Canadian man faces 2 years in prison for passing out Jesus saves pamphlets at gay pride parade

Syriusly said:
Tell me how Homosexuals with HIV leads to homosexuality causing HIV?
Did Wolcott's Pamplhets
Or Anyone Else
Claim Homosexuality Creates Diseases ??

You Already Had Your Answers
I'm Not Going To Talk In Circles With You
Just Because You Enjoy It
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Yes but is doing deviant sex stuff in a parade where you invite kids to watch 1. Freedom of speech or 2. A crime?

Hint: Try those same acts just outside a schoolyard at recess the next day without a rainbow armband on...and tell the cops that it's "freedom of speech!" as they slap the cuffs on you.
Is your homophobia based on a fear of promiscuity?

No, my homophobia is based on a fear of adults in pride parades being sexually promiscuous around children they invite to watch. .

Bullshit- this is just another of your various made up excuses for your bigotry.

I have watched you post this bigoted crap for years here- and you have only recently developed your obsession with gay porn searches on the internet and come up with this latest story to explain your bigotry.

You have never been to a pride parade- and have been promoting hate against gays and their children for years.

Just your usual bigoted bullshit.
What are the point of laws? What's the point of putting people in prison?

Protecting people from harassment, from being made to feel like it isn't their country. That's exactly what laws are for....If the same thing happened with black people, it's be a reason to lock someone up, right?

. Please also stop being a hypocrite.

Oh the very rich irony in that statement.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.

Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.
KKKanada must think Jesus hates homos.

Like their kin the UK, they are a joke in Western Civilization.
The issue here isn't just that he had "Jesus saves" on the pamphlet, it also said:

"homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent."

The guy was lucky he made it out of there alive.

Homosexuality doesn't cause diseases, nor can Jesus save gay people.

Migod, OF COURSE homosexuality causes disease!! Have you ever SEEN people with AIDS?.

You do realize that 'homosexuality' doesn't cause AIDS.....right?

Oh wait- of course you don't.

The fact is that the majority of people in the world with AIDS aren't gay.

'homosexuality' doesn't cause any disease- no more than heterosexuality causes syphillis.
The issue here isn't just that he had "Jesus saves" on the pamphlet, it also said:

"homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent."

The guy was lucky he made it out of there alive.

Homosexuality doesn't cause diseases, nor can Jesus save gay people.

I never really forgave homosexuals for bringing HIV to America, via Haiti paid sex liaisons. Haitians caught it in Africa from some sort of exchange program in the 1960s and 70s. It's all very well documented..

Of course you haven't forgiven homosexuals....and you never will. HIV clearly is just your excuse.
In the early 1970s, a plasma-donation clinic, run by a Miami investor, opened in Haiti offering residents $3 per liter. Shared needles at this clinic likely increased the infection rates in Haiti and shipped the disease to the United States in frozen blood plasma. Research indicates that just a single migration of the virus — either one infected person or one container of plasma — accounted for bringing AIDS to America. “That sorry advent had occurred in 1969, plus or minus about three years,” Quammen writes.
Syriusly said:
Tell me how Homosexuals with HIV leads to homosexuality causing HIV?
Did Wolcott's Pamplhets
Or Anyone Else
Claim Homosexuality Creates Diseases ??
here is the quote from Toothy again:
But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! !
and Circe
OF COURSE homosexuality causes disease!!

Both of which are false.
karpenter said:
No One Says ONLY GAY MEN Get These Diseases
(My Quick Search Doesn't Cover All The Hazards Of A Homosexual Lifestyle)
But That Gay Men Contract All Their Problems At A Far Higher Rate
And Are Individually At Risk
Of Contracting And Spreading A Wider Range Of Various Infections

Syriusly said:
The person I responded to did- he/she/it said that homosexuality leads to disease.
You're Trying To Rhetorically Play With Semantics
The Person You Responded To Is Correct

Syriusly said:
Now you are qualifying that by saying that gay men are statistically more likely to contract sexually transmitted disease.
I Didn't Create Their Statistics
They Did

Syriusly said:
Which represents only half of the homosexual population in America- the male half.
How Do You Know It's Numerically Half ??

Syriusly said:
And still most gay men will not contract HIV.
That's Good For Them
How About The Diseases And Intestinal Parasites That Aren't AIDS ??

Syriusly said:
So to say that 'homosexuality leads to disease' is a false statement- on many levels.
Take That Up With The Statisticians

Syriusly said:
A celibate gay man has no higher risk of developing HIV than any other celibate person- so it isn't his homosexuality causing it- it is the risky sexual behavior of many of the group.
What Is The Point Of THIS Statement ??
'Leads To' And 'Caused By' Are Different Issues
Again, You're Trying To Deflect
By Playing Rhetorically With Semantics
And A Very Narrow Hypothetical
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I agree, (assuming that your employer agrees with you insulting their customers".

But today's liberals do not agree. They, more and more, or....

are just be more and more open about it,

support jailing people for voicing opinions they do not agree with.

Ah I remember so many of you defending Russia's censorship of speech when it comes to gays....

Russia’s ‘Gay Propaganda’ Laws Are Illegal, European Court Rules

LONDON — Russia’s prohibition of what it considers the promotion of homosexuality is discriminatory and violates freedom of expression, Europe’s top human rights court ruled on Tuesday, in a strong rejection of laws that rights groups say have been routinely used as cover for abuse and violence.

So, are you saying that it is ok because Russia does it?

Actually- since I have already said that I thought Canada's law is stupid- I am actually saying both laws are stupid- and that all of you ardent defenders of free speech were either silent or applauding when Russia implemented its laws.

A fair point.

Will you be making that argument when your lefty buddies start arresting people in this country for speech violations?

Certainly if under the Trump administration people start getting arrested for non-violent speech I will object whether they are arrested for anti-gay speech- or pro-gay speech.

What about you, when your righty buddies start arresting people in this country for speech violations?

1. That was dishonest of you, and cowardly. I take it that you will support it, when/if your side starts arresting people for speech violations.

2. I have never supported arresting people for speech violations, and don't recall in my life, the Right in this country ever supporting that. I would certainly NOT support it.
Syriusly said:
Tell me how Homosexuals with HIV leads to homosexuality causing HIV?
karpenter said:
Did Wolcott's Pamphlets
Or Anyone Else
Claim Homosexuality Creates Diseases ??
Syriusly said:
here is the quote from Toothy again:
But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! !
and Circe
OF COURSE homosexuality causes disease!!

Both of which are false.
Oh, Puh-LEEZE !!
This Is What You Got ??

Looks Like It Was YOU That Rhetorically Injected Causes
In The Context Of Creating From Scratch, Brand New Diseases
You Were Just Trying To Set-Up A "Gotcha"

"Leads To" Is Not False....
I Didn't Create The Statistics For The Homosexual Lifestyle
Homosexuals Did

And Wolcott Got Thrown In Jail And Lost His Job
For Passing Out A Statistically Truthful Pamphlet
And Proselytizing
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Is treason not speech? How about libel?

No longer is your ignorance the least bit surprising.

high treason (noun) · high treasons (plural noun) · high treason (noun)
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
    "they were convicted of treason"
    synonyms: treachery · lese-majesty · disloyalty · betrayal · faithlessness · perfidy · perfidiousness · duplicity · infidelity · sedition · subversion · mutiny · rebellion · high treason · Punic faith
    antonyms: allegiance · loyalty
libels (plural noun)
  1. law
    a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation.Compare with slander.
    synonyms: defamation · defamation of character · character assassination · calumny · misrepresentation · scandalmongering · aspersions · denigration · vilification · disparagement · derogation · insult · slander · malicious gossip · tittle-tattle · traducement · lie · slur · smear · untruth· false insinuation · false report · smear campaign · slight · innuendo · rumor · mudslinging · bad-mouthing · contumely
    • the action or crime of publishing a false statement about a person.
      "a libel action" · "a councilor who sued two national newspapers for libel"
    • a false and typically malicious statement about a person.
    • a thing or circumstance that brings undeserved discredit on a person by misrepresentation.
  2. (in admiralty and ecclesiastical law) a plaintiff's written declaration.
libels (third person present) · libelled (past tense) · libelled (past participle) · libelling (present participle) · libeled (past tense) · libeled (past participle) · libeling (present participle)
  1. law
    defame (someone) by publishing a libel.
    "she alleged the magazine had libeled her"
    synonyms: defame · malign · slander · give someone a bad name · blacken someone's name · sully someone's reputation · speak ill/evil of · write false reports about · traduce · smear · cast aspersions on · fling mud at · drag someone's name through the mud/mire · besmirch · tarnish · taint · do a hatchet job on · tell lies about · spread tales about · spread scandal about · stain · vilify · calumniate · denigrate · disparage · run down · derogate · stigmatize · discredit · slight · slur · asperse
    • make a false and typically malicious statement about.
  2. (in admiralty and ecclesiastical law) bring a suit against.
The Police Release Doesn't Say He Did Any Of That
Show A Report That Does

He Was Just Handing Out Religious Pamphlets
You Show Where He Challenged Or Harangued Anyone

He didn't have to challenge or harangue anyone. Canada does not have the same freedoms as we enjoy in the United States.
Ah I remember so many of you defending Russia's censorship of speech when it comes to gays....

Russia’s ‘Gay Propaganda’ Laws Are Illegal, European Court Rules

LONDON — Russia’s prohibition of what it considers the promotion of homosexuality is discriminatory and violates freedom of expression, Europe’s top human rights court ruled on Tuesday, in a strong rejection of laws that rights groups say have been routinely used as cover for abuse and violence.

So, are you saying that it is ok because Russia does it?

Actually- since I have already said that I thought Canada's law is stupid- I am actually saying both laws are stupid- and that all of you ardent defenders of free speech were either silent or applauding when Russia implemented its laws.

A fair point.

Will you be making that argument when your lefty buddies start arresting people in this country for speech violations?

Certainly if under the Trump administration people start getting arrested for non-violent speech I will object whether they are arrested for anti-gay speech- or pro-gay speech.

What about you, when your righty buddies start arresting people in this country for speech violations?

1. That was dishonest of you, and cowardly. I take it that you will support it, when/if your side starts arresting people for speech violations.

2. I have never supported arresting people for speech violations, and don't recall in my life, the Right in this country ever supporting that. I would certainly NOT support it.

LOL- I guess you think you can dish it out, but don't have to take it?

I have never supported arresting people for speech violations and I do recall in my life when the Right supported just that.

Comstock laws - Wikipedia
Curses! The birth of the bleep and modern American censorship

It took the Supreme Court to overturn the Comstock laws and censorship laws.
Canadian Man Faces 2 Years in Prison for Passing Out Jesus Saves Pamphlets at Gay Pride Parade
A Christian bus driver in Toronto has been charged with a “hate crime” for distributing pamphlets saying homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent. Bill Whatcott “distributed anti-gay material which promoted hatred toward the gay community,” Toronto Police Service said in a statement, adding that he was arrested in Calgary and later returned to Toronto.

Well wonder how the leftards will handle it all when it blows back on themn.
Real Christians don`t hate gays or anyone else. Thread fail!
Hate the sin not the sinner. And where exactly is the ‘hate crime’ here?
Syriusly said:
Tell me how Homosexuals with HIV leads to homosexuality causing HIV?
karpenter said:
Did Wolcott's Pamphlets
Or Anyone Else
Claim Homosexuality Creates Diseases ??
Syriusly said:
here is the quote from Toothy again:
But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases! !
and Circe
OF COURSE homosexuality causes disease!!

Both of which are false.
Oh, Puh-LEEZE !!
This Is What You Got ??

Looks Like It Was YOU That Rhetorically Injected Causes
In The Context Of Creating From Scratch, Brand New Diseases
You Were Just Trying To Set-Up A "Gotcha"

"Leads To" Is Not False...g

"leads to" is certainly false when most Homosexuals don't have HIV and the majority of HIV cases in the world are with heterosexuals.
karpenter said:
No One Says ONLY GAY MEN Get These Diseases
(My Quick Search Doesn't Cover All The Hazards Of A Homosexual Lifestyle)
But That Gay Men Contract All Their Problems At A Far Higher Rate
And Are Individually At Risk
Of Contracting And Spreading A Wider Range Of Various Infections

Syriusly said:
The person I responded to did- he/she/it said that homosexuality leads to disease.
You're Trying To Rhetorically Play With Semantics
The Person You Responded To Is Correct

Syriusly said:
Now you are qualifying that by saying that gay men are statistically more likely to contract sexually transmitted disease.
I Didn't Create Their Statistics
They Did

Syriusly said:
Which represents only half of the homosexual population in America- the male half.
How Do You Know It's Numerically Half ??

Syriusly said:
And still most gay men will not contract HIV.
That's Good For Them
How About The Diseases And Intestinal Parasites That Aren't AIDS ??

Syriusly said:
So to say that 'homosexuality leads to disease' is a false statement- on many levels.
Take That Up With The Statisticians

Syriusly said:
A celibate gay man has no higher risk of developing HIV than any other celibate person- so
Again, You're Trying To Deflect
By Playing Rhetorically With Semantics
And A Very Narrow Hypothetical

So you decided to do the very same thing?

The claim is that homosexuality leads to disease.

And that is- as I have demonstrated- false.

That is like saying that being attracted to the idea of skiing leads to broken legs.

So you decided to do the very same thing?

The claim is that homosexuality leads to disease.

And that is- as I have demonstrated- false.

That is like saying that being attracted to the idea of skiing leads to broken legs

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