Candace Owens denied medical care by CO lab. Racism?

Private lab doing contract work for the government? Doctors in private practice can turn away any patient they want. Damn skippy you can have it both ways. What kind of business consultant doesn't know that?
Doctors in private practice can turn away any patient they want.

Maybe in KKKanada. This is America, so you don't have the first clue what is going on, Dumbass.
It’s not a grift.
She is.

Blacks aren’t a monolith.

Nobody said they were...well, except for the wingnut racists on this board who insist they are criminals, lazy and stupid.
She doesn’t say racism doesn’t exist you leftist lying wimp. She says racism comes from the Democrats as they say blacks are too stupid to get voter IDs and need them for Govt assistance. Are you ever not a complete and utter fool? You should be embarrassed.
No, she thinks we're exploiting victimhood by claiming racism. So, naturally Candace Owens claims racism because a private company doesn't want to deal with her anti-responsibility rants on COVID. Complete and total hypocrite.
She is.

Nobody said they were...well, except for the wingnut racists on this board who insist they are criminals, lazy and stupid.

No, she thinks we're exploiting victimhood by claiming racism. So, naturally Candace Owens claims racism because a private company doesn't want to deal with her anti-responsibility rants on COVID. Complete and total hypocrite.
Not a grift and yes cause she disagrees with you, you call her a grifter. Again she never said racism doesn’t exist. You lied. You’re such a leftist. It’s disgusting. The private company collects Govt funds so there is a bit of that there. The biggest hypocrite here is you. Funny that you don’t even see that.
Not a grift and yes cause she disagrees with you, you call her a grifter. Again she never said racism doesn’t exist. You lied. You’re such a leftist. It’s disgusting. The private company collects Govt funds so there is a bit of that there. The biggest hypocrite here is you. Funny that you don’t even see that.
She actually mentions it's a lab in her quote. Maybe read it.
Doctors in private practice can turn away any patient they want.

Maybe in KKKanada. This is America, so you don't have the first clue what is going on, Dumbass.
No, sorry. private doctors (or labs) can refuse service.
No, sorry. private doctors (or labs) can refuse service.
Sure and lose their Govt funding. You’re dumb so let me explain. The Govt authorized the lab for these tests and reimburses it with taxpayer dollars to help prevent the spread of the virus. When a lab refuses service it puts Americans at risk so it can easily lose this funding. Make sense? You’re such a dumb leftist.
Sure and lose their Govt funding.

Not lose a single penny.

You’re dumb so let me explain. The Govt authorized the lab for these tests and reimburses it with taxpayer dollars to help prevent the spread of the virus. When a lab refuses service it puts Americans at risk so it can easily lose this funding. Make sense? You’re such a dumb leftist.

Owens was given the address of another location. I don't see how this lab was required to lift a finger for her if they didn't want to. I think Owens propaganda on masks is more detrimental then refusing service to a conspiracy theorist.
Sure and lose their Govt funding. You’re dumb so let me explain. The Govt authorized the lab for these tests and reimburses it with taxpayer dollars to help prevent the spread of the virus. When a lab refuses service it puts Americans at risk so it can easily lose this funding. Make sense? You’re such a dumb leftist.
You'd think a self respecting republican wouldn't want to go to any dirty socialist tax-funded health centre, she'd take her hard bootstrap earned dollar to get fully private funded meds.

Not lose a single penny.

Owens was given the address of another location. I don't see how this lab was required to lift a finger for her if they didn't want to. I think Owens propaganda on masks is more detrimental then refusing service to a conspiracy theorist.
Maybe or maybe not. It creates a slippery slope. What if another lab refuses Rachel Maddow Cause she is pro choice. Govt will shut it down IMO. Cannot have that happen with a virus on the loose. If 100% private then refuse away.
You'd think a self respecting republican wouldn't want to go to any dirty socialist tax-funded health centre, she'd take her hard bootstrap earned dollar to get fully private funded meds.

The point is the Govt requires her to get the test. So she has no choice whether it’s a hoax or not. Tiedrich is only brave on social media. Like you he is a pussy who would never say that to someone’s face.
Maybe or maybe not.

It creates a slippery slope.

It doesn't. People have the right to free association.
What if another lab refuses Rachel Maddow Cause she is pro choice.

Ok, what if they do?
Govt will shut it down IMO.

Cannot have that happen with a virus on the loose. If 100% private then refuse away.
Sure they can. Watch them do it.
Govt has to authorize all such entities. So yes they are indeed. Are you ever not a dumb leftist?

The government doesn't "authorize" labs. Hell, testing centres have popped up across the nation like Starbucks stores. You think the government is controlling and "authorizing" them. They license them on the basis of qualifications - not on the basis of some nebulous government criteria you have yet to link to.

Either you have a "for profit free market medical establishment complex' or you have a government managed system, which is it Mr. Business Consultant?

I spent my entire working life dealing with government licensing regulations, on both sides of the border. Our patent and trade mark applications, IP protections were all done through the USA because you have the broadest protections which are recognized worldwide. Private labs are run according to standard business criteria.

I wouldn't provide testing services for any right wing media covid denier either. I'd be worried about what lies they'd be broadcasting about my lab when they were finished. There's much better publicity denying these assholes a test than I would giving them the test and having them trash me on Hannity or Candace Owens shows.

These people have proven over and over again that they will lie to suit their own agenda, so I wouldn't want to subject my business to their tactics or their politics.
The point is the Govt requires her to get the test. So she has no choice whether it’s a hoax or not. Tiedrich is only brave on social media. Like you he is a pussy who would never say that to someone’s face.

There are other places she can get the test. There are test sites on every corner.

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