Can't wait to see what Trump has in store for "impeachment"


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Feel free to bookmark, Trump's not going anywhere, he's always a step ahead in the game. Especially when progs dream he's not.

The establishment is left with three choices. 1. Give it up on paper, which they're not going to do. 2. Stage impeachment, and go nowhere with it. If they guess what Trump has in his pocket they'll understand they can't follow through. 3. Go through the process to be outed and humiliated, and possibly some prosecutions as well.
Only caveat is that Trump wants to be impeached. He's made quite a mark, accomplished many things, and he's stirred up a lot of shit. This is why the establishment hates him. He might figure he can go out as a legend of some sort. I really wouldn't put this past him, but I doubt it's the hand he's playing.
Piglosy doesn't have the votes... This is a Drip, Drip, Drip operation of lies and leaked lies.. They hope they can damage him but the people have a good grasp on what is going on. They underestimate the populace... WE THE PEOPLE are going to send democrats packing...
Feel free to bookmark, Trump's not going anywhere, he's always a step ahead in the game. Especially when progs dream he's not.
The establishment is left with three choices. 1. Give it up on paper, which they're not going to do. 2. Stage impeachment, and go nowhere with it. If they guess what Trump has in his pocket they'll understand they can't follow through. 3. Go through the process to be outed and humiliated, and possibly some prosecutions as well.

Put simply, Trump is a NO-WIN situation for the Left. He is like having a stinking dead bird carcass around their necks they cannot remove.
  1. If they do nothing, the stench of Trump drives them crazy and fills their every moment.
  2. When they oppose him, attack him, accuse him, he just grows stronger, more odorous and with more birds flying in to attack.
  3. If they try to impeach him, they will surely fail, look like total shitheels and lose the election to an abject base.
  4. If they actually go through with it, the Senate will block them and national sentiment will turn against them.
  5. If somehow they succeed and the Senate removes him, they strike open a cataclysmic rift that dwarfs the Marianna Trench and tears the nation apart.
  6. If they sit pat and wait it out, they stand about a 70% chance of losing next year anyway.
The best thing for the DNC to do is to quit while they are ahead, take a Valium and admit they brought this on themselves.
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If they had Bills DNA, and still didn’t get rid of that scumbag (pun), Don should be sticking it to them for five more years. He should launch a full scale assault on all those who have targeted him this first term, and make their lives hell.

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Feel free to bookmark, Trump's not going anywhere, he's always a step ahead in the game. Especially when progs dream he's not.

The establishment is left with three choices. 1. Give it up on paper, which they're not going to do. 2. Stage impeachment, and go nowhere with it. If they guess what Trump has in his pocket they'll understand they can't follow through. 3. Go through the process to be outed and humiliated, and possibly some prosecutions as well.
I don’t know man, he’s flinging some stinky shit lately trying to change the narrative. The G7 at Doral?!? is that a joke?! If that came from his pocket then I don’t want to know what else is in there.
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The only reason that Doral makes sense to me is, it's packed with CIA snoops and bugs in every corner of every room and under the toilet seats.
What has it been? Two weeks and "Impeachment" has already blown up in their faces? Nancy won't even bring it to a vote. This will never even go to the Senate. In the end, they have NOTHING...they're left with the same pathetic cast of characters for candidates they had before, but have chased away any White Knights they may have thought of bringing on. Michelle, Oprah, etc.

Who's going to sign on for their crap show now?

Pathetic, but entertaining and deeply, deeply satisfying.

Reaping and sowing, Democrats. Reaping and sowing.
He's just going to keep blindly plowing ahead with his talk radio agenda and his childish behaviors, because that's the limit of his intellectual/temperamental capacity.

If the shit gets too deep, he'll quit and blame the "Deep State" or something. If he loses in 2020, he'll play the victim, most likely using some kind of conspiracy as an excuse.

I think it's pretty clear.
He's just going to keep blindly plowing ahead with his talk radio agenda and his childish behaviors, because that's the limit of his intellectual/temperamental capacity.

If the shit gets too deep, he'll quit and blame the "Deep State" or something. If he loses in 2020, he'll play the victim, most likely using some kind of conspiracy as an excuse.

I think it's pretty clear.

Your "Switzerland" cover is totally blown.

It was never much of a cover, Mac
As Alan Dershowitz keeps saying, the democrats will regret pushing impeachment. They have given the GOP precedent to oppose any democrat elected as president. The GOP can do nothing but investigate and harass and impeach for anything as long as they control the House. The founding fathers wanted impeachment to be used only for serious crimes of treason, not for partisan political "payback" for winning an election.
Trump wins in 2020, and the democrats lose after 2024.
If the H. or Rep. passes articles of impeachment, and gets a substantial number of votes from the Republican Caucus, Trump's behavior can and likely will be problematic.

Is he impulsive enough, short sighted enough and unable to factor in consequences, to create a real crisis, one which puts members of the military services in harms way?

He won't go away as did President Nixon, that is guaranteed.
He is going to act like an a s s. What do you expect? A mariachi band and Trump doing the Watusi dance.

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