Canadian man faces 2 years in prison for passing out Jesus saves pamphlets at gay pride parade

Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.

Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.
No free speech in Canada?
Must be more to this story ...

Yea, he also would not bake them a cake

2 years in the slammer seems he is getting off too easy if you ask me.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.
Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.

But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! Can it be any clearer why Canada is NOT our friend? I know for a fact that normal Canadians now live in fear of their lives for being accused of a "Hate-crime". Once again, the weirdos and deviates becoming a protected class, thus ENDEARING normal people to hate them! WHEN O WHEN will one of our governments show a watt of intelligence by protecting normalcy?!

LIke the US the dumbasses will have to fall before they realize what's really going on if they do wake up. Europe went through the same thing , same stages, and now the US is going through it all. They're that stupid. The only thing we haven't lost yet to make us even more like Europe is our 2nd amendment.

There are dozens and dozens over in Europe wishing they had a way to defend themselves, but you won't ever see MSM saying that bs they want the rest of the world clueless because as they move to bring down more countries they must not realize all the truth behind it all other wise they won't be brought down as easily. Like the US .
why are we not past the homophobic bigotry of the crazy people

homophobes, just stay away from gays and lesbians, OK?
Unless there is physical harm (like causing stampede in crowded auditorium by yelling “fire”), ALL speech should be allowed, regardless of political beliefs. That includes not standing before national anthem.

I agree, (assuming that your employer agrees with you insulting their customers".

But today's liberals do not agree. They, more and more, or....

are just be more and more open about it,

support jailing people for voicing opinions they do not agree with.

Ah I remember so many of you defending Russia's censorship of speech when it comes to gays....

Russia’s ‘Gay Propaganda’ Laws Are Illegal, European Court Rules

LONDON — Russia’s prohibition of what it considers the promotion of homosexuality is discriminatory and violates freedom of expression, Europe’s top human rights court ruled on Tuesday, in a strong rejection of laws that rights groups say have been routinely used as cover for abuse and violence.

So, are you saying that it is ok because Russia does it?

Actually- since I have already said that I thought Canada's law is stupid- I am actually saying both laws are stupid- and that all of you ardent defenders of free speech were either silent or applauding when Russia implemented its laws.

A fair point.

Will you be making that argument when your lefty buddies start arresting people in this country for speech violations?

Certainly if under the Trump administration people start getting arrested for non-violent speech I will object whether they are arrested for anti-gay speech- or pro-gay speech.

What about you, when your righty buddies start arresting people in this country for speech violations?
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.
Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.

But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! !

Nope just a lie by you homophobes.

HIV and Gay and Bisexual Men Understanding HIV/AIDS

The Left. So caught up in their own lies and myths, they don't even care when they are bald-faced.

The Bigots. So caught up with their own lies they even lie about their lies.

Sexual Transmission of HIV
In the United States, sexual contact is the most common route of HIV transmission. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 70 percent of the estimated number of new HIV infections in 2014, were among men who have sex with other men (MSM). The term “MSM “is important because many men who have sex with men do not necessarily identify themselves as gay or bisexual. HIV transmitted through sexual activity among heterosexuals accounted for nearly 23 percent of new infections; most of these cases were among women who contracted the virus from men. People who inject drugs accounted for 7 percent of new infections, though about 40 percent of those were MSM, so it isn’t possible to know for sure whether those men contracted HIV by sharing injection equipment or through sex.

Good point. Thanks for clarifying that 3 out of 4 HIV cases are due to faggots. Gays spread disease.

Why is it your bigots fail math and biology?

Straights spread the same diseases as gays do.

So when you claimed- that homosexuality- leads to disease- it is just as accurate to claim that heterosexuality leads to disease.

I hope you are kept away from sharp objects.
Like I said, Denmark, libs, or lefties, don't believe in Free Speech any more.

You say something they don't like, they will put you in jail, if they can.
Unless there is physical harm (like causing stampede in crowded auditorium by yelling “fire”), ALL speech should be allowed, regardless of political beliefs. That includes not standing before national anthem.

I agree, (assuming that your employer agrees with you insulting their customers".

But today's liberals do not agree. They, more and more, or....

are just be more and more open about it,

support jailing people for voicing opinions they do not agree with.

Ah I remember so many of you defending Russia's censorship of speech when it comes to gays....

Russia’s ‘Gay Propaganda’ Laws Are Illegal, European Court Rules

LONDON — Russia’s prohibition of what it considers the promotion of homosexuality is discriminatory and violates freedom of expression, Europe’s top human rights court ruled on Tuesday, in a strong rejection of laws that rights groups say have been routinely used as cover for abuse and violence.

So, are you saying that it is ok because Russia does it?


The difference is - when Canada arrests someone for excercising their free speech- you are appalled- when Russia arrests someone for excercising their free speech- you are applauding.
Google is your friend...........check out Folsum Street Fair.............It is utterly insane.

I imagine you did spend a lot of time looking at those

Folsom Street Fair is not my cup of tea- but I have seen the streets many times- blocked off to prevent both the underage- and the uninformed- from attending.

I find it interesting that in a thread that decries Canada's restriction on freedom of speech- we have plenty of people who certainly want to restrict the freedom of speech of Americans- when it comes to parades.
Yawn............When called out on a BS Orgy you try to apply to those saying it's wrong and say we are the pervs........No's a public display of BS..........and it can only happen in California because if t were tried here they would be thrown in jail.

Now back to the Candian idiots who call it hate to give out religious pamphlets.......Insanity.

You are the one looking at the pictures of that 'orgy'- not me.

Like all of the censors who would spend hours and hours watching porn films just to tell everyone else that they did it protect everyone else.
It's an old story and still continues.............So spare me your self righteous indignation..........It's a public orgy that you believe is perfectly fine.........tells me all I need to know about you..

You searching the internet to spend time looking at those images tells me all I need to know about you.
Whatever............this discussion has happened before.......don't need jack squat...............

Your side believes this is just fine.......shows all I need to know about your side...........

So I guess we will not be sending xmas cards this year..........too bad.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.
Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.

But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! !

Nope just a lie by you homophobes.

Just like you folks used to tell kids that masturbation leads to blindness.

What can lead to disease is promiscuous unprotected sex- which is not unique to homosexuals.
And now the Homo tactics.............LOL

You need a new agenda..........that one is a broken record.
I imagine you did spend a lot of time looking at those

Folsom Street Fair is not my cup of tea- but I have seen the streets many times- blocked off to prevent both the underage- and the uninformed- from attending.

I find it interesting that in a thread that decries Canada's restriction on freedom of speech- we have plenty of people who certainly want to restrict the freedom of speech of Americans- when it comes to parades.
Yawn............When called out on a BS Orgy you try to apply to those saying it's wrong and say we are the pervs........No's a public display of BS..........and it can only happen in California because if t were tried here they would be thrown in jail.

Now back to the Candian idiots who call it hate to give out religious pamphlets.......Insanity.

You are the one looking at the pictures of that 'orgy'- not me.

Like all of the censors who would spend hours and hours watching porn films just to tell everyone else that they did it protect everyone else.
It's an old story and still continues.............So spare me your self righteous indignation..........It's a public orgy that you believe is perfectly fine.........tells me all I need to know about you..

You searching the internet to spend time looking at those images tells me all I need to know about you.
Whatever............this discussion has happened before.......don't need jack squat...............

Your side believes this is just fine.......shows all I need to know about your side...........

So I guess we will not be sending xmas cards this year..........too bad.

True- my side believes in personal liberty.

Your side- not so much.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.
Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.

But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! !

Nope just a lie by you homophobes.

Just like you folks used to tell kids that masturbation leads to blindness.

What can lead to disease is promiscuous unprotected sex- which is not unique to homosexuals.
And now the Homo tactics.............LOL

You need a new agenda..........that one is a broken record.

I counter the tactics of the bigots with the facts.

The bigots hate that.
Yawn............When called out on a BS Orgy you try to apply to those saying it's wrong and say we are the pervs........No's a public display of BS..........and it can only happen in California because if t were tried here they would be thrown in jail.

Now back to the Candian idiots who call it hate to give out religious pamphlets.......Insanity.

You are the one looking at the pictures of that 'orgy'- not me.

Like all of the censors who would spend hours and hours watching porn films just to tell everyone else that they did it protect everyone else.
It's an old story and still continues.............So spare me your self righteous indignation..........It's a public orgy that you believe is perfectly fine.........tells me all I need to know about you..

You searching the internet to spend time looking at those images tells me all I need to know about you.
Whatever............this discussion has happened before.......don't need jack squat...............

Your side believes this is just fine.......shows all I need to know about your side...........

So I guess we will not be sending xmas cards this year..........too bad.

True- my side believes in personal liberty.

Your side- not so much.
They want to be a bunch of perverts...........I don't really care.........when they do it in public then that is another story........

Do it in private and stop this nonsense............

Back to the thread............throwing a man in jail for giving out religious pamphlets...........Canada is a joke if they believe that is right and so are you.

At least the Supreme Court recognized it in Canada..............He won the last case on a similar issue.............Yet they charge him again forcing another legal battle.............They are trying to financially ruin him..........doesn't matter to them if he wins in court again.
You are the one looking at the pictures of that 'orgy'- not me.

Like all of the censors who would spend hours and hours watching porn films just to tell everyone else that they did it protect everyone else.
It's an old story and still continues.............So spare me your self righteous indignation..........It's a public orgy that you believe is perfectly fine.........tells me all I need to know about you..

You searching the internet to spend time looking at those images tells me all I need to know about you.
Whatever............this discussion has happened before.......don't need jack squat...............

Your side believes this is just fine.......shows all I need to know about your side...........

So I guess we will not be sending xmas cards this year..........too bad.

True- my side believes in personal liberty.

Your side- not so much.
They want to be a bunch of perverts...........I don't really care.........when they do it in public then that is another story........

Do it in private and stop this nonsense..n.

No one will ever force you to watch it. Remember- you searched out those images.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.
Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.

But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! !

Nope just a lie by you homophobes.

Just like you folks used to tell kids that masturbation leads to blindness.

What can lead to disease is promiscuous unprotected sex- which is not unique to homosexuals.
And now the Homo tactics.............LOL

You need a new agenda..........that one is a broken record.

I counter the tactics of the bigots with the facts.

The bigots hate that.
What facts.............Your a homophobe.....your a bigot ........your a racist...........are those facts........

The facts are as posted...........I posted the police report and legal history of Canada on this thread. I also posted the criminal violations that San Fransicko can charge them with when they do that crap there.........

If you believe what they did in Canada is right.............then you and your kind must never be allowed to power..........You don't have a clue what Freedom means and are partisan to the point of insanity.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.
Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.

But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! !

Nope just a lie by you homophobes.

Just like you folks used to tell kids that masturbation leads to blindness.

What can lead to disease is promiscuous unprotected sex- which is not unique to homosexuals.
And now the Homo tactics.............LOL

You need a new agenda..........that one is a broken record.

I counter the tactics of the bigots with the facts.

The bigots hate that.
What facts.............Your a homophobe.....your a bigot ........your a racist...........are those facts.........

Since I was responding to the bigot who said that homosexuality lead to disease- with the should actually look at my posts to see what I meant by facts.
It's an old story and still continues.............So spare me your self righteous indignation..........It's a public orgy that you believe is perfectly fine.........tells me all I need to know about you..

You searching the internet to spend time looking at those images tells me all I need to know about you.
Whatever............this discussion has happened before.......don't need jack squat...............

Your side believes this is just fine.......shows all I need to know about your side...........

So I guess we will not be sending xmas cards this year..........too bad.

True- my side believes in personal liberty.

Your side- not so much.
They want to be a bunch of perverts...........I don't really care.........when they do it in public then that is another story........

Do it in private and stop this nonsense..n.

No one will ever force you to watch it. Remember- you searched out those images.
And again trying to say I'm the problem...........GTFO...........this isn't nothing new..........and I'm not chasing porn.......I'm not going oh look at all the faggots............We are adults.........and it only takes a second to realize these people in San Fransicko are sick fucks.
But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! !

Nope just a lie by you homophobes.

Just like you folks used to tell kids that masturbation leads to blindness.

What can lead to disease is promiscuous unprotected sex- which is not unique to homosexuals.
And now the Homo tactics.............LOL

You need a new agenda..........that one is a broken record.

I counter the tactics of the bigots with the facts.

The bigots hate that.
What facts.............Your a homophobe.....your a bigot ........your a racist...........are those facts.........

Since I was responding to the bigot who said that homosexuality lead to disease- with the should actually look at my posts to see what I meant by facts.
I wasn't in that discussion.......I provided the facts on the case on Canada which is the OP...........I BELIEVE it is BS...............and we never want that here.

To those that want HATE crimes here for posting an opinion..........they can kiss my ass............clear it up for you.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.
Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.

But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! !

Nope just a lie by you homophobes.

Just like you folks used to tell kids that masturbation leads to blindness.

What can lead to disease is promiscuous unprotected sex- which is not unique to homosexuals.
And now the Homo tactics.............LOL

You need a new agenda..........that one is a broken record.

I counter the tactics of the bigots with the facts.

The bigots hate that.

If you believe what they did in Canada is right.............then you and your kind must never be allowed to power..........You don't have a clue what Freedom means and are partisan to the point of insanity.

I have said a few times I don't think Canada is right. I also pointed out that Russia also has laws which forbid anyone from anything that they consider to be 'promoting' homosexuality.

I don't remember you condemning Russia for how they censor free speech.
Nope just a lie by you homophobes.

Just like you folks used to tell kids that masturbation leads to blindness.

What can lead to disease is promiscuous unprotected sex- which is not unique to homosexuals.
And now the Homo tactics.............LOL

You need a new agenda..........that one is a broken record.

I counter the tactics of the bigots with the facts.

The bigots hate that.
What facts.............Your a homophobe.....your a bigot ........your a racist...........are those facts.........

Since I was responding to the bigot who said that homosexuality lead to disease- with the should actually look at my posts to see what I meant by facts.
I wasn't in that discussion.....

Here is the discussion you responded to- maybe if you don't know the discussion you are responding to- don't respond?

But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! ! N
Nope just a lie by you homophobes.

Just like you folks used to tell kids that masturbation leads to blindness.

What can lead to disease is promiscuous unprotected sex- which is not unique to homosexuals.

And now the Homo tactics.............LOL

You need a new agenda..........that one is a broken record.

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