Canadians angered over "Buy American" rule

How much of that is the strength of our currency relative to theirs?

Are you going to attempt the same sidestpe with China too? Do you think I'll run out of examples of the US getting pwned by bad trade deals and nations who don't import as much as WE do?

Nope. asking about your opinion on Canada. China artificially lowers the value of their currency.

Perhaps.. but the numbers show that the US is getting the short end of the stick with massive trade deficits all day long. And has for 20 years. This is why the whole "free trade' shit is nothing more than a ruse used by greedy fucks whose wallets are more important than the nation crumbling around them. By throwing the middle class under the bus for the sake of "competitiveness" with a fucking Chinese sweat shop the US is weakened economically all the way around the block. Our collective cunsuming ability is gutted as capitalistas cry about fucking HEALTH insurance while looking for any way to drive the cost of labor down to the cost that, again, slave shops enjoy. Sure, dude.. we'd be pretty fucking competitive making Nikes if we paid labor 1 dollar an hour to work 25 hours a day... But are you a fool enough to think this WONT impact our cultural standard of living by lowering it to that enjoyed by Chinese sweat shop slaves?
What are you referring to?

Oh he will and has.

Looking familiar yet, tex?

That wasn't crying. I was stating a fact. Make fun of my religion all you want. I could care less.

perhaps... but then you turned right around and played the same shit talking ballgame. just saying.

oh, and I tried to pos rep you but I have to spread it around. Hit me up the next time we're battling it out in a thread about israel. which...
Are you going to attempt the same sidestpe with China too? Do you think I'll run out of examples of the US getting pwned by bad trade deals and nations who don't import as much as WE do?

Nope. asking about your opinion on Canada. China artificially lowers the value of their currency.

Perhaps.. but the numbers show that the US is getting the short end of the stick with massive trade deficits all day long. And has for 20 years. This is why the whole "free trade' shit is nothing more than a ruse used by greedy fucks whose wallets are more important than the nation crumbling around them. By throwing the middle class under the bus for the sake of "competitiveness" with a fucking Chinese sweat shop the US is weakened economically all the way around the block. Our collective cunsuming ability is gutted as capitalistas cry about fucking HEALTH insurance while looking for any way to drive the cost of labor down to the cost that, again, slave shops enjoy. Sure, dude.. we'd be pretty fucking competitive making Nikes if we paid labor 1 dollar an hour to work 25 hours a day... But are you a fool enough to think this WONT impact our cultural standard of living by lowering it to that enjoyed by Chinese sweat shop slaves?

It makes it tough. I read an article recently that said in 10 years, the associates degree will be as important as the GED/diploma is now. It seems everyone will have to specialize just to make ends meet.
Looking familiar yet, tex?

That wasn't crying. I was stating a fact. Make fun of my religion all you want. I could care less.

perhaps... but then you turned right around and played the same shit talking ballgame. just saying.

oh, and I tried to pos rep you but I have to spread it around. Hit me up the next time we're battling it out in a thread about israel. which...

In a way I did. does this mean you agree that bobo's religion is Obamism?:lol:
Nope. asking about your opinion on Canada. China artificially lowers the value of their currency.

Perhaps.. but the numbers show that the US is getting the short end of the stick with massive trade deficits all day long. And has for 20 years. This is why the whole "free trade' shit is nothing more than a ruse used by greedy fucks whose wallets are more important than the nation crumbling around them. By throwing the middle class under the bus for the sake of "competitiveness" with a fucking Chinese sweat shop the US is weakened economically all the way around the block. Our collective cunsuming ability is gutted as capitalistas cry about fucking HEALTH insurance while looking for any way to drive the cost of labor down to the cost that, again, slave shops enjoy. Sure, dude.. we'd be pretty fucking competitive making Nikes if we paid labor 1 dollar an hour to work 25 hours a day... But are you a fool enough to think this WONT impact our cultural standard of living by lowering it to that enjoyed by Chinese sweat shop slaves?

It makes it tough. I read an article recently that said in 10 years, the associates degree will be as important as the GED/diploma is now. It seems everyone will have to specialize just to make ends meet.

Thats just it though.. we don't HAVE to sacrifice America on the cross of free market capitalism just because some batshit crazy asshole likes to hide behind jargon and self righteousness. Look at the example of Alan Greenspan. In the early 90s he was busy preaching about the same shit we hear from the above dickhead about free markets blah blah blah.. and, how did that turn out? What was his ADMISSIONS after the fact? There is nothing wrong with a nation using strategies meant to protect itself against competing market forces. We lose every time when free traders think with their wallet dicks instead of their national heads. Trade deficits? FAIL. Standard of living? FAIL. employment opportunities? double fucking fail. The US didn't become a first world state by selling out to foreign labor on the advice of economic free agents. Our (once) solid middle class and it's consuming power is NOT the product of hemorrhaging our national prerogative to the lowest foreign bidder. This is EXACTLY why the bitch above hides behind bullhsit jargon instead of admitting that by "competitiveness" he means normalizing OUR standard of living with that of a chinese pauper. Or, lord fucking knows, Nafta loving Mexicans.
That wasn't crying. I was stating a fact. Make fun of my religion all you want. I could care less.

perhaps... but then you turned right around and played the same shit talking ballgame. just saying.

oh, and I tried to pos rep you but I have to spread it around. Hit me up the next time we're battling it out in a thread about israel. which...

In a way I did. does this mean you agree that bobo's religion is Obamism?:lol:

Like wise man once told me: I don't have a dog in that race. But, I will say this... Obama is trying to BUY AMERICAN. Bush, and those who voted for him, keep trying to sell out our American standard of living for the sake of rhetorical bullshit that we SEE yields nothing but economic turds. You may resent Bobo's infatuation with Obama... but in THIS case he is right on the fucking money. We can't keep living if we continue to bleed out all over the the world.
perhaps... but then you turned right around and played the same shit talking ballgame. just saying.

oh, and I tried to pos rep you but I have to spread it around. Hit me up the next time we're battling it out in a thread about israel. which...

In a way I did. does this mean you agree that bobo's religion is Obamism?:lol:

Like wise man once told me: I don't have a dog in that race. But, I will say this... Obama is trying to BUY AMERICAN. Bush, and those who voted for him, keep trying to sell out our American standard of living for the sake of rhetorical bullshit that we SEE yields nothing but economic turds. You may resent Bobo's infatuation with Obama... but in THIS case he is right on the fucking money. We can't keep living if we continue to bleed out all over the the world.

that may be true, but Obama, himself, IS a free-trade guy. Remember his comments about Ohioans "clinging to anti-trade." Clinton, Bush, and Obama are no different on this issue, whether they claim to be dems or repubs.
In a way I did. does this mean you agree that bobo's religion is Obamism?:lol:

Like wise man once told me: I don't have a dog in that race. But, I will say this... Obama is trying to BUY AMERICAN. Bush, and those who voted for him, keep trying to sell out our American standard of living for the sake of rhetorical bullshit that we SEE yields nothing but economic turds. You may resent Bobo's infatuation with Obama... but in THIS case he is right on the fucking money. We can't keep living if we continue to bleed out all over the the world.

that may be true, but Obama, himself, IS a free-trade guy. Remember his comments about Ohioans "clinging to anti-trade." Clinton, Bush, and Obama are no different on this issue, whether they claim to be dems or repubs.

Obama is a politician. He is about as "free trade" as Bush was "for illegal amnesty". we know how they all talk out of both sides of their mouths. But, at least he is trying to preserve the domestic economy instead of selling it to the highest foreign bidder. Hell, remember when Bush was about to sell rights to a PORT to Dubai? In the shadow of 9/11? Why the hell would we sell ANY port access to ANY foreign entity? Ever?
Like wise man once told me: I don't have a dog in that race. But, I will say this... Obama is trying to BUY AMERICAN. Bush, and those who voted for him, keep trying to sell out our American standard of living for the sake of rhetorical bullshit that we SEE yields nothing but economic turds. You may resent Bobo's infatuation with Obama... but in THIS case he is right on the fucking money. We can't keep living if we continue to bleed out all over the the world.

that may be true, but Obama, himself, IS a free-trade guy. Remember his comments about Ohioans "clinging to anti-trade." Clinton, Bush, and Obama are no different on this issue, whether they claim to be dems or repubs.

Obama is a politician. He is about as "free trade" as Bush was "for illegal amnesty". we know how they all talk out of both sides of their mouths. But, at least he is trying to preserve the domestic economy instead of selling it to the highest foreign bidder. Hell, remember when Bush was about to sell rights to a PORT to Dubai? In the shadow of 9/11? Why the hell would we sell ANY port access to ANY foreign entity? Ever?

Trying to sell the ports to Dubai was damned near treasonous. especially after the whoopla about terrorists smuggling nukes onto freighters and blowing up our ports.
Barack Obama, who threatened during the presidential campaign to withdraw from the North American Free Trade Agreement unless he could renegotiate it, may delay trying to rework the accord as he focuses on the U.S. economic crisis.

SHOCKING! You mean our statist, pro-protectionism President wants to "renegotiate" existing trade agreements, say it ain't so Joe..... I wonder what he'll do if the Mexicans and Canadians tell him to go bugger off?

Yea, Mexico and Canadia really have that kind of a trump card! :rofl: Lord fucking knows they would both remain bastions of fucking wealth were the US to pull the nafta rug out from under their fucking feet. Give me a fucking break. Yea, Canadia sure is an imposing economic figure! Just look at all that trade deficit that they ALREADY don't muster. Yea, dude! I'm fucking AFRAID of Canadia! THIS is why you stupid, free market motherfuckers avoid Trade disparity like a cat does a bath.

America’s trade imbalance with Canada grew by nearly $6 billion in October, according to a report released Thursday by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

American companies exported $22.01 billion of goods to Canada during the month, but U.S. consumers bought $27.97 billion of Canadian imports. The result was a shortfall of $5.96 billion.
U.S.-Canada trade deficit nears $6B - Wichita Business Journal:

Most of that trade deficit is oil.

Aaaaannnndddd from where does America import most of its oil?

Why Canada of course!

Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries

Number two is Mexico.

How long would you survive without oil?
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"Buy America" is merely protectionism. This is terrible policy by the Obama administration.

Let's not forget the last time the world got all protectionist during a severe economic downturn.

Using panel data estimates of export and import equations for 17 countries, Jakob B. Madsen (2002) estimated the effects of increasing tariff and non-tariff trade barriers on worldwide trade during the period 1929–1932. He concluded that real international trade contracted somewhere around 33% overall. His estimates of the impact of various factors included about 14% because of declining GNP in each country, 8% because of increases in tariff rates, 5% because of deflation-induced tariff increases, and 6% because of the imposition of nontariff barriers.

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, reeeeeaaaaal intelligent.
SHOCKING! You mean our statist, pro-protectionism President wants to "renegotiate" existing trade agreements, say it ain't so Joe..... I wonder what he'll do if the Mexicans and Canadians tell him to go bugger off?

Yea, Mexico and Canadia really have that kind of a trump card! :rofl: Lord fucking knows they would both remain bastions of fucking wealth were the US to pull the nafta rug out from under their fucking feet. Give me a fucking break. Yea, Canadia sure is an imposing economic figure! Just look at all that trade deficit that they ALREADY don't muster. Yea, dude! I'm fucking AFRAID of Canadia! THIS is why you stupid, free market motherfuckers avoid Trade disparity like a cat does a bath.

America’s trade imbalance with Canada grew by nearly $6 billion in October, according to a report released Thursday by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

American companies exported $22.01 billion of goods to Canada during the month, but U.S. consumers bought $27.97 billion of Canadian imports. The result was a shortfall of $5.96 billion.
U.S.-Canada trade deficit nears $6B - Wichita Business Journal:

Most of that trade deficit is oil.

Aaaaannnndddd from where does America import most of its oil?

Why Canada of course!

Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries

Number two is Mexico.

How long would you survive without oil?

Economists say free trade is good in theory. but I am trying to see how it is good in practice.
SHOCKING! You mean our statist, pro-protectionism President wants to "renegotiate" existing trade agreements, say it ain't so Joe..... I wonder what he'll do if the Mexicans and Canadians tell him to go bugger off?

Yea, Mexico and Canadia really have that kind of a trump card! :rofl: Lord fucking knows they would both remain bastions of fucking wealth were the US to pull the nafta rug out from under their fucking feet. Give me a fucking break. Yea, Canadia sure is an imposing economic figure! Just look at all that trade deficit that they ALREADY don't muster. Yea, dude! I'm fucking AFRAID of Canadia! THIS is why you stupid, free market motherfuckers avoid Trade disparity like a cat does a bath.

America’s trade imbalance with Canada grew by nearly $6 billion in October, according to a report released Thursday by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

American companies exported $22.01 billion of goods to Canada during the month, but U.S. consumers bought $27.97 billion of Canadian imports. The result was a shortfall of $5.96 billion.
U.S.-Canada trade deficit nears $6B - Wichita Business Journal:

Most of that trade deficit is oil.

Aaaaannnndddd from where does America import most of its oil?

Why Canada of course!

Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries

Number two is Mexico.

How long would you survive without oil?

I guess that depends on how soon we are willing to invest in American energy options beyond all the crybaby bullshit about regulating Auto options.

Not that this deficit is excused by such blatant excuses. If we import their oil then THEY can import other American goods on par with our energy consumption, YES?
"Buy America" is merely protectionism. This is terrible policy by the Obama administration.

Let's not forget the last time the world got all protectionist during a severe economic downturn.

Using panel data estimates of export and import equations for 17 countries, Jakob B. Madsen (2002) estimated the effects of increasing tariff and non-tariff trade barriers on worldwide trade during the period 1929–1932. He concluded that real international trade contracted somewhere around 33% overall. His estimates of the impact of various factors included about 14% because of declining GNP in each country, 8% because of increases in tariff rates, 5% because of deflation-induced tariff increases, and 6% because of the imposition of nontariff barriers.

Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, reeeeeaaaaal intelligent.


I tellya.. your free market ESTIMATES really seem to pan out, dont they, Mr. Greenspan?
Yea, Mexico and Canadia really have that kind of a trump card! :rofl: Lord fucking knows they would both remain bastions of fucking wealth were the US to pull the nafta rug out from under their fucking feet. Give me a fucking break. Yea, Canadia sure is an imposing economic figure! Just look at all that trade deficit that they ALREADY don't muster. Yea, dude! I'm fucking AFRAID of Canadia! THIS is why you stupid, free market motherfuckers avoid Trade disparity like a cat does a bath.

America’s trade imbalance with Canada grew by nearly $6 billion in October, according to a report released Thursday by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

American companies exported $22.01 billion of goods to Canada during the month, but U.S. consumers bought $27.97 billion of Canadian imports. The result was a shortfall of $5.96 billion.
U.S.-Canada trade deficit nears $6B - Wichita Business Journal:

Most of that trade deficit is oil.

Aaaaannnndddd from where does America import most of its oil?

Why Canada of course!

Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries

Number two is Mexico.

How long would you survive without oil?

Economists say free trade is good in theory. but I am trying to see how it is good in practice.

I can show you some post-fiasco Alan Greenspan quotes that can clarify just how much of an utter fucking FAIL they are if you'd like.
You don't get your oil from Alaska. You get yours from S. America, Canada, Africa and the Arab world.

You tell me nothing I do not already know.

*crawls down to sealybobo's level*

I meant to imply that I *WISH* my oil were Alaskan.

Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ...
You don't get your oil from Alaska. You get yours from S. America, Canada, Africa and the Arab world.

You tell me nothing I do not already know.

*crawls down to sealybobo's level*

I meant to imply that I *WISH* my oil were Alaskan.

Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ...

Remember we wanted all the economic stimulus money to go to American companies but multinational corporations complained so the politicians took that rule out?

Looks like the Chinese play by their own rules:

Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.

HONG KONG - Foreign businesses keen to benefit from China's 4 trillion yuan (US$586 billion) economic stimulus package announced last November are being thwarted by Chinese government insistence that the funds are public and their spending must therefore be governed by government procurement law.

This stipulates that public purchases must give priority to Chinese-made products and domestically generated services. Chinese officials also say the procurement law is largely bypassed in practice, especially by local-authority officials. Efforts are being made to limit such deals.

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