Canadian funeral homes have effectively become execution centers thanks to euthanasia law


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
The Article: Canadian funeral homes have effectively become execution centers thanks to euthanasia law - LifeSite

From the Article:

"A society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable. Did we care for them, or kill them?

Some Canadian funeral homes have begun offering rooms where the consenting sick and the elderly can be killed prior to their wake and burial.

These new killing facilities are now able to offer an all-in-one package — death, wake, burial — thanks to the country’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) protocol that has been legal since 2016, and was expanded in 2021 to include people suffering with mental illness.

Paul Needham of Northview Funeral Chapel in London, Ontario, told CBC News this week that he had been receiving so many calls to provide a place for people to be killed that he finally decided to take advantage of the opportunity. He began to offer rooms for rent at his funeral home where the old and the sick could come to be killed, either by their own hand, or, more commonly, with the assistance of a doctor or nurse.

In the past year alone, Needham’s funeral home has facilitated the killing of 23 sick and old people.

“Family members can be right there with their loved ones,” Needham told CBC News. “I suggest they can make it how they want it, bring some of your favourite music, bring flowers, bring some food or if you like, bring a bottle of wine. This is this person’s last day on Earth. You want to take everything into account and consider as many things as possible.”

David Mullen, owner of A. Millard George Funeral Home in Ontario, has also noticed the trend and has converted his former casket showroom into a beautifully decorated killing room where friends and family members can be with the victim during his or her death. He hopes to have everything up in running by the new year."

OP Comment(s):

Witness further the end of Western Civilization. Suicide is a mortal sin. Perhaps that is the idea. Never ceases to amaze me, in that special-grim, sardonic way—how the Middle Ages cannot hope to compete with the barbarism of 2021. This is the world we live in.
That's the thing about government funded health care.

You offing yourself saves taxpayers a lot of money.

The most expensive care there is the last few months of life. You get someone to kill themselves before the last few months and you can literally save a million dollars.

Kill yourself is a civic duty in those countries.
That's the thing about government funded health care.

You offing yourself saves taxpayers a lot of money.

The most expensive care there is the last few months of life. You get someone to kill themselves before the last few months and you can literally save a million dollars.

Kill yourself is a civic duty in those countries.
This has nothing to do with the healthcare system there, .

Are you always wrong about every fucking thing ? wtf
The Article: Canadian funeral homes have effectively become execution centers thanks to euthanasia law - LifeSite

From the Article:

"A society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable. Did we care for them, or kill them?

Some Canadian funeral homes have begun offering rooms where the consenting sick and the elderly can be killed prior to their wake and burial.

These new killing facilities are now able to offer an all-in-one package — death, wake, burial — thanks to the country’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) protocol that has been legal since 2016, and was expanded in 2021 to include people suffering with mental illness.

Paul Needham of Northview Funeral Chapel in London, Ontario, told CBC News this week that he had been receiving so many calls to provide a place for people to be killed that he finally decided to take advantage of the opportunity. He began to offer rooms for rent at his funeral home where the old and the sick could come to be killed, either by their own hand, or, more commonly, with the assistance of a doctor or nurse.

In the past year alone, Needham’s funeral home has facilitated the killing of 23 sick and old people.

“Family members can be right there with their loved ones,” Needham told CBC News. “I suggest they can make it how they want it, bring some of your favourite music, bring flowers, bring some food or if you like, bring a bottle of wine. This is this person’s last day on Earth. You want to take everything into account and consider as many things as possible.”

David Mullen, owner of A. Millard George Funeral Home in Ontario, has also noticed the trend and has converted his former casket showroom into a beautifully decorated killing room where friends and family members can be with the victim during his or her death. He hopes to have everything up in running by the new year."

OP Comment(s):

Witness further the end of Western Civilization. Suicide is a mortal sin. Perhaps that is the idea. Never ceases to amaze me, in that special-grim, sardonic way—how the Middle Ages cannot hope to compete with the barbarism of 2021. This is the world we live in.
Suicide has always been prevalent in Western society why you make it a taboo now is not logical it is religious dogma.
That's the thing about government funded health care.

You offing yourself saves taxpayers a lot of money.

The most expensive care there is the last few months of life. You get someone to kill themselves before the last few months and you can literally save a million dollars.

Kill yourself is a civic duty in those countries.
You know, dishonesty causes a lot of stress. Have you looked at Chuck Todd and Anderson Cooper lately ?
The Article: Canadian funeral homes have effectively become execution centers thanks to euthanasia law - LifeSite

From the Article:

"A society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable. Did we care for them, or kill them?

Some Canadian funeral homes have begun offering rooms where the consenting sick and the elderly can be killed prior to their wake and burial.

These new killing facilities are now able to offer an all-in-one package — death, wake, burial — thanks to the country’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) protocol that has been legal since 2016, and was expanded in 2021 to include people suffering with mental illness.

Paul Needham of Northview Funeral Chapel in London, Ontario, told CBC News this week that he had been receiving so many calls to provide a place for people to be killed that he finally decided to take advantage of the opportunity. He began to offer rooms for rent at his funeral home where the old and the sick could come to be killed, either by their own hand, or, more commonly, with the assistance of a doctor or nurse.

In the past year alone, Needham’s funeral home has facilitated the killing of 23 sick and old people.

“Family members can be right there with their loved ones,” Needham told CBC News. “I suggest they can make it how they want it, bring some of your favourite music, bring flowers, bring some food or if you like, bring a bottle of wine. This is this person’s last day on Earth. You want to take everything into account and consider as many things as possible.”

David Mullen, owner of A. Millard George Funeral Home in Ontario, has also noticed the trend and has converted his former casket showroom into a beautifully decorated killing room where friends and family members can be with the victim during his or her death. He hopes to have everything up in running by the new year."

OP Comment(s):

Witness further the end of Western Civilization. Suicide is a mortal sin. Perhaps that is the idea. Never ceases to amaze me, in that special-grim, sardonic way—how the Middle Ages cannot hope to compete with the barbarism of 2021. This is the world we live in.
They sound more free than us. Free to choose. Free to decide for themselves.
The Article: Canadian funeral homes have effectively become execution centers thanks to euthanasia law - LifeSite

From the Article:

"A society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable. Did we care for them, or kill them?

Some Canadian funeral homes have begun offering rooms where the consenting sick and the elderly can be killed prior to their wake and burial.

These new killing facilities are now able to offer an all-in-one package — death, wake, burial — thanks to the country’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) protocol that has been legal since 2016, and was expanded in 2021 to include people suffering with mental illness.

Paul Needham of Northview Funeral Chapel in London, Ontario, told CBC News this week that he had been receiving so many calls to provide a place for people to be killed that he finally decided to take advantage of the opportunity. He began to offer rooms for rent at his funeral home where the old and the sick could come to be killed, either by their own hand, or, more commonly, with the assistance of a doctor or nurse.

In the past year alone, Needham’s funeral home has facilitated the killing of 23 sick and old people.

“Family members can be right there with their loved ones,” Needham told CBC News. “I suggest they can make it how they want it, bring some of your favourite music, bring flowers, bring some food or if you like, bring a bottle of wine. This is this person’s last day on Earth. You want to take everything into account and consider as many things as possible.”

David Mullen, owner of A. Millard George Funeral Home in Ontario, has also noticed the trend and has converted his former casket showroom into a beautifully decorated killing room where friends and family members can be with the victim during his or her death. He hopes to have everything up in running by the new year."

OP Comment(s):

Witness further the end of Western Civilization. Suicide is a mortal sin. Perhaps that is the idea. Never ceases to amaze me, in that special-grim, sardonic way—how the Middle Ages cannot hope to compete with the barbarism of 2021. This is the world we live in.

My friend Muriel who just turned 100 was mentally acute, even brilliant, but her body was giving out.. She died last week at home with her son by her side.

But, most of those I know die alone in their homes or apartments.
Suicide has never been an accepted form of caring for the sick, elderly or mentally deficient...
It is when the person afflicted does it. I noticed God didn't believe in capital punishment when Cain slew Able yet here we are killing people for capital punishment.
It is when the person afflicted does it. I noticed God didn't believe in capital punishment when Cain slew Able yet here we are killing people for capital punishment.

That is curious. Never thought about it before.
Witness further the end of Western Civilization. Suicide is a mortal sin. Perhaps that is the idea. Never ceases to amaze me, in that special-grim, sardonic way—how the Middle Ages cannot hope to compete with the barbarism of 2021. This is the world we live in.
I don't know ----- it's yucky, certainly, but Rome had lots and lots of suicide, some of it ordered by the Emperor. And that was during their Prime Time, when no one could disagree they were the world's most civilized society, not perhaps that this was saying so much, considering.

And as for the Middle Ages, the Inquisition wars and mass burnings-alive are not what we see a lot of nowadays. All the genocides and forced conversions of thousands, the enslavements.

I hope we don't get all that Dying Room business here, though.
It is when the person afflicted does it. I noticed God didn't believe in capital punishment when Cain slew Able yet here we are killing people for capital punishment.
It has never before been a societal norm to help people kill themselves. There was a girl on trial here recently for callously agreeing with a boy who wanted to kill himself, and goading him into doing it.

Give a government an inch, and they will take a mile. We went from removing zygotes in abortions to live birthing and carving up infants on tables for fresh parts. Let's not let them set up death panels to determine who they feel they should assist in ending lives. Should we put down all Down Syndrome children having to struggle with such a disability?

Let's not give our government that much control, considering they never get anything right to begin with...
It has never before been a societal norm to help people kill themselves. There was a girl on trial here recently for callously agreeing with a boy who wanted to kill himself, and goading him into doing it.

Give a government an inch, and they will take a mile. We went from removing zygotes in abortions to live birthing and carving up infants on tables for fresh parts. Let's not let them set up death panels to determine who they feel they should assist in ending lives. Should we put down all Down Syndrome children having to struggle with such a disability?

Let's not give our government that much control, considering they never get anything right to begin with...
Indeed! Well, said..

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