Canadian middle class passes American- Thanks Reaganism...

TY, racist a-hole. lol. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

I'm not a racist. I hate takers of both genders and all races equally. I was taught thst it is one's responsibility to take care of you and yoyrs, nobody else. Time for a little natural selection to improve the American gene pool.
That's not always possible. And Natural selection for people doesn't happen. That's just luck of the draw, dupes.
That's not always possible. And Natural selection for people doesn't happen. That's just luck of the draw, dupes.

If/when you can't provide for yourself you fi d a way to get rid of yourself and those you are supposed to be supporting, so as not to be a burden on others.
Hey just for fun and I will go into more detail tomorrow Justin campaigned on tax cuts for the middle class.

OMG are you ready? What the libs are going to do is shave $2.60 off of every paycheck twice a month.


This election promise works out to a middle class tax payer bonus of almost $64.00 bucks a year.

Fucking Ontario sold me out for $64 bucks a year to give Justin 188 seats.

According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...
Government does not invest in anything except increasing government employment and enlarging bureaucracy.

The government doesn't represent the people in the US.
Exactly wrong. The people are also a big dumb lug.

Maybe they are, that doesn't mean the govt represents the people though, does it?
The son of a bitch is looking at election reform.

Removing all local elections. Based solely on votes counted nationally and the parties pick leaders from across the country to fill their cabinets representing their total votes.

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