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Can't wait to watch Republicans vote for a pro-gay, pro-gun control,pro-abortion Pres

jasendorf wrote:

Are you honestly going to stand there and proclaim that John F. Kerry was the Democrats "dream" candidate? That there wasn't a voter out there who said, "Well, he isn't perfect...I don't agree with him on several issues...but at least he isn't the other guy"

Give me a break, jasendorf....you are simply showing that you are eager to paint Republicans as hypocrites regardless of what they do.

Rather than being pleased that the GOP is willing to consider a more moderate candidate, rather than viewing it as perhaps a chance to speak to more voters, rather than simply the far-left or rabid right....you are here licking your chops at the chance to taunt and tease a small minority of voters because their party hasn't found someone "perfect" for them to vote for...

Its really a bit pathetic to see someone so eager to mock and taunt people for doing what all voters do...look at the candidates and pick the one that shares as many of the political views as possible with them.

Some Republicans might not be thrilled that Giuliani is pro-choice...but they might be willing to make that concession rather than dealing with someone who wants to socialize health care...

Politics is about trade-offs...and only the most rabid partisan would be unable to see it as such, but rather see it as an opportunity to call people names because they might nominate a moderate candidate.
You are correct: politics is a trade-off, yet, at the same time, if the Republicans go with Rudy, they are certainly going to be conceding some of the central Republican and conservative dogma. It's one thing to disagree with a candidate on a few issues; it's a another to forget the issues in a desperate attempt to win the election. I'm not commenting on whether or not Rudy is the former of the latter; however, I do believe that it is certainly a debatable topic.
Face it, conservatives will do anything to seize or hold on to power. That's what every election is all about to them. Power, power, power. Oh, well, and uh greed... I FORGOT GREED! (At least I didn't forget Poland)

As much as they pander to the religious right, they never seem to be able to get to any religious issues... sure, they made a nice show during Terri Shiavo... but that's pretty much been the totality of their religious workings. In the meantime they've found lots of ways to funnel money to their contributors and run the federal debt through the roof (I guess maybe they ARE Reagan republicans).

The power crowd for the Republicans are going to try and hide the fact that they haven't done jack squat for the religious right during their six-year grasp on the entire federal government by repeating over and over that Barack Obama's middle name is Hussein.
Face it, conservatives will do anything to seize or hold on to power. That's what every election is all about to them. Power, power, power. Oh, well, and uh greed... I FORGOT GREED! (At least I didn't forget Poland)

As much as they pander to the religious right, they never seem to be able to get to any religious issues... sure, they made a nice show during Terri Shiavo... but that's pretty much been the totality of their religious workings. In the meantime they've found lots of ways to funnel money to their contributors and run the federal debt through the roof (I guess maybe they ARE Reagan republicans).

The power crowd for the Republicans are going to try and hide the fact that they haven't done jack squat for the religious right during their six-year grasp on the entire federal government by repeating over and over that Barack Obama's middle name is Hussein.

Gee jasen,

I don't need to address that first line of shit you put out, everyone knows there are a great deal more ultra rich Democrats in Congress than Republicans. How many millions of dollars has Bill Clinton brought in making bullshit speeches, how's his charitable gift record, Gore, Kerry-Heinz?

Have you forgotten the 2 Supreme Court appoinments made by the President? Strict Constitutionalists are the ones that will get rid of that horse shit Roe ruling......it's coming.

Speaking of doing nothing for the people you pander to, what exactly have the Democrats done for Black Americans in all of the decades of promises? I'm still hearing the same bitching from blacks I heard as a little kid 45 years ago.
Gee jasen,

I don't need to address that first line of shit you put out, everyone knows there are a great deal more ultra rich Democrats in Congress than Republicans. How many millions of dollars has Bill Clinton brought in making bullshit speeches, how's his charitable gift record, Gore, Kerry-Heinz?

Really? EVERYONE knows?

Maybe someone should have told this to the real numbers so the real numbers could change to fit your lie:
(Spoiler Alert!!! Only 9 of the top 25 richest Senators and Congressmen are Democrats)

Have you forgotten the 2 Supreme Court appoinments made by the President? Strict Constitutionalists are the ones that will get rid of that horse shit Roe ruling......it's coming.

Speaking of doing nothing for the people you pander to, what exactly have the Democrats done for Black Americans in all of the decades of promises? I'm still hearing the same bitching from blacks I heard as a little kid 45 years ago.

We do what we can. The Republicans ran the House from 1995 to 2007... and the entire government since 2001. And the Presidency from 1981 to 1993... what do you want out of us? You had complete control from 2001 to 2007... you've done nothing domestically except feed the Pioneers.

As for the USSC, 7 of the 9 Justices were appointed by Republicans. What have you been waiting for? All 9?
You do your homework, and you vote for the lesser of all evils. :)
I must say that I'm seriously looking forward to watching Republicans twist and contort themselves to vote for pro-gay rights, pro-gun control, pro-abortion Rudy Giuliani. How far wil they bend and how far will Rudy abandon his "convictions" to help them?

So, Republicans, tell us how you're going to contort yourselves to make his round pegs fit in your square holes.

Labels are so limiting.

If you want to outlaw abortion except for cases in which the mother’s life is in danger, are you pro-abortion? You favor abortion if, without it, the mother’s life it in danger. Therefore you must be pro-abortion.

If you think that private citizens with criminal history should not be allowed to own 50 unregistered fully automatic machine guns, then are you anti-gun?

Anyway, to the point, I don’t know the details of Rudy’s position on different issues, but the statistics are clear. Abortion and violent crime went down under Rudy.

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