Breaking: Trudeau Tests Positive For Fascism

OTTAWA—From an undisclosed hiding place outside Canada's capital city, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed for the world that he has tragically tested positive for fascism.

"I took the fascism test this morning," said Trudeau, beginning to sob. "And the test came back positive. I understand this may come as devastating news to freedom-loving Canadians, and I am here to assure you that everything will be ok... after I crush you underneath the jackboot of government tyranny until you learn to start obeying me."

"Together, we will achieve strength through unity, and unity through faith. In SCIENCE."

According to sources, Trudeau will remain in his hiding place under quarantine until all the scary protesting truckers go away, after which he will emerge to grind his people into the very dust until they accept his vision for a glorious fascist future for Canada.

Fortunately, his plans have been delayed as his replacement glue-on vanity eyebrows are still stuck on a delivery truck somewhere, and the fascist dictator refuses to be seen without them.

The little bitch didn't even get a third of the country's votes..... much like our stuttering fuck. Both of these androgynous shitstains were installed.... like a toilet.

I, for one, would burn these freaks alive but didn't you yourself created them and your prime Minister with your so called democracy in the first place.
I don't live in Canada and we don't live in a democracy and I didn't create jack shit.
Yeah, im a towel head. Wanna be my goat again?
So you’re an American after all and one of those faggots was you. I thought you were making a stand against pedos in Canadian government but it turns out you’re backing them. Is this maniac also your friend?👇
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