Cancel Me Harder, Baby. Jason Aldean‘s Shoots to #1

All this because some country dumbasses feel personally threatened by shit happening hundreds or thousands of miles away. There's no courage here. More like a statement that it's OK to violently react out of fear.

Say that in a small town bar.

You won’t coward
Civil unrest. It's as American as apple pie. We've dealt with it many, many times in our history and it keeps happening because it kind of works for people shut out of the political process.

Just don’t try it in a small town.
Only the ninety year olds. There are no jobs in small towns. This is not 1850.
You need to get out of your Champagne Liberal Urban bubble and get some perspective.

Megatropolises are dying and small towns are thriving. Every month there's a new business opening...many times in brand new buildings. The new multistory hotel put in six charging stations. Haven't seen them used...but they are there.

Two factories that were closed reopened when Trump was president.

No trash in the streets, well manicured public areas.

And I can walk to the streets at midnight alone with no fear. I leave the windows of my truck down at Walmart fear. Never lock the doors of my vehicles in the driveway. Amazon packages sit on the porch in plain view all night and they will be there in the morning. Not one package has been stolen in 12 years we've lived in the 1900 square foot home we paid $47,000 for.

So tell me again how bad we have it.
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Nothing racist about it. Sounds like most right wing posters on this board.
I've been talking about this for several years now. The "culture" in these large democrat-controlled cities is alien to the rest of the country and if they came to towns under 20,000 or so, they'd likely be beaten senseless before the cops had a go at them. Every day this goes on, the reaction will become worse. It's easy to predict the arc of a pendulum.
I understand all too well. I live in what you might call a remote area and have for 22 years now. I live here because I prefer the problems of isolation to the problems of city living. Nothing that happens in any urban setting has the slightest potential to cause me harm in any way. Why did you get scared?
It's a proactive warning.

Just because those city pussies would rather film you for clicks and likes on their Instagram, don't think that shit is doing to fly here. Protest all you want...peacefully.

We had George Floyd protests and marches here. And some counter protests. One guy had a sign along the march route that said basically "I disagree with your protest, but I would defend with my life your right to hold to."

I love protests. I agree with peaceful civil disobedience. But your rights end where the next citizens begin.
Been in more than one bar fight. Not concerned.
Like the times haven't changed attitudes and perceptions. People are on edge and even normies are becoming agitated, even hostile. I'm amazed that the shooting hasn't begun already. I think that proves this idiocy isn't as widespread as the media likes to make it seem. MSM these days is nothing but evil, spreading lies and fomenting chaos.
Like the times haven't changed attitudes and perceptions. People are on edge and even normies are becoming agitated, even hostile. I'm amazed that the shooting hasn't begun already. I think that proves this idiocy isn't as widespread as the media likes to make it seem. MSM these days is nothing but evil, spreading lies and fomenting chaos.
That's mostly just you transferring your inner turmoil on to others.
Rrrrrrriiiiiiigggggghhhhhhttttttt. The lavender bar?
Before cancer turned me into a walking stick figure I was a fairly imposing lifelong construction worker. I can probably still knock a motherfucker out. Don't point your stereotypes at me, I conform to none of them.
I live and WORK in a small town of 5,000.

Most people live in small towns but commute to a larger town for 8 hours of work. They make the choice to stay out of the ghettos you love
I honestly feel bad for good folks that live in inner-city slums.

Urban liberals talk a good game...but what are they doing personally to help those folks.

Just talk. Lip Service.
So who should be fighting the angry mob for the sake of insured corporate property? The cops aren't any more brave than you are.
Who? How about any person who wants to keep the spread of lawlessness at bay? It's like cancer. It may not be noticeable to you now but it will find its way into your life eventually.
Who? How about any person who wants to keep the spread of lawlessness at bay? It's like cancer. It may not be noticeable to you now but it will find its way into your life eventually.
Whatever happens I will not have lived my life in fear. Living in fear is just another way of dying before your time.
That's mostly just you transferring your inner turmoil on to others.
Its an endless supply too.

This thread highlights the problem with right wingers.

Gee, some people don't like a song that has threats in it. Who would have figured!!!! But instead of it just being a shrug at something that isn't that much of a has to be amplified into some battle for the nation's soul.

The left will play it's role as well; poorly as it usually does. There will be some one from some think tank who relishes the chance to get on TV saying something about this song and giving it more oxygen than it would garner on its own. That is how they roll in academia.

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