Candice Owens Tells Parents: quit your job, ruin your life, and move out of state if you have to

Oh she has a kid? I stand corrected. My apologies.

Still...please nobody uproot your livelihood or destroy yourself for this grifter. So sad what social media has become
Hey....I live in leftie looney land. As such I and those like me have no representation in political matters. So, if you and your family live in a pro-Marxist realm, leaving and moving to a pro-Republican, pro-Constitution would be in one's best interest. In my case, I'm too old to pack up and move, so I'm stuck with them continually increasing local taxes to the amount where I'm financially behind for one quarter of the year and not gaining in the rest of the year. I figure that at some point they'll tax me out of my humble home.
Jokes on you, I have no job, and I have no kids.
Your personal choice, of course, assuming you’re not living in NK where you’d be considered a burden by the Great Leader and killed for not working. You should consider yourself lucky to have been born in a country that allows for choices, but maybe you already do?

Come on now Confederate soldier, you can do better than “jokes on you”. I haven’t read any comments about anybody trying to tell anyone else how to live, at least at this point of the thread:)
People are moving out of blue cities in droves.
You cannot allow a single Democrat to get in government.....because they are all working with the communist party.
Here's another pattern with Progressives......they get somebody in a senior position or they put someone in an office.....and they proceed to harass their fellow employees and coworkers to the point that they quit. Then they help get other Progressives in to fill those positions. This is a classic case of a "Hostile Work Environment". Pretty soon....they've taken over completely.

They get people fired because of their Tweeting habits and fill their vacancies with progressive assholes or BLM activists. This is how they take over poll worker positions. Republicans are usually nice folks don't want to upset people, while Progressive/Democrat/Communists are there to take over and steal elections. On election night they simply wait till after Red counties have released their results and then send whatever votes they need to erase their results to the central counting facilities.
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Hey....I live in leftie looney land. As such I and those like me have no representation in political matters. So, if you and your family live in a pro-Marxist realm, leaving and moving to a pro-Republican, pro-Constitution would be in one's best interest. In my case, I'm too old to pack up and move, so I'm stuck with them continually increasing local taxes to the amount where I'm financially behind for one quarter of the year and not gaining in the rest of the year. I figure that at some point they'll tax me out of my humble home.
I wish you and your family the best of luck LD with having limited impact from pet projects overriding constitutes needs. I can relate regarding living in an area that increases taxes annually, but I am thankful that the city has done good things with the money to help the community overall not just certain segments. Like with reducing stormwater runoff; my city spent a ton of money but with enough citizen input they didn’t just target the rich areas (as the board members were initially inclined to do) but did what was needed for the whole city targeting low areas prone to flooding.
I think the premise behind her statement is a very positive one. It supports getting off your butt when you start complaining too much about your particulars and do something about it. Most people can improve their conditions and many do so. Others waste all of their energy by complaining and do nothing.
It appears to be a moronic anti vaxx message
Your personal choice, of course, assuming you’re not living in NK where you’d be considered a burden by the Great Leader and killed for not working. You should consider yourself lucky to have been born in a country that allows for choices, but maybe you already do?

Come on now Confederate soldier, you can do better than “jokes on you”. I haven’t read any comments about anybody trying to tell anyone else how to live, at least at this point of the thread:)
I'm young, haven't started working bullshit jobs like McDonalds, Rural King, Walmart, etc. I'm going right into my career.
I'm young, haven't started working bullshit jobs like McDonalds, Rural King, Walmart, etc. I'm going right into my career.
In that case CS, the world is your oyster! But I never did really understand that phrase because who likes oysters anyway! Ohhh the pearl… leave those poor oysters alone until they die then you can have your pearls you greedy bastages out there lol
I wish you and your family the best of luck LD with having limited impact from pet projects overriding constitutes needs. I can relate regarding living in an area that increases taxes annually, but I am thankful that the city has done good things with the money to help the community overall not just certain segments. Like with reducing stormwater runoff; my city spent a ton of money but with enough citizen input they didn’t just target the rich areas (as the board members were initially inclined to do) but did what was needed for the whole city targeting low areas prone to flooding.
The bulk of my local taxes goes to schools (leftist indoctrination centers) and keeps going up, primarily because of this. There needs to be an exemption for those that are elderly and have no kids in school. That would reduce the burden. Let those with kids in the schools pay more.
The Tweet was not tied to any subject and was a bit vague...but most likely something stupid. Candace has no children so I dunno what is going on.

Please don't quit your job or ruin your livelihood.

Protect your children at all costs? What an absurd idea! Just ask Joe Biden!
The bulk of my local taxes goes to schools (leftist indoctrination centers) and keeps going up, primarily because of this. There needs to be an exemption for those that are elderly and have no kids in school. That would reduce the burden. Let those with kids in the schools pay more.
I support that LD. Many elderly and disabled people are on fixed incomes and need to eat. Just two years back, the previous statement would have elicited a reply like, “You’re exaggerating, of course they have enough money to eat!” No, not currently as our country continues towards more inflationary blunders.

Thanks to all of Biden’s puppet masters for our current catastrophe. The upcoming elections, 2022 and 2024, should improve things with a major shift.
I support that LD. Many elderly and disabled people are on fixed incomes and need to eat. Just two years back, the previous statement would have elicited a reply like, “You’re exaggerating, of course they have enough money to eat!” No, not currently as our country continues towards more inflationary blunders.

Thanks to all of Biden’s puppet masters for our current catastrophe. The upcoming elections, 2022 and 2024, should improve things with a major shift.

Glad you said that.

We give nearly all of our charity to
Citymeals on Wheels - Since 1981 -

That is the right way to go PC as you know for your donations to go directly to those in need and avoid any overhead costs including administrative raises! There is a similar program locally that delivers frozen meals directly to those in need once a week on their doorstep’s. Much harder to know where the money goes with national charities without fully vetting them, which is a sad state of affairs since that’s the case.
People are moving out of blue cities in droves.
You cannot allow a single Democrat to get in government.....because they are all working with the communist party.
Doesnt help them the retards vote in the same stupid people where ever they move to, cant help stupid people
Hey....I live in leftie looney land. As such I and those like me have no representation in political matters. So, if you and your family live in a pro-Marxist realm, leaving and moving to a pro-Republican, pro-Constitution would be in one's best interest. In my case, I'm too old to pack up and move, so I'm stuck with them continually increasing local taxes to the amount where I'm financially behind for one quarter of the year and not gaining in the rest of the year. I figure that at some point they'll tax me out of my humble home.

Where do you live?

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