Canadian man faces 2 years in prison for passing out Jesus saves pamphlets at gay pride parade

This is NOT freedom of speech. This is the exact thing that freedom of speech does not cover. Going around and telling people to fuck themselves, angering people at their own event, and potentially putting himself in danger.

Not freedom of speech. He can say that kind of stuff, but to go and attack people with it, is not a freedom protected.

In Canada, not America.
This is NOT freedom of speech. This is the exact thing that freedom of speech does not cover. Going around and telling people to fuck themselves, angering people at their own event, and potentially putting himself in danger.

Not freedom of speech. He can say that kind of stuff, but to go and attack people with it, is not a freedom protected.

In Canada. Which is why I am so happy to live in the United States.
frigidweirdo said:
This is NOT freedom of speech. This is the exact thing that freedom of speech does not cover. Going around and telling people to fuck themselves, angering people at their own event, and potentially putting himself in danger.

Not freedom of speech. He can say that kind of stuff, but to go and attack people with it, is not a freedom protected.
If You Followed The Links Within The OP Article
You Would Have Seen This:

"However, reports say that the pamphlets neither encouraged hate against homosexuals, nor advocated violence.
Whatcott, who has been fired from his job, said he wasn't given food for 24 hours while in jail"

The Official Police Statement Doesn't Say What The Specific 'Hate Speech' Was Either

Toronto Police Service :: News Release #41431
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Syriusly said:
Tell us again about how 'homosexuality leads to disease'?
Just A Quick Google Search

"Homosexuals with HIV are at increased risk for developing other life-threatening diseases • A paper delivered at the Fourth International AIDS Malignancy Conference at the National Institutes of Health reported that homosexual men with hiv have “a 37-fold increase in anal cancer, a 4-fold increase in Hodgkin’s disease (cancer of the lymph nodes), a 2.7-fold increase in cancer of the testicles, and a 2.5-fold increase in lip cancer.”

Enteric diseases of homosexual men. - PubMed - NCBI

Parasitic infections include giardiasis, amebiasis, and pinworm infections.

Following are the health issues GLMA’s healthcare providers have identified as most commonly of concern for gay men.
While not all of these items apply to everyone, it’s wise to be aware of these issues. 10 forGayMen.pdf

No One Says ONLY GAY MEN Get These Diseases
(My Quick Search Doesn't Cover All The Hazards Of A Homosexual Lifestyle)
But That Gay Men Contract All Their Problems At A Far Higher Rate
And Are Individually At Risk
Of Contracting And Spreading A Wider Range Of Various Infections
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To,the Right, it seems, freedom,of speech means the freedom to be a dick. Well, I go along with that too. After all, it's the unpopular speech that needs protecting.

But that same freedom seems to be exclusive when being a dick in the service of some Right Wing cause, such as homophobia. But let someone speak,out against police brutality and they become sons of bitches and disrespectful to the troops (that one is by way of some,cryptic Right Wing logic). Let someone speak,out against getting shot at school and they become a Libtards and unworthy of respect.

It's all in whose ox is being gored.
frigidweirdo said:
This is NOT freedom of speech. This is the exact thing that freedom of speech does not cover. Going around and telling people to fuck themselves, angering people at their own event, and potentially putting himself in danger.

Not freedom of speech. He can say that kind of stuff, but to go and attack people with it, is not a freedom protected.
If You Followed The Links Within The OP Article
You Would Have Seen This:

"However, reports say that the pamphlets neither encouraged hate against homosexuals, nor advocated violence.
Whatcott, who has been fired from his job, said he wasn't given food for 24 hours while in jail"

The Official Police Statement Doesn't Say What The Specific 'Hate Speech' Was Either

Toronto Police Service :: News Release #41431

Just because you don't encourage hate nor advocate violence, doesn't mean that people won't get annoyed at this. It doesn't mean it's not insulting to people.

Imagine someone going around with pamphlets that tell you that you're born wrong. How would you feel?
frigidweirdo said:
Just because you don't encourage hate nor advocate violence, doesn't mean that people won't get annoyed at this. It doesn't mean it's not insulting to people.
Imagine someone going around with pamphlets that tell you that you're born wrong. How would you feel?
Your "Feelings"
Are Worthy Of Someone Else's 2yr Prison Term ??

My God, That Is Beyond Self-Absorbed
I'm Flabbergasted That You Could Even Say That
What Kind Of Society Of Fear Do You Want To Live In ??

I Would Say "Where Do You Think THAT Slippery Slope Leads"
But It Seems In Canada And Across Europe
We've Already Achieved That Dystopian Reality !!
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eagle1462010 said:
Get a grip.........a long time ago I presented the evidence that pertains to the OP.........

GTFO............Go hang out with your gay friends.........and those who are against Freedom of Speech.

Canada would love you...........
Many Americans Fail To Realize Our Bill Of Rights
Doesn't Cross International Borders With Us
Their problem not ours...............So.......we shouldn't have opinions on anything outside our borders.........huh...

Nah.........we can call other countries out for being anti Freedom I'll keep doing it.
eagle1462010 said:
Their problem not ours....
It Could Have Quickly Become Ours
If 'Someone' Else Hadn't Lost Her Election
So.......we shouldn't have opinions on anything outside our borders....
I Hope You Mean That Satirically
Because It's Already Been Going On
In Canada And Across Western Europe For Quite Some Time

How Far Is Our Leap From 'Hate Crimes' To Include 'Hate Speech' ??
This Canadian Hasn't Been Convicted Yet
But He Was Thrown In The Clinker
NOT Given A Ticket...

And He Lost His Job To Boot
Lots Of People Have Lost Their Jobs Here Already
Just Because Of A Tweet....
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To,the Right, it seems, freedom,of speech means the freedom to be a dick. Well, I go along with that too. After all, it's the unpopular speech that needs protecting.

But that same freedom seems to be exclusive when being a dick in the service of some Right Wing cause, such as homophobia. But let someone speak,out against police brutality and they become sons of bitches and disrespectful to the troops (that one is by way of some,cryptic Right Wing logic). Let someone speak,out against getting shot at school and they become a Libtards and unworthy of respect.

It's all in whose ox is being gored.
Yes but is doing deviant sex stuff in a parade where you invite kids to watch 1. Freedom of speech or 2. A crime?

Hint: Try those same acts just outside a schoolyard at recess the next day without a rainbow armband on...and tell the cops that it's "freedom of speech!" as they slap the cuffs on you.
To,the Right, it seems, freedom,of speech means the freedom to be a dick. Well, I go along with that too. After all, it's the unpopular speech that needs protecting.

But that same freedom seems to be exclusive when being a dick in the service of some Right Wing cause, such as homophobia. But let someone speak,out against police brutality and they become sons of bitches and disrespectful to the troops (that one is by way of some,cryptic Right Wing logic). Let someone speak,out against getting shot at school and they become a Libtards and unworthy of respect.

It's all in whose ox is being gored.
Yes but is doing deviant sex stuff in a parade where you invite kids to watch 1. Freedom of speech or 2. A crime?

Hint: Try those same acts just outside a schoolyard at recess the next day without a rainbow armband on...and tell the cops that it's "freedom of speech!" as they slap the cuffs on you.
Is your homophobia based on a fear of promiscuity?
To,the Right, it seems, freedom,of speech means the freedom to be a dick. Well, I go along with that too. After all, it's the unpopular speech that needs protecting.

But that same freedom seems to be exclusive when being a dick in the service of some Right Wing cause, such as homophobia. But let someone speak,out against police brutality and they become sons of bitches and disrespectful to the troops (that one is by way of some,cryptic Right Wing logic). Let someone speak,out against getting shot at school and they become a Libtards and unworthy of respect.

It's all in whose ox is being gored.

Freedom of speech means the government can't stop you. It doesn't mean anyone has to listen to you. Pointing out that someone is disrespectful of the troops or is misusing language or is promulgating a negative idea is not violating their free speech rights.

IOW, you have the right to say what you want and I have the right to say what I think about it.
frigidweirdo said:
This is NOT freedom of speech. This is the exact thing that freedom of speech does not cover. Going around and telling people to fuck themselves, angering people at their own event, and potentially putting himself in danger.

Not freedom of speech. He can say that kind of stuff, but to go and attack people with it, is not a freedom protected.
If You Followed The Links Within The OP Article
You Would Have Seen This:

"However, reports say that the pamphlets neither encouraged hate against homosexuals, nor advocated violence.
Whatcott, who has been fired from his job, said he wasn't given food for 24 hours while in jail"

The Official Police Statement Doesn't Say What The Specific 'Hate Speech' Was Either

Toronto Police Service :: News Release #41431

Just because you don't encourage hate nor advocate violence, doesn't mean that people won't get annoyed at this. It doesn't mean it's not insulting to people.

Imagine someone going around with pamphlets that tell you that you're born wrong. How would you feel?

That I want to ignore them. I wouldn't, however, want to see them dragged away in handcuffs for doing it.
Yes but is doing deviant sex stuff in a parade where you invite kids to watch 1. Freedom of speech or 2. A crime?

Hint: Try those same acts just outside a schoolyard at recess the next day without a rainbow armband on...and tell the cops that it's "freedom of speech!" as they slap the cuffs on you.
Is your homophobia based on a fear of promiscuity?

No, my homophobia is based on a fear of adults in pride parades being sexually promiscuous around children they invite to watch. But you already knew that because you can read.

Since it's illegal to do that in front of kids, my type of homophobia is not only allowed, it's required by law.
Yes but is doing deviant sex stuff in a parade where you invite kids to watch 1. Freedom of speech or 2. A crime?

Hint: Try those same acts just outside a schoolyard at recess the next day without a rainbow armband on...and tell the cops that it's "freedom of speech!" as they slap the cuffs on you.
Is your homophobia based on a fear of promiscuity?

No, my homophobia is based on a fear of adults in pride parades being sexually promiscuous around children they invite to watch. But you already knew that because you can read.

Since it's illegal to do that in front of kids, my type of homophobia is not only allowed, it's required by law.
Is promiscuity exclusive to homosexuals?
Is promiscuity exclusive to homosexuals?
It seems to be in colorful rainbow kid-friendly colors on parade where they invite kids to watch their dry-humping, graphic nudity and lewd gestures. They pitch these parades as "family events" to attend. That means they invite kids to watch. Other hetero lewd behaviors in public should be arrested. But drunken Mardis Gras events that spill out on the tavern rows into the streets in New Orleans and Spring break bacchanals are certainly not pitched for kids to come watch. People that bring them should be investigated.

Its the intent of purpose with gay pride parades to expose kids to these things. They WANT them to see these behaviors. And that's the difference in intent.

How many LGBTs do you know that have come out against these lewd pride parades they invite kids to watch? That's right. Zero. So its a cultural thing. And illegal.
Just because you don't encourage hate nor advocate violence, doesn't mean that people won't get annoyed at this. It doesn't mean it's not insulting to people.

Imagine someone going around with pamphlets that tell you that you're born wrong. How would you feel?

How would I feel? I'd feel, "hey, you got me", so what? Next question?
Is promiscuity exclusive to homosexuals?
It seems to be in colorful rainbow kid-friendly colors on parade where they invite kids to watch their dry-humping, graphic nudity and lewd gestures. They pitch these parades as "family events" to attend. That means they invite kids to watch. Other hetero lewd behaviors in public should be arrested. But drunken Mardis Gras events that spill out on the tavern rows into the streets in New Orleans and Spring break bacchanals are certainly not pitched for kids to come watch. People that bring them should be investigated.

Its the intent of purpose with gay pride parades to expose kids to these things. They WANT them to see these behaviors. And that's the difference in intent.

How many LGBTs do you know that have come out against these lewd pride parades they invite kids to watch? That's right. Zero. So its a cultural thing. And illegal.
Have you ever been to a Gay Pride parade?

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