Can't we impeach BO because health care is so anti American and because he lied.....

Well we can't impeach Obama but the House can. All it takes is a simple House majority and Republicans certainly have that, so there you have it.
Well we can't impeach Obama but the House can. All it takes is a simple House majority and Republicans certainly have that, so there you have it.

obviously wasn't being literal you fool liberal.

Idiots always believe that a standing President can be impeached just because some people don't like him. The libs wanted that for GW and now the cons want it for Obama. Idiots to the right of me, idiots to the left. Unfortunately there seems to be more of the idiots than the rational ones.
What exactly is "anti-American" about health care?

It seems you've been indoctrinated by the neo-Conservative propaganda wing.
It is depend on the power or control of the government for the people.

Republicans horror that control over healthcare choices is just the start to control over lives of civilian.
Well we can't impeach Obama but the House can. All it takes is a simple House majority and Republicans certainly have that, so there you have it.

obviously wasn't being literal you fool liberal.

Idiots always believe that a standing President can be impeached just because some people don't like him. The libs wanted that for GW and now the cons want it for Obama. Idiots to the right of me, idiots to the left. Unfortunately there seems to be more of the idiots than the rational ones.

They did it to Clinton.

Conservatives like to trivialize emergency procedures to further political agendas.
Impeachment is not meant as a way to short-circuit the electoral process. If you don't approve of someone's policies, go out and vote.
obviously wasn't being literal you fool liberal.

Idiots always believe that a standing President can be impeached just because some people don't like him. The libs wanted that for GW and now the cons want it for Obama. Idiots to the right of me, idiots to the left. Unfortunately there seems to be more of the idiots than the rational ones.

They did it to Clinton.

Conservatives like to trivialize emergency procedures to further political agendas.

Clinton should not have lied under oath. If he had not lied, he never would have been impeached.
[Obama lied] about the cost of it?[Obama Care][/quote]

WHat you meant ot say was "I'm an idiot and have no clue what I'mt alking about and I've been brainwashed, so can we impeach Obama for not being a compeltle dumbas like myself"

of course if idiot you would not be so afraid to present reason to think so?? What does your fear tell you??

ObamaCare's True 10-Year Cost Out By CBO At $1.76 Trillion
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Mar 14, 2012 – CBO now puts ObamaCare's 10 year cost at $1.76 trillion, double President Obama's promise, an escalating number that will add to the deficit.
The number one cause of bankruptcy are medical bills. Everyone knows "bankruptcy" is so, so "American".

Republicans need to use that for Mitt's campaign.

"Bankruptcy made us at Bain rich".
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[Obama lied] about the cost of it?[Obama Care]

WHat you meant ot say was "I'm an idiot and have no clue what I'mt alking about and I've been brainwashed, so can we impeach Obama for not being a compeltle dumbas like myself"

of course if idiot you would not be so afraid to present reason to think so?? What does your fear tell you??

ObamaCare's True 10-Year Cost Out By CBO At $1.76 Trillion
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Mar 14, 2012 – CBO now puts ObamaCare's 10 year cost at $1.76 trillion, double President Obama's promise, an escalating number that will add to the deficit.[/QUOTE]

1) So you are so stupid that you think Obama is the CBO.
2) You're also so stupid that you think the cost of Obamacare from 2010-2020, and 2012-2022 being different means that the CBO lie when they reported the cost from 2010-2020.
3) Either you are a ignorant partisan hack or you can't read becuase when you go to the link you find that it says that Obamacare will reduce the deficit by 50billion more then the CBO originally predicted.
4) Only somoene who can't do addition (IE you) thinks decreasing the deficit by 50 billion more then 220billion means an increase in the deficit
about the cost of it?

Impeachable grounds do not include being a revolting lying ass politician. The founders tried to make impeachable offenses so serious and significant as to prevent Congress from using it as a political tool in the event one party held a strong majority in Congress and would abuse their power by forcibly removing a duly elected President -as well as to prevent it from being used to remove an unpopular President. Being unpopular is not an impeachable offense -neither is being a scummy lying ass political thug who lacks the executive and leadership skills to even BE President and has never made any secret of the fact he believes himself to be President of ONLY his own supporters and not all Americans! No one who believed he was EVERYONE'S President would ever encourage Americans to believe the "real" enemy is fellow Americans -and this guy lives to divide the nation and turn American on American. He definitely needs to be removed from office -but it won't be by means of impeachment. Even if he had committed an impeachable offense, it would not happen before the election. So you want to throw this guy out of office - make sure to get off your butt and vote on Nov. 6.
Dear Fat-Ed Shultz,
Since I can,t impeach your mess,i,wah, I pray daily that he hasten to return to heaven, say........ tomorrow? Now that would truly be miraculous
Idiots always believe that a standing President can be impeached just because some people don't like him. The libs wanted that for GW and now the cons want it for Obama. Idiots to the right of me, idiots to the left. Unfortunately there seems to be more of the idiots than the rational ones.

They did it to Clinton.

Conservatives like to trivialize emergency procedures to further political agendas.

Clinton should not have lied under oath. If he had not lied, he never would have been impeached.

Oh bullshit.

Ken Starr went on a fishing expedition and the best they could come up with was an affair with intern. Clinton handled it stupidly..he never should have let it get that far. But stupidity is no reason to impeach.

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