Can't Rent a Home in Omaha If You're an Illegal


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
SCOTUS decided not to review an ordinance that bans renting home to illegals. It could open doors to similar laws elsewhere.

Attorney Kris Kobach, who defended the Fremont, Neb. ordinance, said Monday's decision gives a "bright green light" for other cities within the 8th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals that want to adopt such laws. The circuit includes Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, and the Dakotas.

Seems kinda cruel and even discriminatory. Yet, if the federal government won't do anything about the problem, who will? Maybe it's actions by cities, counties and states that will cause many to leave.

I'm personally torn by this. They come here for a better life and 99% of them seek work and avoid mooching on the dole. They try to raise their children to get and education and get ahead. But, in the end, they are criminals, people who have disobeyed the law. In other countries, they would be imprisoned and then, after serving their term, deported.

Read more @ Court will not review Nebraska tenant law | Al Jazeera America
they should'nt be able to rent (or work or drive) ANYWHERE. they shouldn't BE here. they have no rights here. They're CRIMINALS just by being here.The Constitution is about the rights of US CITIZENS, which they are NOT. They are line-jumping dis-resectful punks who refuse to wait their turn.
Have you ever lived next door to a bunch of illegals? You wouldn't be asking that if you knew what they were like and what they do.
If they can't speak english, they also should be denied a rental. Case in point:

I had a couple who wanted to rent one of my apartments. Neither spoke english. However, their 7 year old son spoke english very well. I refused to rent to them. They stated through their son they would sue me. I said go ahead. It is not a valid rental agreement of contract if they do not understand what it says and their only interpretor is a 7 year old. That is a minor. You cannot have a contract with a minor. They didn't sue. I didn't care whether they did or not.

Then someone said I should have spanish rental agreements. I asked why, since I would not be able to understand what it said nor am I under any obligation to learn a language other than my own and that is the language of this country. They said I was a bigot. I shrugged.
no, you are a realist and a private individual and GOOD FOR YOU. They can go rent in Mexico, no problem, eh?
Have you ever lived next door to a bunch of illegals? You wouldn't be asking that if you knew what they were like and what they do.

As a matter of fact, I have!

Other than an occasional fiesta where the music gets a bit too high, they are quiet neighbors who mind their own business and don't constantly come over seeking to borrow something.

Generally take good care of their homes and yards.

Don't race up and down the streets at all hours of the night and day.

They've generally been better neighbors than others I've had to put up with.
Have you ever lived next door to a bunch of illegals? You wouldn't be asking that if you knew what they were like and what they do.

As a matter of fact, I have!

Other than an occasional fiesta where the music gets a bit too high, they are quiet neighbors who mind their own business and don't constantly come over seeking to borrow something.

Generally take good care of their homes and yards.

Don't race up and down the streets at all hours of the night and day.

They've generally been better neighbors than others I've had to put up with.

Have you ever lived next door to a bunch of illegals? You wouldn't be asking that if you knew what they were like and what they do.

As a matter of fact, I have!

Other than an occasional fiesta where the music gets a bit too high, they are quiet neighbors who mind their own business and don't constantly come over seeking to borrow something.

Generally take good care of their homes and yards.

Don't race up and down the streets at all hours of the night and day.

They've generally been better neighbors than others I've had to put up with.

They will also rip open the walls to take out the wiring and sell it. All too often they will move in 20 or 30 others to contribute to the rent.
Have you ever lived next door to a bunch of illegals? You wouldn't be asking that if you knew what they were like and what they do.

As a matter of fact, I have!

Other than an occasional fiesta where the music gets a bit too high, they are quiet neighbors who mind their own business and don't constantly come over seeking to borrow something.

Generally take good care of their homes and yards.

Don't race up and down the streets at all hours of the night and day.

They've generally been better neighbors than others I've had to put up with.


I'm sure you really don't have a clue living in your upscale flat, Jillian.

My in-laws lived next door to a flop house of illegals. No less than 20 people resided and often more. Walking the neighborhoods at all hours and the house became a mess with trash and trash bags laying around their property. Some of the young women were hooking. It brought down the house prices in the neighborhood.
I doubt they want to call attention to themselves. I'd rather live next to illegals than a bunch of 18-20 year olds.
Wow. Some of you guys lived in really bad neighborhoods then. The hispanics I lived next to over the past 40 years have always been polite, quiet, peaceful, clean and cooked some mighty fine smelling stuff wafting out their windows and always pantomiming (sp?) if we wanted a plate.
As a matter of fact, I have!

Other than an occasional fiesta where the music gets a bit too high, they are quiet neighbors who mind their own business and don't constantly come over seeking to borrow something.

Generally take good care of their homes and yards.

Don't race up and down the streets at all hours of the night and day.

They've generally been better neighbors than others I've had to put up with.


I'm sure you really don't have a clue living in your upscale flat, Jillian.

My in-laws lived next door to a flop house of illegals. No less than 20 people resided and often more. Walking the neighborhoods at all hours and the house became a mess with trash and trash bags laying around their property. Some of the young women were hooking. It brought down the house prices in the neighborhood.
Trash laying around? Bringing down property value? You know that's the time to call INS to clear out the place.

I'm sure you really don't have a clue living in your upscale flat, Jillian.

My in-laws lived next door to a flop house of illegals. No less than 20 people resided and often more. Walking the neighborhoods at all hours and the house became a mess with trash and trash bags laying around their property. Some of the young women were hooking. It brought down the house prices in the neighborhood.
Trash laying around? Bringing down property value? You know that's the time to call INS to clear out the place.
They just sold out and moved. They would never call INS or the police with the hookers. Just never wanted to get involved. A lot of condoms laying in the street, this was about 3 city blocks from Disneyland.
I'm sure you really don't have a clue living in your upscale flat, Jillian.

My in-laws lived next door to a flop house of illegals. No less than 20 people resided and often more. Walking the neighborhoods at all hours and the house became a mess with trash and trash bags laying around their property. Some of the young women were hooking. It brought down the house prices in the neighborhood.
Trash laying around? Bringing down property value? You know that's the time to call INS to clear out the place.
They just sold out and moved. They would never call INS or the police with the hookers. Just never wanted to get involved. A lot of condoms laying in the street, this was about 3 city blocks from Disneyland.
Disneyland? I've driven by there in the past, wasn't too impressed with Disneyland, but didn't really pay much detail to the neighborhood.

Good that they moved since the area would start becoming run down if no one complained. I guess the new sucke ... er the new homeowners will need to put up with the all the issues. One option would be to call INS with an anonymous tip from a payphone of course so they can't trace the call back to you.
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I lived next to illegals, I remember the night one got in a fight in the middle of the street with another illegal, pretty crazy stuff, I watched them drink on the street and piss on my house, I got to see them throw garbage around. I saw the cops busting them for this and that, blocking the street telling one another to watch for drive-bys. I painted their graffiti when they painted the wall next to my house, and I chased them off my porch when I can home from traveling.

I also drank with them and ate with them and worked with them, I gave them nice old furniture, some were good, some were bad.

It is kind of a shame the government created this class of people, they are far from being liberals, with a little education they are all pure conservatives. Hard working, Christian thinking people that escaped the same type of people in Mexico, that we call Democrats here. Liberal Politicians are no different than Mexico's politicians, they are corrupt.
As a matter of fact, I have!

Other than an occasional fiesta where the music gets a bit too high, they are quiet neighbors who mind their own business and don't constantly come over seeking to borrow something.

Generally take good care of their homes and yards.

Don't race up and down the streets at all hours of the night and day.

They've generally been better neighbors than others I've had to put up with.


I'm sure you really don't have a clue living in your upscale flat, Jillian.

My in-laws lived next door to a flop house of illegals. No less than 20 people resided and often more. Walking the neighborhoods at all hours and the house became a mess with trash and trash bags laying around their property. Some of the young women were hooking. It brought down the house prices in the neighborhood.

i have a friend here legally

i once asked him about the flop houses

it is how they acquire property and pave the way for more to follow

on the cheap
they should'nt be able to rent (or work or drive) ANYWHERE. they shouldn't BE here. they have no rights here. They're CRIMINALS just by being here.The Constitution is about the rights of US CITIZENS, which they are NOT. They are line-jumping dis-resectful punks who refuse to wait their turn.

Exactly. If you are illegal you shouldn't be renting anything. You should be deported.

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