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Can't wait to watch Republicans vote for a pro-gay, pro-gun control,pro-abortion Pres

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

--- Biden
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

--- Biden

Exactly, he got caught actually verbalizing their amazement.:lol: :lol: :lol:
Sure, Democrats can't believe they have actually found a "sort of black American" that isn't a Reverend, a racist or a english challenged dimwit. It is so obvious by the giddiness of the party that they are shocked which shows their inherent racist tendencies. If he was white nobody would have noticed this guy with dumbo ears and ultraliberal voting record.

fuck you dipshit. I explained to you the source of my positive impressions of Barack Obama. He OUGHTA scare the shit out of you. My father related to me a story of Barack coming to the American Legion Hall in his town....my dad, being a legionaire (like me) went to listen to him. The place was filled with white male Reagan Democrats and republicans.... with not just a little bit of ingrained racism.... by the end of Barack's speech, he had them ALL eating out of his hand. Shit...he won the Senate election in Illinois with nearly three quarters of the vote....even my Rush Limbaugh ditttohead kid brother from the Chicago burbs voted for him.
Sure, Democrats can't believe they have actually found a "sort of black American" that isn't a Reverend, a racist or a english challenged dimwit. It is so obvious by the giddiness of the party that they are shocked which shows their inherent racist tendencies. If he was white nobody would have noticed this guy with dumbo ears and ultraliberal voting record.

A guy with a name like that has zero chance. Besides, It's Hillary's turn to be Prez. Maybe she'll annoint him VP, but she'll deep six him later, just like Bill did to Al.
Barack Hussein Obama won't have to cheat around on his wife...he'll just marry two or three women like his father did.

I guess you are not aware of the fact that Barack Obama is a member of the United Church of Christ.

It would appear that you are not aware of much of anything.
Do you expect us to vote for Damnocrats? At least the GOP supports SOME conservative values.

But slipping every day, as the Rudy run shows. The GOP and conservatism are very far apart these days. Republicans in D.C. want open borders, amnesty, globalism, UN dominance, you name it. It's crap. Reagan was decent; the Bushes are a joke. American democracy has become a joke, really.
But slipping every day, as the Rudy run shows. The GOP and conservatism are very far apart these days. Republicans in D.C. want open borders, amnesty, globalism, UN dominance, you name it. It's crap. Reagan was decent; the Bushes are a joke. American democracy has become a joke, really.
I wouldn't go that far. One the Iraq thing turns around and the media pressure is not so hot, the GOP will start to move back to the right.
WWII, Vietnam War....same thing to you isn't Jasen....what an asshole you are.

Really? It's not? You're kidding???

WWII and Vietnam weren't the same war??????? Next thing you know you're going to be telling me that the Confederacy and Sparta were different!!!!

OK, all lambasting of your moronity aside, that was kind of my point. The Swifties' commercials were full of WWII vets telling us all about how they knew all about John Kerry's service and that it was bad, bad, bad. Nevermind that the guys who were actually under his command, in his boat, were telling us the complete opposite.

Anyone who's ever been in the military knows that if you want to know about an officer... you talk to the enlisted soldiers who served under him or her... not to some guy who was in another unit, or another war for that matter... which, was kind of my point.

You know, if you don't have a firm grasp of what's going on around you, it might be best to just move along to the next topic next time.
jasendorf wrote:

I must say that I'm seriously looking forward to watching Republicans twist and contort themselves to vote for pro-gay rights, pro-gun control, pro-abortion Rudy Giuliani. How far wil they bend and how far will Rudy abandon his "convictions" to help them?

So, Republicans, tell us how you're going to contort yourselves to make his round pegs fit in your square holes.

Are you honestly going to stand there and proclaim that John F. Kerry was the Democrats "dream" candidate? That there wasn't a voter out there who said, "Well, he isn't perfect...I don't agree with him on several issues...but at least he isn't the other guy"

Give me a break, jasendorf....you are simply showing that you are eager to paint Republicans as hypocrites regardless of what they do.

Rather than being pleased that the GOP is willing to consider a more moderate candidate, rather than viewing it as perhaps a chance to speak to more voters, rather than simply the far-left or rabid right....you are here licking your chops at the chance to taunt and tease a small minority of voters because their party hasn't found someone "perfect" for them to vote for...

Its really a bit pathetic to see someone so eager to mock and taunt people for doing what all voters do...look at the candidates and pick the one that shares as many of the political views as possible with them.

Some Republicans might not be thrilled that Giuliani is pro-choice...but they might be willing to make that concession rather than dealing with someone who wants to socialize health care...

Politics is about trade-offs...and only the most rabid partisan would be unable to see it as such, but rather see it as an opportunity to call people names because they might nominate a moderate candidate.
I must say that I'm seriously looking forward to watching Republicans twist and contort themselves to vote for pro-gay rights, pro-gun control, pro-abortion Rudy Giuliani. How far wil they bend and how far will Rudy abandon his "convictions" to help them?

So, Republicans, tell us how you're going to contort yourselves to make his round pegs fit in your square holes.

by watching you all cry again .....
fuck you dipshit. I explained to you the source of my positive impressions of Barack Obama. He OUGHTA scare the shit out of you. My father related to me a story of Barack coming to the American Legion Hall in his town....my dad, being a legionaire (like me) went to listen to him. The place was filled with white male Reagan Democrats and republicans.... with not just a little bit of ingrained racism.... by the end of Barack's speech, he had them ALL eating out of his hand. Shit...he won the Senate election in Illinois with nearly three quarters of the vote....even my Rush Limbaugh ditttohead kid brother from the Chicago burbs voted for him.

This post is agreeing with me maine, you're claiming that the legion hall was filled with skeptical Democrats that were racist and Obama hypnotized them all with his used car sales pitch. They couldn't believe a darky could possibly be worth voting for and he talked them into it....seems simple enough to understand....Democrats are inherently racist that have used minorities for a hundred years but they sure wouldn't want one in a power position.
This post is agreeing with me maine, you're claiming that the legion hall was filled with skeptical Democrats that were racist and Obama hypnotized them all with his used car sales pitch. They couldn't believe a darky could possibly be worth voting for and he talked them into it....seems simple enough to understand....Democrats are inherently racist that have used minorities for a hundred years but they sure wouldn't want one in a power position.

nothing I have ever written "agrees with you" in any way.

Have you read "Dreams of My Father", by the way?
I guess you are not aware of the fact that Barack Obama is a member of the United Church of Christ.

It would appear that you are not aware of much of anything.

More personal attack to support your weak arguments?

I'm well aware that Barack Hussein Obama belongs to the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Did you know that this church group is racist in nature? That is not in line with Christian teachings.

Barack Hussein Obama also does not support other Christian teachings either. He supports abortion, partial-birth abortion, and infanticide. He supports homosexuality and gay marriage. He supports condoms instead of abstinence.

Jesus wouldn't vote for Obama:

jasondorf said:
Are you talking about Obama or Mitt Romney?
LOL that was actually a good one.

However, the fact is that the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints expressly forbids polygamy and, while not practiced everywhere, the Qur'an allows a man to have up to 4 wives.

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