Cancer virus found in CONVID shots: “This Is looking very bad,” says Dr. Peter McCullough

So what's the deadline for everyone who got vaccinated to die this time?

The 6-months, 1-year and 2-year deadlines have come and gone, with a notable lack of any increased deaths, except death-by-COVID among the unvaxxed.

That means, like a good doomsday cultist, you'll need to push the date of doomsday back yet another time. So what's the new deadline?
So what's the deadline for everyone who got vaccinated to die this time?

The 6-months, 1-year and 2-year deadlines have come and gone, with a notable lack of any increased deaths, except death-by-COVID among the unvaxxed.

That means, like a good doomsday cultist, you'll need to push the date of doomsday back yet another time. So what's the new deadline?
What's the deadline for everyone who didn't get vaccinated to die this time? Whoops.
So what's the deadline for everyone who got vaccinated to die this time?

The 6-months, 1-year and 2-year deadlines have come and gone, with a notable lack of any increased deaths, except death-by-COVID among the unvaxxed.

That means, like a good doomsday cultist, you'll need to push the date of doomsday back yet another time. So what's the new deadline?

According to the last information between 1 and 10 years, for 50% between 3 - 5 years
There is some very shady shit that has been going on with the whole COVID mess and I would at least listen to this guy if he hadn't been on Alex Jones. That man is a fucking lunatic.
Killer Shot troll Madtooth here again telling us how he has no idea how they work but gives us the benefit of his ignorance regardless .
There's a reason the entire world laughs at antivaxxers. You're all crazy and stupid.

Anyways, could you all do us a favor and settle on a single idiot conspiracy theory? Before, it was the graphene oxide (which no vaccine contains) that was supposed to kill everyone. And before that it was the mRNA. And so on.
There is some very shady shit that has been going on with the whole COVID mess and I would at least listen to this guy if he hadn't been on Alex Jones. That man is a fucking lunatic.

Here is the 2025 prediction of Deagel military advisers.
All countries using f..... satanic Pfizer quackcine get depopulated between 50 - 70%

There's a reason the entire world laughs at antivaxxers. You're all crazy and stupid.

Anyways, could you all do us a favor and settle on a single idiot conspiracy theory? Before, it was the graphene oxide (which no vaccine contains) that was supposed to kill everyone. And before that it was the mRNA. And so on.

What's with excess mortality by all those countries embraced Pfizer 'jab?
Peoples already die in droves

There's a reason the entire world laughs at antivaxxers. You're all crazy and stupid.

Anyways, could you all do us a favor and settle on a single idiot conspiracy theory? Before, it was the graphene oxide (which no vaccine contains) that was supposed to kill everyone. And before that it was the mRNA. And so on.
Lovely. Now take your pills with hot milk and try and relax . Chat to the Doc and tell him all about the disappearing Graphene Oxide and how the 100% poison mRNA goes beautifully with pie and chips .We all understand .
The only question when all those criminals who'd organized and (still) supports SCAMdemic CONvid -1984 genocide will pay for their crimes.
At first politicians, presstitutes and law enforcement authorities

Somebody ate horse paste lol
The only question when all those criminals who'd organized and (still) supports SCAMdemic CONvid -1984 genocide will pay for their crimes.
At first politicians, presstitutes and law enforcement authorities

Who do you work for?
There's a reason the entire world laughs at antivaxxers. You're all crazy and stupid.

Anyways, could you all do us a favor and settle on a single idiot conspiracy theory? Before, it was the graphene oxide (which no vaccine contains) that was supposed to kill everyone. And before that it was the mRNA. And so on.

I've taken almost all of the conventional vaccines but not the mRNA experimental injections. Am I an anti-vaxxer?
At one point it wasn't too difficult to look at the studies and data from the mRNA lab research from 2007-2010 but then it mysteriously went into a black hole around 2021. I knew four people who died from taking the injection, three of them were in their 40's, all healthy.
Most of the people that died from Covid were older, obese and had pre-existing conditions.
The only question when all those criminals who'd organized and (still) supports SCAMdemic CONvid -1984 genocide will pay for their crimes.
At first politicians, presstitutes and law enforcement authorities


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