Cancel Me Harder, Baby. Jason Aldean‘s Shoots to #1

I've been talking about this for several years now. The "culture" in these large democrat-controlled cities is alien to the rest of the country and if they came to towns under 20,000 or so, they'd likely be beaten senseless before the cops had a go at them

See? Here's another one proudly threatening violence.

It's what the right is now, violent brownshirt goons, and they want everyone to know it. They've lost at the ballot box, they've lost in the court of public opinion, so they see violence as their only option.
Most of the inbreds here who whine about large cities have never actually been to one. They've never gone far from their doublewide. They just know what FOX tells them.

And in those rural areas, out of sight, the worst depravities imaginable go on. They know nobody is watching, and they can get away with their depravities.
You missed the part of threatening to inflict vigilante justice on people?

Come on. You can lie better than that. The reason that you fascists love the song is specifically because it advocates lynching.

I must have. Be specific. Where is the lynching lyric?

I know, been such a rough summer for you in the left wing cult.

Feel for ya.
See? Here's another one proudly threatening violence.

It's what the right is now, violent brownshirt goons, and they want everyone to know it. They've lost at the ballot box, they've lost in the court of public opinion, so they see violence as their only option.

Poor lil darlin. Sees his cult going up in smoke and cries like a Karen.
I must have. Be specific. Where is the lynching lyric?
It's the whole song, dumbass.

"Got a gun that my granddad gave me"

You're threatening to shoot people. The whole song is threats to attack people they don't like. Vigilante action. Lynching.

Like I said, learn to lie better. You suck at it.

I know, been such a rough summer for you in the left wing cult.
Will it help if I say I'm sorry for always humikliating you? I'm just wondering why you're perpetually triggered. Were you born such a little bitch, or did you work hard at it?

I get that the constant losing hurts, and that everyone laughing at you hurts. You need to get used to it. It's not like you're going to be losing any less in the future, or that people will stop highlighting your disgusting behavior.
The usual suspects and their allies in the mainstream media once again have attempted to set a false narrative that thanks to the freedom of the internet had blown up in their collective faces.

Attempting to paint anti-crime song highlighting the strength of tight knit communities as somehow racist and violent the left has proven that they are complete out of touch with the regular Americans.

Instead of the left's intended outcome of cancelling the artist and song...the tune and it's message has resonated with Americans of all races, creeds and colors...propelling it to number one ...

(NewsNation) — Country music singer Jason Aldean’s new song has topped the U.S. iTunes chart, despite its controversial lyrics and music video.

“Try That In A Small Town” hit the #1 spot on iTunes for songs in the U.S. Billboard Charts tweeted Wednesday. As of Thursday morning, it’s currently in the Top 15 of the Top 100: USA list.

(Strike out provided as a form of commentary by OP. There is nothing controversial about opposition to crime, assault, carjacking and arson.)

The Leftists are all riled up about this because they know they're up against this....everything in the song.

More than that....

They know they're LOSING to it now. And losing HARD
All this because some country dumbasses feel personally threatened by shit happening hundreds or thousands of miles away. There's no courage here. More like a statement that it's OK to violently react out of fear.

Really bad take. The song is: you do you, but don't "try that in a small town".

I grew up in one. He's right about that. That's what the Leftists understand and fear, and that's what has them so riled up about the song.
Yeah, figures you assholes would want to glorify hate/racism/bigotry and of your all time favorite l.ynching


Still believes they brought a life size fully functioning gallows to hang Mike Pence.

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