Canadian requesting FOIA at border...who do I contact?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Hello all,

I have an ongoing saga with the Canadian government, in effect, multiple years of trying to clear my name for the persecution I experienced (I believe I made a posting on this forum entitled "Why Canada Can't Be Trusted" some time back which explains in some detail). Here is the situation: I was held with my wife at the U.S border a couple of years ago and taken into secondary search; even though they didn't search us per se,they simply held us while they appeared to get some clearance from the Canadian side and they confiscated our passports for a period of time. When I asked the U.S agent in a non threatening manner if there was a problem, I was told "not with us, but you might want to speak to your government"

It is apparent that this holding was due to the constant lies that the Canadian authorities have been espousing about me as some sort of "threat" (ideological and otherwise). I don't have a police record, nor any charges laid against me, nor have I harmed anyone or been part of any radical group, in fact, the reasons for these actions are basically the security establishment covering their behinds and attempting to avoid accountability for a list of wrongdoings against me (not of least is the hearing disability I suffer from due to their actions).

My concern is this; I am receiving delays from the U.S border in receiving the information as to the reasons for this holding. Now this has nothing to do with America, they have a right to protect their citizens and as such should be doing so; this is entirely the result of the faulty lies being spread by the Canadian Intelligence Agents (I use the word intelligence loosely here) in their efforts to continue to assassinate my character.

Does anyone know what I can do to ensure that I receive these files in a timely manner? To this point I have received an acknowledgement and an "in progress" update (which is really the default). It has been more than double the anticipated time and I am concerned obviously that they might be trying to delay for the benefit of the CSIS and the RCMP, who were the one's most active in destroying my life to protect themselves.

Does anyone know what the proper procedure might be here? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I have sent a couple of emails to the DHS and the border without a response from them.


A suggestion...quite assuming everyone knows these acronyms you're using. Such as:

RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police?)

The first time you use one of these acronyms, spell it out in parantheses, don't just assume everyone knows what it is.

That's where you lost me, I'm not interested enough to go look these acronyms up. Plus you sound just a little bit crazy.

What lies is your government spreading about you, what threats have they made, and what is the list of wrongdoings they've done against you?

Knowing some specifics like this, including what those acronyms stand for, would make this sound a little more rational.

P.S. It's a pet peeve of mine when people use a bunch of acronyms and assume everyone knows what they're talking about.
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If you didn't have anything positive to add, why respond at all other than to call me crazy? If you didn't understand the acronyms it would be best to leave my question to someone else who does know what they stand for. I don't respond to medical questions when I don't know the acronyms, I wouldn't be offended if someone didn't respond to my question if they didn't know the acronyms...

Let's stick to the facts than since you have no interest in helping but only sidetracking from the question:
1) My wife and I were held at the U.S border for 40 minutes, our passports confiscated
2) I have no criminal record, no court proceedings, no allegations against me
3) I requested my information from the U.S Customs and Border Protection
4) I have experienced more than twice the regular processing time to receive the information
5) I have taken steps to contact the border agency without a response.

Now, does anyone know what the proper procedure might be here? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

No one is going to respond and help you because when they ask questions in order to clarify their understanding of your situation, you get all defensive, refuse to answer simple questions, and basically tell them to kiss off.

My initial instinct was obviously correct. You're a whacko.
Requests must be submitted in writing either by regular mail, by facsimile, or by e-mail. If sent by regular mail, your letter should clearly be marked "FOIA Request," and should be addressed to:

FOIA Officer
U.S. Office of Special Counsel
1730 M St., N.W. (Suite 218)
Washington, DC 20036-4505

or by Fax to (202) 254-3711,
or by E-mail to: [email protected]

If sent by facsimile, the cover sheet should clearly be marked "FOIA Request," and should be sent to: (202) 254-3711.

Whether sent by mail or by fax, your FOIA request will not be considered to have been received by OSC until it reaches the agency’s FOIA Officer.

You should also be aware that making a FOIA request will be considered to be an agreement by you to pay all fees chargeable under the FOIA, up to and including $25.00, unless you ask for and receive a waiver of fees. (See question 10.)

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Handbook

Ah, thank you. I read to the part about his experience at IBM. I used to work at IBM for 10 years and know how greatly they "respect the individual." It's one of their basic beliefs, along with "the pursuit of excellence" and "the greatest customer service in the world." I know how well they treated employees. If they designated someone as ineligible for rehire, there was probably a very good reason.
IBM is an excellent company to work for. I would highly recommend it to anyone; they are a first class organization with hard working, proud, committed employees (in my experience). Furthermore, they thought highly enough of me to send me on four trips and various conferences, some in which I represented IBM at a booth and other endeavors such as presenting to young kids the benefits of working for IBM. In return, I did my part to ensure far surpassed my multi-million dollar quotas. They are also a highly visible organization for the nefarious...

The question isn't about IBM, the question is about what misrepresentation, character assassinations and outright lies have been manufactured by the Security Apparatus in Canada and spread to individuals, countries and companies. If you are not a police officer or agent in the intelligence field, you might not be aware of the Canadian reputation. There is enough information out there in published books that hit the mark. For the record, there are plenty of episodes of these same agencies causing more harm than good in regards to the U.S security as well. In terms of Human Rights in Canada, they are almost non-existent, selective rights; the Charter of Rights and Freedoms nothing more than a piece of paper for most Canadian citizens unlike your Constitution that is held dearly and put into practice for Americans.
As an update to this. I made an FOIA request to the U.S government, they constructively denied my request stating three different exemptions, the key of which are basing the denial on them providing me too many details about "law enforcement agency" that provided the information (Canadian agency). The use of such language is extremely telling since the response to my lawsuit was denials by the state that anything existed...until I requested my file, then they took the usual Canadian democratic steps to throw out my case (how dare I ask the state for information about me which I know they have). I was also told at the border by the U.S guard at the time that "we don't have a problem with you but you might want to speak to your government (Canadian). Seems there is a big difference between honest, transparent government provided in the U.S, and the artificial and secretive government here in Canada.

So, I appealed my case to the U.S. I sent the mail "express", a two day delivery service which I paid for, and I was convinced that sending it via Canada Post, our state run agency, might be acceptable. Big mistake. I could not locate my package in transit, it simply didn't exist. I contacted Canada Post and the lady confirmed the Item Number three times and confirmed with me that "this is strange, that number doesn't exist", so, the package itself mysteriously went "missing" in transit. I have send 100's of items in the post the last few years without a problem, but when it comes time for me to appeal for the information that Canada desperately doesn't want me to have, the mail disappears.

In the book Covert Entry, John Farrell, former CSIS agent clearly states that CSIS intercepts and even opens mail...a federal offense committed by a federal agency which is supposed to enforce federal laws. Sound like a democracy to anyone here?
I made a request to the American Border Patrol regarding the holding and confiscation of my passport in 2009. I made the FOIA request many years later (a few months ago) as I was unsure of the process, assuming that everything I needed was to be provided by Canadian authorities; agencies that have proven to be far more secretive than more transparent and Constitutionally based countries (Canada talks a great game when it comes to freedoms, be sure, the Charter is regularly and freely abused).

So, the response I received was a redaction of the information based on two different premises and key exemptions which they enacted: 1) "protects records compiled for law enforcement purposes, the release of which would disclose techniques and/or procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law." 2) protects records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes.

So ultimately what the U.S Border is doing is protecting the identities of the Canadian agencies involved in my persecution, in effect, admitting that this holding was not random at all (which is rarely ever is) and based on information provided by the security apparatus. Based on my appeal which they have since rejected and released no further information of my initial request and the discussion I had with the border guard on the U.S side; in which he told me that "we don't have a problem with you but you might want to speak to your government", it is evident that there is some "law enforcement" agency interested in me and further impeding my freedoms, this time via mobility rights. The obvious question would be "why"? I have no criminal record, no accusations against me, no charges, I am married, I pay my taxes, I follow the law...this is an obvious case of my own country caught being overzealous, and for some reason they attempted to have me held at an International border to avoid flight based on the accusations I have made to the powers that be and the lawsuit which followed.

The crux of this entire persecution; of being treated like a war criminal in my own nation, one in which I am going to work hard to get into the media's eyes, is based some arbitrarily, illegal, vexation and secretive directive by the state to keep me silent and for themselves to avoid accountability.

I now have to take the step I wanted to avoid and take the DHS through litigation in order to have a judge force them to reveal the facts behind the harrowing experience I had at the border. I have been very clear with the DHS about my respect for American justice and even acknowledged their right to defend their border, one which I wholeheartedly agree with. This denial of facts serves neither of these purposes however, and unfortunately I need to have my voice heard in Washington. At the very least I will finally get my day in court, Canada can no longer silence what I have experienced without an experienced judge hearing about my plight and FURTHER interference.
If you didn't have anything positive to add, why respond at all other than to call me crazy? If you didn't understand the acronyms it would be best to leave my question to someone else who does know what they stand for. I don't respond to medical questions when I don't know the acronyms, I wouldn't be offended if someone didn't respond to my question if they didn't know the acronyms...

Let's stick to the facts than since you have no interest in helping but only sidetracking from the question:
1) My wife and I were held at the U.S border for 40 minutes, our passports confiscated
2) I have no criminal record, no court proceedings, no allegations against me
3) I requested my information from the U.S Customs and Border Protection
4) I have experienced more than twice the regular processing time to receive the information
5) I have taken steps to contact the border agency without a response.

Now, does anyone know what the proper procedure might be here? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

Was this a one time occurrence?
If you didn't have anything positive to add, why respond at all other than to call me crazy? If you didn't understand the acronyms it would be best to leave my question to someone else who does know what they stand for. I don't respond to medical questions when I don't know the acronyms, I wouldn't be offended if someone didn't respond to my question if they didn't know the acronyms...

Let's stick to the facts than since you have no interest in helping but only sidetracking from the question:
1) My wife and I were held at the U.S border for 40 minutes, our passports confiscated
2) I have no criminal record, no court proceedings, no allegations against me
3) I requested my information from the U.S Customs and Border Protection
4) I have experienced more than twice the regular processing time to receive the information
5) I have taken steps to contact the border agency without a response.

Now, does anyone know what the proper procedure might be here? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

Was this a one time occurrence?[/QUOTE

Yes Flopper, as we did not want to experience it again and thus did not return. In fact, after they had a discussion with the Canadian authorities I wouldn't have been surprised to not experience the problem again. Canada loves to operate like East Germany, persecute and deny culpability. Take it from someone who has fought a number of years for my freedom in this country.

One time or not, future without incidents at the border or not, they need to explain what agencies are providing erroneous, vexatious and arbitrary information about me and why there is any reservation about providing this information. I had a lawsuit against CSIS and the RCMP so it isn't difficult to understand who is behind this...

If a government agency is spreading lies about you which impede upon your life, wouldn't they have the integrity and democratic character to openly explain these accusations? Welcome to Canada...

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