Capital-Controlled Companies' Employees To Speak At Democratic Convention

Aug 7, 2012
Bain Capital-Controlled Companies' Employees To Speak At Democratic Convention

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- A top Obama campaign official told The Huffington Post on Monday that the upcoming Democratic convention will feature multiple employees from companies managed by Mitt Romney's former private equity firm, Bain Capital.

The speakers are slated to discuss the business practices of the private equity world, likely in order to call into the question the conduct of Romney's former firm while he was CEO. Employees at companies controlled or managed by Bain during Romney's tenure have already had star turns in the campaign, both in Obama campaign conference calls and in television ads run by the campaign and its allied super PAC, Priorities USA Action.

An earlier report suggested that officials with Bain Capital itself would be speaking at the Democratic convention, raising the specter of former Romney business partners criticizing his private sector record in primetime speaking slots. But the campaign official said that the collars on the stage would be blue, not white.

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