cant get into chat. says i need to install plugins

i uninstalled the old java and installed the latest version and still the same thing. i got a link about malware but that didnt help

its really messed up. this moring i couldnt get into chat and it said i needed to install a plug in. when i did chat worked but then my anti virus started to have a bunch of malicious sites it said it was blocking. the chat then stops working. will the link you gave me fix it?

i clicked a malware fix link and it fixed 100 errors but left 436. is there another link?
thanks. that link looks different from the other one. thanks my good friend. i will try it in the morning. one further question. i found where the hidden partition is. if i choose that option and wipe things clean when i download firefox will it have my favorites still there?
thanks. that link looks different from the other one. thanks my good friend. i will try it in the morning. one further question. i found where the hidden partition is. if i choose that option and wipe things clean when i download firefox will it have my favorites still there?

I don't know if you have a non-destructive option so it's best to save them to an external drive imo.

Firefox Help - Firefox Bookmarks Tutorial***(The Mozilla Help Site)

Do you have a flash thumb drive or some external drive?

If so, follow the bookmark export instructions from Mozilla instructions.
i did a quick scan and it found 1 infected object and i removed it. was that a virus? now i am doing a full scan.
i did a quick scan and it found 1 infected object and i removed it. was that a virus? now i am doing a full scan.

It's likely some form of malware. What program are you using for an Anti-Virus?
free avast. i think i might have found the trouble. i was looking at firefox, where the trouble is occuring, and it has the date i installed, jun06 2011. but it also has another date under it. it says that firefox was modified on march 15, 2011. i didnt do anything to it. the trouble began after march 15. if i go back and do a system restore on a date before march15 will that fix things?
Sarah, yesterday we got a pop up saying something along the lines of 'java update 6.0.29 is unstable and can be a security risk' (really paraphrasing here, can't quite remember but it was something like that). Then it said 'update' and 'restart now' or 'restart later'. I clicked later and looked . . .we were running java 6.0.23, no .29 update.

I went directly to java, doubled checked which version we were running again (it was .23), updated from java's site to 6.0.31 then went in and uninstalled the .23 version from our computer.

I also checked in the 'tools' 'add-ons' 'extensions' and 'plugins' just to make sure .29 wasn't somehow there. It wasn't.

Here's the thing . . my daughter got the same pop up on her computer AND the computers where she's interning (NBC) got the same thing. I think it was some kind of virus or something (although we run Kaspersky and it didn't set off any alarms) and if you clicked 'update and restart now' it messed things up. Don't know for sure but found it very odd that all of these computers got it.

Did you get that pop-up?
no, i didnt get that pop up. when i went into chat it wouldnt load. it said i needed a java plug in. now i can get into after downloading but as soon as i click on chat my anti-virus says its blocking a bunch of malicious sites. one of them is . dont click on it!!
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Sarah: Try installing Java under an administrator account...

... I just got an error message saying to do so...

... after downloading Java.
BTW, How do ya get to the chatroom?
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