Canadian man faces 2 years in prison for passing out Jesus saves pamphlets at gay pride parade

frigidweirdo said:
Did they have a parade so that people who don't want to enjoy the parade will come along and go around angering the people at the parade?
Pissing People Off In Their Face
Is The Only Point Of Pride Parades

And You Still Think That People Should Be Thrown In Prison
Just Because You Don't Like It

It's about whether I like it or not.

What are the point of laws? What's the point of putting people in prison?

Protecting people from harassment, from being made to feel like it isn't their country. That's exactly what laws are for.

If the same thing happened with black people, it's be a reason to lock someone up, right?

Do you support Maxine Waters' attempt to get her followers to harass Republicans just trying to live their lives?

Well, that would depend on what she's done. I'm not up on what Maxine Waters is doing.

But no, if there were a situation where people were being harassed for living their lives without hurting other people, I would not support that.

Good, because she explicitly asked for that.
That I want to ignore them. I wouldn't, however, want to see them dragged away in handcuffs for doing it.

Why? They're purposefully going around trying to cause problems.

Because speech is and should be protected. That's the bottom line. If I want my rights protected, I need to protect the other guy's. That's freedom.

All speech?

Should treason be protected? Libel? Hate speech?

Maybe you should protect my freedom to kill you, how about that?

Keep it confined to speech, will you? You're wandering far afield now.

Is treason not speech? How about libel?

Treason covers a lot more than speech, so let's dispense with things like selling secrets to our enemies and fighting against America. What then is treasonous speech? Would you consider someone saying they hate America to be treason? Now you're talking about political speech, and people have to be free to express their dissatisfaction with the way things are. Should someone be punished because they say another country's health care system is better than ours? No, political speech needs to be protected.

Libel is generally legal, but you can be sued for it and be required to pay damages. To the best of my knowledge, however, you don't go to jail for libel.

Let's put it this way. Do you want to be arrested for something you say about someone on a debate board or would you prefer it be a civil matter handled by the rules of the board?
frigidweirdo said:
They're purposefully going around trying to cause problems.
Just Jail People That Piss You Off

He didn't just piss people off. Did he? He went searching for these people.

So, if he can do this, would it be okay to go into a black neighborhood with pamphlets about how slavery was okay?

Probably get you a punch in the nose, but shouldn't get you hauled away in cuffs.

IOW, not okay, but in America today, legal, as it should be.

What happens if he gets more than punched in the nose. What happens if he ends up dead on the floor?

Then someone gets arrested for murder.

Oh, well that's great isn't it?
frigidweirdo said:
Did they have a parade so that people who don't want to enjoy the parade will come along and go around angering the people at the parade?
Pissing People Off In Their Face
Is The Only Point Of Pride Parades

And You Still Think That People Should Be Thrown In Prison
Just Because You Don't Like It

It's about whether I like it or not.

What are the point of laws? What's the point of putting people in prison?

Protecting people from harassment, from being made to feel like it isn't their country. That's exactly what laws are for.

If the same thing happened with black people, it's be a reason to lock someone up, right?

Do you support Maxine Waters' attempt to get her followers to harass Republicans just trying to live their lives?

Well, that would depend on what she's done. I'm not up on what Maxine Waters is doing.

But no, if there were a situation where people were being harassed for living their lives without hurting other people, I would not support that.

Good, because she explicitly asked for that.

And? What's this got to do with me?
Why? They're purposefully going around trying to cause problems.

Because speech is and should be protected. That's the bottom line. If I want my rights protected, I need to protect the other guy's. That's freedom.

All speech?

Should treason be protected? Libel? Hate speech?

Maybe you should protect my freedom to kill you, how about that?

Keep it confined to speech, will you? You're wandering far afield now.

Is treason not speech? How about libel?

Treason covers a lot more than speech, so let's dispense with things like selling secrets to our enemies and fighting against America. What then is treasonous speech? Would you consider someone saying they hate America to be treason? Now you're talking about political speech, and people have to be free to express their dissatisfaction with the way things are. Should someone be punished because they say another country's health care system is better than ours? No, political speech needs to be protected.

Libel is generally legal, but you can be sued for it and be required to pay damages. To the best of my knowledge, however, you don't go to jail for libel.

Let's put it this way. Do you want to be arrested for something you say about someone on a debate board or would you prefer it be a civil matter handled by the rules of the board?

Ah, political speech needs to be protected.

"I think n*ggers need to be lynched"

Protected political speech?

Maybe if Trump said it, would it then be protected?
Because speech is and should be protected. That's the bottom line. If I want my rights protected, I need to protect the other guy's. That's freedom.

All speech?

Should treason be protected? Libel? Hate speech?

Maybe you should protect my freedom to kill you, how about that?

Keep it confined to speech, will you? You're wandering far afield now.

Is treason not speech? How about libel?

Treason covers a lot more than speech, so let's dispense with things like selling secrets to our enemies and fighting against America. What then is treasonous speech? Would you consider someone saying they hate America to be treason? Now you're talking about political speech, and people have to be free to express their dissatisfaction with the way things are. Should someone be punished because they say another country's health care system is better than ours? No, political speech needs to be protected.

Libel is generally legal, but you can be sued for it and be required to pay damages. To the best of my knowledge, however, you don't go to jail for libel.

Let's put it this way. Do you want to be arrested for something you say about someone on a debate board or would you prefer it be a civil matter handled by the rules of the board?

Ah, political speech needs to be protected.

"I think n*ggers need to be lynched"

Protected political speech?

Maybe if Trump said it, would it then be protected?

That's not political speech. It's abhorrent and likely to get you assaulted, but it's not political. The problem is, once you give the government the power to silence speech, the silencing only goes one direction, into more and more being silenced as more and more people discover that they're upset at something someone has said and want them shut down.
Just Jail People That Piss You Off

He didn't just piss people off. Did he? He went searching for these people.

So, if he can do this, would it be okay to go into a black neighborhood with pamphlets about how slavery was okay?

Probably get you a punch in the nose, but shouldn't get you hauled away in cuffs.

IOW, not okay, but in America today, legal, as it should be.

What happens if he gets more than punched in the nose. What happens if he ends up dead on the floor?

Then someone gets arrested for murder.

Oh, well that's great isn't it?

They should be arrested for murder. They killed someone.
Pissing People Off In Their Face
Is The Only Point Of Pride Parades

And You Still Think That People Should Be Thrown In Prison
Just Because You Don't Like It

It's about whether I like it or not.

What are the point of laws? What's the point of putting people in prison?

Protecting people from harassment, from being made to feel like it isn't their country. That's exactly what laws are for.

If the same thing happened with black people, it's be a reason to lock someone up, right?

Do you support Maxine Waters' attempt to get her followers to harass Republicans just trying to live their lives?

Well, that would depend on what she's done. I'm not up on what Maxine Waters is doing.

But no, if there were a situation where people were being harassed for living their lives without hurting other people, I would not support that.

Good, because she explicitly asked for that.

And? What's this got to do with me?

I'm gauging the limits of what speech you're willing to use government power to shut down. If you waffled on Waters' call for harassment, you would not be consistent. Basically, you're saying that she should be hauled away in handcuffs for saying what she said. That's at least consistent.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.

Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.

The issue here isn't just that he had "Jesus saves" on the pamphlet, it also said:

"homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent."

The guy was lucky he made it out of there alive.

Homosexuality doesn't cause diseases, nor can Jesus save gay people. So, he's a fucking liar and put himself in a dangerous situation and he went around telling gay people they're bad people at a gay pride event.

What a fucking dick. Two years? Deserves more.

Heterosexuality can cause diseases too. Ask Magic Johnson.

Yes, this dude is a total dick but probably won't get any worse than a week in the slammer.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.

Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.
Looks like we have a fascist country on our northern border, fer crissakes.

The US should have invaded and annexed Canada during WWII.
The issue here isn't just that he had "Jesus saves" on the pamphlet, it also said:

"homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent."

The guy was lucky he made it out of there alive.

Homosexuality doesn't cause diseases, nor can Jesus save gay people.

Migod, OF COURSE homosexuality causes disease!! Have you ever SEEN people with AIDS? Emaciated like concentration camp victims, and then they die. I know because they dealt with a funeral for someone I know, and did a great job, and why? Because they were very well experienced with funerals. Nearly all of them in this activity group were homosexuals and they were dying like flies.

I never really forgave homosexuals for bringing HIV to America, via Haiti paid sex liaisons. Haitians caught it in Africa from some sort of exchange program in the 1960s and 70s. It's all very well documented.

And it's not just AIDS. All sorts of venereal diseases are much worse in homosexual exchanges, for obvious reasons: the injuries, the feces. Someone claiming homosexuality is perfectly healthy doesn't read and doesn't know much, IMO.
What are the point of laws? What's the point of putting people in prison?

Protecting people from harassment, from being made to feel like it isn't their country. That's exactly what laws are for....If the same thing happened with black people, it's be a reason to lock someone up, right?

Please stop comparing a noble race of people to a lifestyle cult that does illegal sex acts in "pride" where they invite kids to watch. It's incredibly insulting to blacks.

Strive to understand the fundamental difference when it comes to discrimination based on unavoidable birth characteristics vs adopted sex kinks that have formed a de facto cult. I have a feeling our country's USSC will be spelling that difference out soon to preserve the 1st Amendment from further attack from your cult.

I note where you are staunchly for law & order but not when it comes to protecting kids from indecent exposure from your deviant sex cult. Please also stop being a hypocrite.

Ah, political speech needs to be protected.

"I think n*ggers need to be lynched" Protected political speech?

Maybe if Trump said it, would it then be protected?

You've been asked not to compare a noble race of people to a lifestyle cult that has adopted deviant sex kinks which include regular kid-invited parades where y'all perform deviant sex acts for the kiddies. Stop comparing these two completely different classes of people. It's extremely offensive to blacks and other races who seek protection because of how they were born.
frigidweirdo said:
It's about whether I like it or not.
Exactly...That's What It's About
Protecting people from harassment, from being made to feel like it isn't their country.
If the same thing happened with black people, it's be a reason to lock someone up, right?
The Police Release Doesn't Say He Did Any Of That
Show A Report That Does

He Was Just Handing Out Religious Pamphlets
You Show Where He Challenged Or Harangued Anyone
But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! !

Nope just a lie by you homophobes.

HIV and Gay and Bisexual Men Understanding HIV/AIDS

The Left. So caught up in their own lies and myths, they don't even care when they are bald-faced.

The Bigots. So caught up with their own lies they even lie about their lies.

Sexual Transmission of HIV
In the United States, sexual contact is the most common route of HIV transmission. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 70 percent of the estimated number of new HIV infections in 2014, were among men who have sex with other men (MSM). The term “MSM “is important because many men who have sex with men do not necessarily identify themselves as gay or bisexual. HIV transmitted through sexual activity among heterosexuals accounted for nearly 23 percent of new infections; most of these cases were among women who contracted the virus from men. People who inject drugs accounted for 7 percent of new infections, though about 40 percent of those were MSM, so it isn’t possible to know for sure whether those men contracted HIV by sharing injection equipment or through sex.

Good point. Thanks for clarifying that 3 out of 4 HIV cases are due to faggots. Gays spread disease.

And that is just ONE of the many diseases that are rampant among gay men.

It is not an healthy lifestyle.

Yet the majority of gay men don't have HIV.

And a monogamous uninfected couple will stay uninfected.

The lie of Tooth is that homosexuality- which apparently he meant to say male homosexuality- leads to disease.

Promiscuous sex makes everyone more susceptible to disease- gay men do tend to have more promiscuous sex than others- but not all gay men do.

You want to label them all as being the same- and all of them carrying HIV around to infect you with.
I have said a few times I don't think Canada is right. I also pointed out that Russia also has laws which forbid anyone from anything that they consider to be 'promoting' homosexuality.

I don't remember you condemning Russia for how they censor free speech.

With Russia, it is a given, a Communist Country not unlike China or North Korea.

We are led to believe that supposedly Canada is a free country.

Russia is not a Communist country.

But I do appreciate the double standard.....
No One Says ONLY GAY MEN Get These Diseases
(My Quick Search Doesn't Cover All The Hazards Of A Homosexual Lifestyle)
But That Gay Men Contract All Their Problems At A Far Higher Rate
And Are Individually At Risk
Of Contracting And Spreading A Wider Range Of Various Infections

The person I responded to did- he/she/it said that homosexuality leads to disease.

Now you are qualifying that by saying that gay men are statistically more likely to contract sexually transmitted disease.

Which represents only half of the homosexual population in America- the male half.

And still most gay men will not contract HIV.

So to say that 'homosexuality leads to disease' is a false statement- on many levels.

A celibate gay man has no higher risk of developing HIV than any other celibate person- so it isn't his homosexuality causing it- it is the risky sexual behavior of many of the group.
eagle1462010 said:
Get a grip.........a long time ago I presented the evidence that pertains to the OP.........

GTFO............Go hang out with your gay friends.........and those who are against Freedom of Speech.

Canada would love you...........
Many Americans Fail To Realize Our Bill Of Rights
Doesn't Cross International Borders With Us
Their problem not ours...............So.......we shouldn't have opinions on anything outside our borders.........huh...

Nah.........we can call other countries out for being anti Freedom I'll keep doing it.

But only those countries like Canada which are seen as restricting the rights of those advocating against homosexual rights- and not countries like Russia which are seen as restricting the rights of those advocating for gay rights.

Personally I am opposed to the restrictions of speech in both countries.
To,the Right, it seems, freedom,of speech means the freedom to be a dick. Well, I go along with that too. After all, it's the unpopular speech that needs protecting.

But that same freedom seems to be exclusive when being a dick in the service of some Right Wing cause, such as homophobia. But let someone speak,out against police brutality and they become sons of bitches and disrespectful to the troops (that one is by way of some,cryptic Right Wing logic). Let someone speak,out against getting shot at school and they become a Libtards and unworthy of respect.

It's all in whose ox is being gored.
Yes but is doing deviant sex stuff in a parade where you invite kids to watch 1. Freedom of speech or 2. A crime?.

As always Silhouette- for probably the 40th time- if you know of anyone inviting children to watch 'deviant sex' you should notify the police.

But since all you have are your internet gay porn searches- and since you never have called the police once- this is just more of your usual homophobic bullshit.

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