Capitalism Guarantees Rising Inequality

Government is not the only source of power over our lives.

Our government is not the only government in the world.
Government makes and inforces laws so they have more influence than WalMart. And yes, that stuff it happens elsewhere, even worse.
The Nation is still better off as a Nation when the government performs certain duties.

Free capitalism is often seen as a cure all. The problem is that it mostly just exists in text books and chalk boards.
Do you mean free market capitalism? True, but it can exist more or less as it's encouraged or discouraged. Just as there's no perfect socialist country (and I still wouldn't want to live there) no perfect capitalist country will ever exist. I'd rather have the freedom to suceed or fail (only to try again) than not have the opportunity for "fairness" or safeties sake.

I don't want a wetnurse for a government.
Government is not the only source of power over our lives.

Our government is not the only government in the world.
Government makes and inforces laws so they have more influence than WalMart. And yes, that stuff it happens elsewhere, even worse.
The Nation is still better off as a Nation when the government performs certain duties.

Free capitalism is often seen as a cure all. The problem is that it mostly just exists in text books and chalk boards.
Do you mean free market capitalism? True, but it can exist more or less as it's encouraged or discouraged. Just as there's no perfect socialist country (and I still wouldn't want to live there) no perfect capitalist country will ever exist. I'd rather have the freedom to suceed or fail (only to try again) than not have the opportunity for "fairness" or safeties sake.

I don't want a wetnurse for a government.

How about a government that favors the rich and powerful?

How about a government that allows our trade and labor markets be manipulated by foreign powers including governments?

The biggest threat to capitalism is capitalism because capitalism favors the capitalist.

Economic theory that supports free market capitalism is based on perfect or near perfect markets. In the real world markets are not perfect and capitalism is rarely if ever really free.
How about a government that favors the rich and powerful?
I just spoke out against it. That's corruption not capitalism.
How about a government that allows our trade and labor markets be manipulated by foreign powers including governments?

The biggest threat to capitalism is capitalism because capitalism favors the capitalist.

Economic theory that supports free market capitalism is based on perfect or near perfect markets. In the real world markets are not perfect and capitalism is rarely if ever really free.
I addressed that as well, are you reading the posts? It's impossible to be totally free in any society as the terms are mutually exclusive. The biggest threat to capitalism is a big corrupt power mad government. Of course capitalism favors the capitalist, who would it favor, the socialist?

The more you work the more you earn, what's wrong with that?
Which one percent of US voters paid congress to regulate the economy without constitutional authority? IMHO, the problem begins with vast private fortunes that are able to buy the congress, courts, and white house.

But here's the problem junior - nobody gives a damn about your opinion because you openly admitted your opinion is the result of willful ignorance. You told everyone that you disregard facts because facts are "created by the wealthy" :eusa_eh:

Here's the bottom line - you hate wealthy people because they have more than you. And in that sick, twisted, Adolf-Hitler-punish-the-Jews manner, you just want to punish them for having more than you.

If you hated someone you didn't know simply because the color of their skin, you would be shunned by society as a racist. Yet you think it's perfectly ok to hate people you don't know simply because they worked harder than you did and became successful. You disgust me. You're full of hate and envy because you're a loser. Point the disdain where it belong junior - at the lazy asshat in the mirror.
Point out exactly where I "openly admitted" my opinion "is the result of willful ingnorance" and "facts are created by the wealthy."

If 13 Americans with a different skin color made more from their 2013 investments than the entire SNAP Budget, do you imagine I would be a racist to condemn their greed?

The disdain belongs to those who privatize profit and socialize cost, just as it has since the first government came into existence: All for ourselves and nothing for others has been the Vile Maxim of the Masters of Mankind since the time of Adam Smith.

It still is, and Ignorant Slaves like you feel the need to apologize for it.

Get off your knees, Junior.
How about a government that favors the rich and powerful?
I just spoke out against it. That's corruption not capitalism.
How about a government that allows our trade and labor markets be manipulated by foreign powers including governments?

The biggest threat to capitalism is capitalism because capitalism favors the capitalist.

Economic theory that supports free market capitalism is based on perfect or near perfect markets. In the real world markets are not perfect and capitalism is rarely if ever really free.
I addressed that as well, are you reading the posts? It's impossible to be totally free in any society as the terms are mutually exclusive. The biggest threat to capitalism is a big corrupt power mad government. Of course capitalism favors the capitalist, who would it favor, the socialist?

The more you work the more you earn, what's wrong with that?

In what world does money not matter? Saying that is not capitalism makes no sense.

I didn't just say they were not free, I said they were not perfect.

Capitalism as an economic system was more about taking power away from those who owned the means of production by giving the power of government over to the people. The default is not a clear separation of government and those who own the means of production. When this country was founded it was only the land owners voting.

Your history and the way of the world is backwards.
Capitalism is designed to concentrate wealth in fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation.

It works for about 1% - 10% of the population.

The other 90% pay the taxes and fight the wars that capitalism can't exist without.

"The 85 richest people on Earth now have the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of the global population, according to a report released Monday by the British humanitarian group Oxfam International.

^^^Does that work for you?

Oxfam report highlights widening income gap between rich, poor -

Just more communist manifesto rhetoric with no basis in logic or reality. That is how you enslave the population, not free them.
You enslave the population through debt and war.
Two Evils capitalism can't exist without.

Yeah, because communism/socialism/marxism never created debt & war and it certainly never enslaved anyone.... :eusa_eh:
this is from truthout, a commie propaganda site
Do you find the following content untruthful?

"We live in a world rife with inequality of wealth, income, power and influence. It is the underlying cause of deep-seated social tensions, community divisions and a range of poisons that cause terrible suffering to millions of people.

"The disparity between the wealthy minority and the billions living in suffocating poverty is greater than it has ever been.

"Worldwide it is estimated that the wealthiest 10 per cent owns 85 per cent of global household wealth.

"According to Wikipedia, 'As of May 2005, the three richest people in the world have assets that exceed the combined gross domestic product of the 47 countries with the last GDP', and 'The richest 2 per cent of the world population own more than 51 per cent of the global assets'.

Is Wikipedia another commie propaganda site?

Spotlight on Worldwide Inequality

You say:
"Worldwide it is estimated that the wealthiest 10 per cent owns 85 per cent of global household wealth."
This is because they work harder and smarter than the rest of us. Ask any republican. And if these wealthy people end up owning 99.9% of everything eventually? Then they still deserve it because they work harder and smarter now stop being so jealous.
How could I have been so blind?
Now, can we all just get along and move to Davos?

"As business and political leaders gather in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss the improving world economy, new evidence emerged about how much the rich have become richer — and how much further the poor are falling behind.

"The 85 richest people on Earth now have the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of the global population, according to a report released Monday by the British humanitarian group Oxfam International."

Oxfam report highlights widening income gap between rich, poor -
And we live in a world where the rich are thriving and the middle class are becoming the poor.
And the better the economy gets the better the middle class gets. :clap2:

That's the way it works.

Last I checked income inequality was getting worse and worse. Let me guess you blame government and ignore the imperfections in our markets.
Tax the rich, feed the poor
Till there are no rich no more
"Everywhere is freaks and hairies
Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity
Tax the rich, feed the poor
Till there are no rich no more"

Ten Years After - I'd Love to Change the World Lyrics | SongMeanings

And we live in a world where the rich are thriving and the middle class are becoming the poor.

Because the Marxist asshats like you and Obama are taxing the fuck out of the middle class with your socialism - taxing them right into poverty (which, lets be honest, is what you two asshats want so that everyone is "equal" - equal in poverty). :eusa_doh:

God Almighty, Dumbocrats create the problem with their ignorant share-the-wealth socialism and then cry the loudest about the problem that they created!
And we live in a world where the rich are thriving and the middle class are becoming the poor.
And the better the economy gets the better the middle class gets. :clap2:

That's the way it works.

Last I checked income inequality was getting worse and worse. Let me guess you blame government and ignore the imperfections in our markets.

Can you articulate even one "imperfection" in our market? The fact that you don't speaks volumes...
Thomas Sowell nails it....
""It is staggering that in the 21st century, half of the world's population own no more than a tiny elite whose numbers could all sit comfortably in a single train carriage," said Winnie Byanyima, Oxfam's executive director.

"'Widening inequality is creating a vicious circle where wealth and power are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few, leaving the rest of us to fight over crumbs from the top table,' Byanyima said.

"The bottom half of the population — about 3.5 billion people — account for about $1.7 trillion, or about 0.7% of the world's wealth, according to the Oxfam report, titled 'Working for the Few.'"

Oxfam report highlights widening income gap between rich, poor -

Seven-tenths of one percent of this world's wealth is owned by half of humanity.
Correlation or causation or cosmic greed?

AGAIN...this is NOT the fault of Capitalism. The fault lies with a corrupt power elite that controls governments and economies throughout the world.

You, like many on the Left, fail to see that the very thing you want more of, is the thing causing poverty, income inequality, wars, and so much more that is detrimental to the human condition.
Capitalism is the dominant economic system on this planet.
Capitalism is the source of the vast private fortunes that dominate all governments.
Capitalism is why the richest 85 people on the planet has the same amount of wealth as the bottom 50% of global humanity.
Many on the Left see the solution in terms of increasing democracy in government and the workplace.
Many on the Right see the solution as decreasing democratic control of both.
No one has benefitted more from capitalism more than poor people. Their quality of life is a million times better than it used to be.
Do you have any proof of that statement?

"In a world of plenty why are hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of people vulnerable at all? The vulnerable and exploited exist because of an inherently unjust social-economic system, which has caused extreme global inequality and built a divided and fractured world society."

Spotlight on Worldwide Inequality

How many countries in Africa (Madagascar, South Africa, Libya, Egypt, etc) offer their poor free cell phones and minutes paid by the working class taxpayer, government housing, free health care, food stamps, government welfare income, all for those who don't work? However, paying for those who don't work for themselves is often manipulated under the thought that it's somehow the "Christian" thing to do.
Do you have any proof of that statement?

"In a world of plenty why are hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of people vulnerable at all? The vulnerable and exploited exist because of an inherently unjust social-economic system, which has caused extreme global inequality and built a divided and fractured world society."

Spotlight on Worldwide Inequality

I don't really care about other countries.

Just compare the "poor" in the US to the rest of the world and you have to come to the conclusion that our system is better for poor people.

Right...fuck income inequality because our poor have microwaves! We win!

I thought liberals were against nation building?
Thomas Sowell nails it....
""It is staggering that in the 21st century, half of the world's population own no more than a tiny elite whose numbers could all sit comfortably in a single train carriage," said Winnie Byanyima, Oxfam's executive director.

"'Widening inequality is creating a vicious circle where wealth and power are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few, leaving the rest of us to fight over crumbs from the top table,' Byanyima said.

"The bottom half of the population — about 3.5 billion people — account for about $1.7 trillion, or about 0.7% of the world's wealth, according to the Oxfam report, titled 'Working for the Few.'"

Oxfam report highlights widening income gap between rich, poor -

Seven-tenths of one percent of this world's wealth is owned by half of humanity.
Correlation or causation or cosmic greed?

Human nature.

Those that don't have it, either didn't have the ambition to go get it, as is the case in the US, as nothing except themselves is preventing them from doing so, OR elsewhere in the world, they live in a culture governed by relativism, which places the subjective in positions of power, that precludes them from exercising their natural right to do so, inevitably misinforming those individuals through fraudulent notions, that they're entitled to subsistent or in the worst case, they can't do for themselves and will only take what is given to them.

Now the simple truth is that just about any nature conservancy will tell you how destructive entitlement subsidies are. Particularly for creatures that can't reason soundly.

It's not truly not even a debatable point.
If human nature isn't a debatable point, what is?

"At the core of every social, political, and economic system is a picture of human nature (to paraphrase 20th-century columnist Walter Lippmann).

"The suppositions we begin with—the ways in which that picture is developed—determine the lives we lead, the institutions we build, and the civilizations we create.

"They are the foundation stone.

"Three Views of Human Nature

"During the 18th century—a period that saw the advent of modern capitalism—there were several different currents of thought about the nature of the human person. Three models were particularly significant.

"One model was that humans, while flawed, are perfectible.

"A second was that we are flawed, and fatally so; we need to accept and build our society around this unpleasant reality.

"A third view was that although human beings are flawed, we are capable of virtuous acts and self-government—that under the right circumstances, human nature can work to the advantage of the whole."

What's your choice?

Human Nature and Capitalism ? The American Magazine
""It is staggering that in the 21st century, half of the world's population own no more than a tiny elite whose numbers could all sit comfortably in a single train carriage," said Winnie Byanyima, Oxfam's executive director.

"'Widening inequality is creating a vicious circle where wealth and power are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few, leaving the rest of us to fight over crumbs from the top table,' Byanyima said.

"The bottom half of the population — about 3.5 billion people — account for about $1.7 trillion, or about 0.7% of the world's wealth, according to the Oxfam report, titled 'Working for the Few.'"

Oxfam report highlights widening income gap between rich, poor -

Seven-tenths of one percent of this world's wealth is owned by half of humanity.
Correlation or causation or cosmic greed?

Human nature.

Those that don't have it, either didn't have the ambition to go get it, as is the case in the US, as nothing except themselves is preventing them from doing so, OR elsewhere in the world, they live in a culture governed by relativism, which places the subjective in positions of power, that precludes them from exercising their natural right to do so, inevitably misinforming those individuals through fraudulent notions, that they're entitled to subsistent or in the worst case, they can't do for themselves and will only take what is given to them.

Now the simple truth is that just about any nature conservancy will tell you how destructive entitlement subsidies are. Particularly for creatures that can't reason soundly.

It's not truly not even a debatable point.
If human nature isn't a debatable point, what is?

"At the core of every social, political, and economic system is a picture of human nature (to paraphrase 20th-century columnist Walter Lippmann).

"The suppositions we begin with—the ways in which that picture is developed—determine the lives we lead, the institutions we build, and the civilizations we create.

"They are the foundation stone.

"Three Views of Human Nature

"During the 18th century—a period that saw the advent of modern capitalism—there were several different currents of thought about the nature of the human person. Three models were particularly significant.

"One model was that humans, while flawed, are perfectible.

"A second was that we are flawed, and fatally so; we need to accept and build our society around this unpleasant reality.

"A third view was that although human beings are flawed, we are capable of virtuous acts and self-government—that under the right circumstances, human nature can work to the advantage of the whole."

What's your choice?

Human Nature and Capitalism ? The American Magazine

Humans obviously aren't perfectible and they obviously aren't capable of governing themselves. Leastwise, you aren't capable of governing me.

So what does that leave you?
""It is staggering that in the 21st century, half of the world's population own no more than a tiny elite whose numbers could all sit comfortably in a single train carriage," said Winnie Byanyima, Oxfam's executive director.

"'Widening inequality is creating a vicious circle where wealth and power are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few, leaving the rest of us to fight over crumbs from the top table,' Byanyima said.

"The bottom half of the population — about 3.5 billion people — account for about $1.7 trillion, or about 0.7% of the world's wealth, according to the Oxfam report, titled 'Working for the Few.'"

Oxfam report highlights widening income gap between rich, poor -

Seven-tenths of one percent of this world's wealth is owned by half of humanity.
Correlation or causation or cosmic greed?

AGAIN...this is NOT the fault of Capitalism. The fault lies with a corrupt power elite that controls governments and economies throughout the world.

You, like many on the Left, fail to see that the very thing you want more of, is the thing causing poverty, income inequality, wars, and so much more that is detrimental to the human condition.
Capitalism is the dominant economic system on this planet.
Capitalism is the source of the vast private fortunes that dominate all governments.
Capitalism is why the richest 85 people on the planet has the same amount of wealth as the bottom 50% of global humanity.
Many on the Left see the solution in terms of increasing democracy in government and the workplace.
Many on the Right see the solution as decreasing democratic control of both.

People like you amaze me. How can you be so blind?

America today does NOT operate under a capitalist system. America today is a quasi Fascist state....a combination of socialism and big government cronyism. Funny...I thought you would like this.

It is impossible to effectively operate an economy under the rules of Capitalism, with the welfare warfare statist big centralized government we now have.

To think America is a capitalist nation, is not to think. Please THINK!!!

Here is an excellent book for you. I beg you to read it.
Fascism versus Capitalism
Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. (Author)
Where is Democracy to be found in a world where the three richest individuals have assets that exceed the combined GDP of 47 countries?

A world where the richest 2% of global citizens "own" more than 51% of global assets?

Ready for the best part?

Capitalism ensures an already bad problem will only get worse.

"The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) states that income inequality 'first started to rise in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s in America and Britain (and also in Israel)'.

"The ratio between the average incomes of the top 5 per cent to the bottom 5 per cent in the world increased from 78:1 in 1988, to 114:1 in 1993..."

"Stiglitz relays that from 1988 to 2008 people in the world’s top 1 per cent saw their incomes increase by 60 per cent, while those in the bottom 5 per cent had no change in their income.

"In America, home to the 2008 recession, from 2009 to 2012, incomes of the top 1 per cent in America, many of which no doubt had a greedy hand in the causes of the meltdown, increased more than 31 per cent, while the incomes of the 99 per cent grew 0.4 per cent less than half a percentage point."

Spotlight on Worldwide Inequality

There are alternatives that don't require infinite "growth."

It also guaranteed poverty. That's the thing about the free markets, they aren't perfectly efficient.

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