
“Those who refuse to participate in the worship of man, those who refuse to surrender to man’s complacent satisfaction with man and man’s society, are increasingly branded as aliens … Every kind of subtle and direct pressure is employed to force the true believer into conformity with the City of man and the creed of Cain.” —R. J. Rushdoony, 1970[1]

“Each judgment emanating out of our various human rights commissions seems to be more brazen and bizarre than the one that preceded it. However, for inane stupidity and gross miscarriage of justice our own Alberta Human Rights Tribunal deserves to take first prize for its treatment of Stephen Boissoin.” —Fred Henry, Roman Catholic Bishop of Calgary (quoted by Ezra Levant on June 24, )

A Protestant minister and a Roman Catholic priest who edits a Catholic magazine are in the crosshairs of Canada’s “human rights” commissions.

In Alberta, Rev. Stephen Boissoin has run up almost $200,000 in legal costs, defending himself from the provincial “human rights” commission. In Ontario, Fr. Alphonse de Valk’s monthly magazine, Catholic Insight, has incurred $20,000 in legal fees while awaiting a ruling from the commission as to whether he and his magazine are guilty of promoting “hate.”

What crimes did they commit to place them in such jeopardy?

Six years ago, Rev. Boissoin wrote a letter to his local newspaper, Red Deer Advocate, expressing his opposition to “the homosexual machine that has been mercilessly gaining ground in our society since the 1960s” (for the full text of the letter, see And Catholic Insight’s offense was to publish the church’s teachings on sexual morality. In both cases, offended homosexual activists complained to provincial “human rights” commissions, and the machinery of censorship was set in motion.

Will Boissoin Go to Prison?
The Alberta Human Rights Commission has ordered Rev. Boissoin to pay $7,000 to the offended party, to write a public apology for publication in the Advocate, and never again to say or write anything critical of homosexuality in any public venue, including the Internet—a lifetime gag order. The gay activist plaintiff, Boissoin said, “has told me in person that I need to be reeducated.”

But Boissoin says he will not pay the fine, he will not recant, and he will not keep silence.

“They can incarcerate me if they want to,” he told Chalcedon. “But by the power of God, I don’t think I can be ruined spiritually. If I’m incarcerated, I’ll minister in prison.”

Meanwhile, he hopes to file an appeal in a court of law against the commission’s decision. He is being represented pro bono by the Alliance Defense Fund in the United States: otherwise, he said, he never could have borne the costs—although concerned citizens can donate to his defense fund via

“I have been ordered not to talk about this case, or make any disparaging remarks about the commission or its actions,” he said. “But I’m talking to you, and I’ll keep talking. I’ve started educating people, and I’ve had fantastic opportunities to do this since my letter was published.”

Hate Literature?
It may seem natural to most of us for a Catholic magazine to publish articles about Catholic teachings, but that’s what plaintiffs are trying to stop Catholic Insight from doing.

“They’re trying to put us out of business, harass us, cost us money,” Fr. de Valk said. “Our magazine is hate literature, as far as they’re concerned. We haven’t had a hearing in front of the commission yet, but we’ve already spent $20,000 fighting nuisance actions. Meanwhile, they’ve asked the Heritage Ministry to take away our subsidy.”

Canadian magazines, he explained, are all subsidized by the Heritage Ministry, an agency of the federal government.

Over the years, he said, Insight has published more than one hundred articles on homosexual activity, including official Vatican statements and scientific studies of the health effects of sodomy. Sixteen months ago, a gay activist in Edmonton filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission. Fr. de Valk is still waiting to learn whether the commission will hear the case.

Canadian Human Rights Commissions Bear Down on Christian Clergymen - Research - Chalcedon
another fat sore loser who was all for gay marriage for a hot minute and as usual did his normal flip flop because you are a fat fraud.
I honestly feel sorry for Stephanie

What a sick, hate filled world she resides in

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