Canada’s Trudeau announces plan for national freeze on handguns

Where do you claim that I have expressed any “dreams of murdering Americans”? Quote the post in which I have expressed any such thing; or admit that you're a lying piece of shit.
Maybe you're not a trump voter, but I don't believe it
Not very many months, ago, Trudeau gave the Canadian people a very vivid demonstration of why it is so important for people to have the right to keep an bear arms.

And now, what limited degree the people of Canaduh are allowed that right, he's now attacking it.
The government employees can destroy citizens anytime they want. Trudeau called them racists and terrorists and the law turned the truckers into persona non grata. No way to live unless they had cash on them. This is the evil Progs love.
Your side did promote BLM/Antifa/Riots/CHOP/CHAZ/Defund the police/mask mandates/forced vaccination/energy dependence/hyper inflation/supply chain issues/shortages of baby formula---need I go on.
Being brainwashed into oblivion is one of the many things you have in common with terrorists
The government employees can destroy citizens anytime they want. Trudeau called them racists and terrorists and the law turned the truckers into persona non grata. No way to live unless they had cash on them. This is the evil Progs love.
It would have served Turdeau and the globalist faction of Canadians right if the truckers had sought asylum in the US and let Canadians figure out their supply chain without them.
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