Canadian law would ban 'offensive remarks' near drag performances

Its no longer political difference, its good vs evil, they are turning children into sexually mutilated sexual toys, its absolutely black hearted evil, the people you folk think of as liberal are nothing of the kind, they are evil, indeed they are the most evil human generations ever spawned, its not politics anymore, they are either rooted out and eliminated, or I assure you they will do exactly that to us!
What we never realized is that for the past 25 years South Park has actually been showing us our future.

Transgenderism is still in its infancy. There are no meaningful, long-term studies of outcomes when YOUNG PEOPLE are transitioned before puberty. They could very well be disastrous, statistically speaking. Anyone claiming that the "science is settled" is either a fool or a liar. There remains a distinct possibility that 20 years from now, knowledgeable people will look back on the present day with horror.

There is no visible or measurable support for the fundamental thesis of transgenderism: that humans are anything other than binary. FWIW it has been presumed for all of human history that we are indeed binary, and aside from extremely rare biological anomalies (which are not a part of today's discussion) we have been.

While a "free" society demands that individuals can manifest themselves in any manner they like (although they can make themselves the subject of cruel mockery; human nature cannot be repealed), it is a bridge too far to demand that everyone else in society PATRONIZE and reinforce individual delusions about sex/gender. In other words, Bob can call himself "Alice," and dress accordingly. He can even have himself physically mutilated and take hormones to further the pretense, but he cannot demand that everyone else sanction his delusion. That's not HIS freedom, it's MINE.

In many ways, the Canadian government, in its present form, sucks.
What we never realized is that for the past 25 years South Park has actually been showing us our future.

Eh, No. Not my future. My community leaders, church leaders, politicians, police and normal people took a stand and averted drag shows open to kids out in public, where they might even see, not that they wanted to. Our state legislators came together, putting a bill forward, making drag shows, adult entertainment, just like strip shows, and not open to bring children to, and Bill Lee signed it into law. He had already been among the first to sign legislation restricting sex change therapy and operations on children inside our state. So, not my future and hopefully not yours. There are still more normal places to live in this country, and people of normal morals, and normal thinking, are in fact, still the majority here and actually in most other states. The communities and the states must choose the path for themselves and the society they want to raise their kids in.
Community safety zone
25 thousand loonie fine and jail for what they deem offensive

Uh boy it's not Marxist at all
It's democracy


The west is a weak collapsing freak show

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