Cancel Me Harder, Baby. Jason Aldean‘s Shoots to #1

It's the whole song, dumbass.

"Got a gun that my granddad gave me"

You're threatening to shoot people. The whole song is threats to attack people they don't like. Vigilante action. Lynching.

Like I said, learn to lie better. You suck at it.

Will it help if I say I'm sorry for always humikliating you? I'm just wondering why you're perpetually triggered. Were you born such a little bitch, or did you work hard at it?

I get that the constant losing hurts, and that everyone laughing at you hurts. You need to get used to it. It's not like you're going to be losing any less in the future, or that people will stop highlighting your disgusting behavior.

I’m embarrassed for you.
All this dismay yet WAP was a huge hit, as was Hot Nigga in 2014 which made it to #6 on Americas top 100. 21 verbal, and 51 physical references to guns, murder, and violence. Tell how try that in a small town even comes close you hypocrites
I'm a simple Native man. I'm sure some of you know a lot more about this stuff than me. Maybe one of you can clear something up for me.

What is the difference between banning music and banning books?
Unless OBVIOUS homage is being paid to those events, it's just a place.

A song about vigilante justice preformed in front of a place with a history of vigilante justice being preformed at could see seen a paying OBVIOUS homage is being paid to those events
The usual suspects and their allies in the mainstream media once again have attempted to set a false narrative that thanks to the freedom of the internet had blown up in their collective faces.

Attempting to paint anti-crime song highlighting the strength of tight knit communities as somehow racist and violent the left has proven that they are complete out of touch with the regular Americans.

Instead of the left's intended outcome of cancelling the artist and song...the tune and it's message has resonated with Americans of all races, creeds and colors...propelling it to number one ...

(NewsNation) — Country music singer Jason Aldean’s new song has topped the U.S. iTunes chart, despite its controversial lyrics and music video.

“Try That In A Small Town” hit the #1 spot on iTunes for songs in the U.S. Billboard Charts tweeted Wednesday. As of Thursday morning, it’s currently in the Top 15 of the Top 100: USA list.

(Strike out provided as a form of commentary by OP. There is nothing controversial about opposition to crime, assault, carjacking and arson.)

Calling this number "racist" because it is anti-crime even though it doesn't mention any racial minorities, is about as Racist as you can get.

Such a screed, being uttered everywhere among Biden Cultists, implies that all black people are criminals who would jack your ride, or rape your babies and you are being unrealistic to expect anything else from the blacks.

That's not only untrue- most blacks are cool and wouldn't do that, but it also implies that blacks in general have no problem with this kind of behavior, also untrue and racist.
No, like the guy objecting to it.

I ain’t seen you so riled up since sound of freedom went gangbusters at the box office. 😂😂😂😂😂

This is one thing I have always liked about you, your very vivid imagination.

I have not posted about that movie at all, but do not let facts and honesty get in your way.
The usual suspects and their allies in the mainstream media once again have attempted to set a false narrative that thanks to the freedom of the internet had blown up in their collective faces.

Attempting to paint anti-crime song highlighting the strength of tight knit communities as somehow racist and violent the left has proven that they are complete out of touch with the regular Americans.

Instead of the left's intended outcome of cancelling the artist and song...the tune and it's message has resonated with Americans of all races, creeds and colors...propelling it to number one ...

(NewsNation) — Country music singer Jason Aldean’s new song has topped the U.S. iTunes chart, despite its controversial lyrics and music video.

“Try That In A Small Town” hit the #1 spot on iTunes for songs in the U.S. Billboard Charts tweeted Wednesday. As of Thursday morning, it’s currently in the Top 15 of the Top 100: USA list.

(Strike out provided as a form of commentary by OP. There is nothing controversial about opposition to crime, assault, carjacking and arson.)
This is more debilitating than trying to straighten out
The Bowery Boys.Known for their juvenile antics and super
smart mouths.Plus use of smacks { in the kisser of course }.
Quite popular in early years of Hollywood and TV.
Think the Little Rascals and Three Stooges.
We have us a really bratty,spoiled and punked Mainstream
Media.One could say it took years years in the making.
I say ... not so fast.It virtually blossomed with the Presidential
Running of Barack Obama in 2008.
Calling this number "racist" because it is anti-crime even though it doesn't mention any racial minorities, is about as Racist as you can get.

Such a screed, being uttered everywhere among Biden Cultists, implies that all black people are criminals who would jack your ride, or rape your babies and you are being unrealistic to expect anything else from the blacks.

That's not only untrue- most blacks are cool and wouldn't do that, but it also implies that blacks in general have no problem with this kind of behavior, also untrue and racist.
Eventually Joe Public will wise up enough to demand ...
Enough is enough.Like in the Old West and guys who cheat
at Poker.It may have seemed cute when guys like W.C. Fields
did it.But Fields was also a master at *self-deprecation.
He was not bothered by making a fool of himself.

* or Humblebrag
Bullshit. If you didn't react fearfully to things on TV you would not be supporting Trump.

You mean like the 'media' scaring all of the lefties that Trump will 'destroy democracy'? That kind of fear?

So they blindly hate and fear him? Maybe if they didn't react fearfully to things on their TV they would not be supporting corrupt democrat assholes?
The usual suspects and their allies in the mainstream media once again have attempted to set a false narrative that thanks to the freedom of the internet had blown up in their collective faces.

Attempting to paint anti-crime song highlighting the strength of tight knit communities as somehow racist and violent the left has proven that they are complete out of touch with the regular Americans.

Instead of the left's intended outcome of cancelling the artist and song...the tune and it's message has resonated with Americans of all races, creeds and colors...propelling it to number one ...

(NewsNation) — Country music singer Jason Aldean’s new song has topped the U.S. iTunes chart, despite its controversial lyrics and music video.

“Try That In A Small Town” hit the #1 spot on iTunes for songs in the U.S. Billboard Charts tweeted Wednesday. As of Thursday morning, it’s currently in the Top 15 of the Top 100: USA list.

(Strike out provided as a form of commentary by OP. There is nothing controversial about opposition to crime, assault, carjacking and arson.)
What is sad is that the leftist cancel culture is in full force against Jason Aldean. It's the leftist way these days, i.e. don't address the message of the song, but accuse him of being racist and all the other labels given to anybody protesting the worst of our modern culture. The left never seems to object to that worst but only object to those who push back against it.

It gives me hope that the song went to #1 on the charts and the fans do represent good people in all demographics.

Reminds me of another song from 1969 protesting the worst of a counter culture of that day. The difference between then and now is that even the left who were not part of that counter culture could appreciate that song that is well know still today:


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