Candace Owens says those other black people sure be murderous

George Floyd was also a father and a guy trying to get his life together.

And for the record, if a cop strangled the life out of Ms Owens for nine minutes putting a knee to her neck, I'd be the first one to condemn that as well.
Nobody should have to face what Floyd did and that includes Owens. But she had no sympathy for Floyd and that's a shame.
Gee; looks like you're a buffoon for dissing a Black Woman!!! Since only FBI stats support her I suppose she COULD be wrong and some pathetic twat who says he's a spokesman for Black People couldn't possibly be a dumb ignorant blowhard, could he; hmmmmmm; yes he could.

Except nobody black likes Owens. Of course some idiot white racist will try defending her.
You came with the 13 percent excuse.

And I understand math completly. A percentage represents a real number. When you compare that real number against the U.S. population using math instead of the lazy 13 percent excuse, you find that excuse to be disingenuous, or in fact, dishonest.
When? Quote it. I didn’t say anything about crime rates or percentages.

And no you dont understand the math.
Nobody should have to face what Floyd did and that includes Owens. But she had no sympathy for Floyd and that's a shame.
I really have little respect for Floyd as I think he was trouble. That said Floyd did not deserve what happened to him. the cop was wrong and was found guilty. I am sorry a person lost his life for no reason.
And that worked out so well for you... Wrecked economy, losing both houses of Congress, two impeachments, making America the laughingstock of the world.... Some great judgement you showed there... but Trump hates the people you hate, so that makes it alright.
I don't hate anybody. Don't project your moral and emotional failures on me.
Floyd was not fighting police when he was murdered.

If anyone is subhuman, it's Owens. She's black running around saying things that confirm what raacists want to believe about blacks and those things will get blacks killed. You worship this bitch because you're a racist.
You realize you're little more than the stereotypical Angry Black Man, right? You're self-caricaturizing.
That is not what's happening and you know it. Because you propagate racism daily as do the majority of republicans here.
You're not qualified to tell me what I know.

I'd challenge you to link to something of mine that's racist, but you idiot leftists never can.
Blaylock, you are not qualified to disagree with me about this. You're a racist white person, what Owens does supports your beliefs so you see it as good. If you were a non racist white looking at what owens is doing your opinion would be credible.
You have one weapon. You screech "RACIST!!"

That's because you don't have facts, logic, and reason on your side, so you try to silence those who disagree with you.

It may work on weak-minded and emotional people like leftists. Rational people see it for what it is.
I really have little respect for Floyd as I think he was trouble. That said Floyd did not deserve what happened to him. the cop was wrong and was found guilty. I am sorry a person lost his life for no reason.
I didn't know Floyd, but what it looks like is that he was a guy who fucked up earlier in his life, served his time and was working on himself. As for the drugs in his system, as long as some drugs are legal and some aren't...
You have one weapon. You screech "RACIST!!"

That's because you don't have facts, logic, and reason on your side, so you try to silence those who disagree with you.

It may work on weak-minded and emotional people like leftists. Rational people see it for what it is.
I've supported eveything I have said with facts. You are a racist and it's based on this definition:

“ Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions."

You and others here do this every day. You say you disgree but you are not disagreeing based on facts. Any facts presented to you that doesn't fit your racist beliefs are dismissed as leftist propaganda. So you're the one without facts, logic, or reason. That's to be expected because you're a racist.
I've supported eveything I have said with facts. You are a racist and it's based on this definition:

“ Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions."

You and others here do this every day. You say you disgree but you are not disagreeing based on facts. Any facts presented to you that doesn't fit your racist beliefs are dismissed as leftist propaganda. So you're the one without facts, logic, or reason. That's to be expected because you're a racist.
When you make up your own definitions it's easy to claim someone fits that bullshit definition.

Try dealing with real definitions for once, you racist asshole.



rac·ism | \ ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi- \

Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

You're not qualified to tell me what I know.

I'd challenge you to link to something of mine that's racist, but you idiot leftists never can.
I am qualified to tell you that you don't know SHIT about black issues. You have been shown this definition several times:

“ Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions."

You do this every day.
You realize you're little more than the stereotypical Angry Black Man, right? You're self-caricaturizing.

“To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time. ”

James Baldwin​

If I am angry, I have right to be. Whites like you stay angry because of shit you make up that's not even true. Shut the fuck up. The only caricature is you.

“To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time. ”

James Baldwin​

If I am angry, I have right to be. Whites like you stay angry because of shit you make up that's not even true. Shut the fuck up. The only caricature is you.
Blacks make up 12% of the population and commit 36% of violent crimes.

Any comment?

“To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time. ”

James Baldwin​

If I am angry, I have right to be. Whites like you stay angry because of shit you make up that's not even true. Shut the fuck up. The only caricature is you.
No you bloody don't!!! Get a shrink you fool!!!


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