Cancel Me Harder, Baby. Jason Aldean‘s Shoots to #1

And when you fuck it up and stat cannibalizing each other, we will still be laughing at you feral animals as you have to flee back where you came from after bankrupting the social safety net and can't mooch any more. The earleir waves of parasites don't want to share with the news ones. You'll bust up all the black hoods, though, and disperse them before you have to run away again.

See. All you have is hopeful cosplay about what comes after because you sure as shit ain't going to do anything to stop the taking of your country. 😄
All the early country stars grew up in poverty. They made real music based on their pain. I see these new people with their straight teeth and frat boy haircuts singing about how good they have it and see nothing that Hank Sr. would recognize.
The corporations running country music stifle writers and don’t allow creativity anymore. That’s why you get generic crap now.
Actually there is a significant difference. Conservative boycotts are passive, minus a very few vocal people. Whereas liberal cancel culture is extremely active, from protesting speakers, protesting restaurants, creating deceptive online petitions, so on and so forth. Liberals have worked hard to equate the two, but they are very different things. Liberals use the media and social media to decieve the masses, whereas conservatives simply close their wallets and walk away.
Correct. Left activists petition sponsors and financial institutions to cancel artists. Conservatives just stop participating and buying products.
I saw a clip on YouTube of some idiot MSNBC talking head ranting about how the video starts out showing a courthouse. 'reminiscent of lynching's".

You can't get any dumber.
The corporations running country music stifle writers and don’t allow creativity anymore. That’s why you get generic crap now.
That's the crux of the fear that AI will take over numerous fields. What liberals want are vanilla products with no controversy. That doesn't require creativity, it's just the same scripts and storylines with different wrappers.
Liar ^^^^

Great, but NOBODY stands in line for 3 hours>
Is that even possible at a Drive-thru.

Ignoramus Maximus.


That's the crux of the fear that AI will take over numerous fields. What liberals want are vanilla products with no controversy. That doesn't require creativity, it's just the same scripts and storylines with different wrappers.
More stifling of free speech via big corporations. Lefties wet dream.
Liar ^^^^

Great, but NOBODY stands in line for 3 hours>
Is that even possible at a Drive-thru.


You don’t get out much huh? CFAs have lobbies as well as drive thru’s. One stands in lines for lobby service. And yes, many stood in line for long periods of time during the height of the controversy to show support. 🤦‍♂️
Yeah, figures you assholes would want to glorify hate/racism/bigotry and of your all time favorite l.ynching
You should watch the video. There seems to be more white people in the video than there blacks.

Plus, the footage used is actual news footage.
These morons don't even know what free speech is. Apparently free speech also includes paid speech....😄

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