Capitalism in the Morgue at Long Last


Gold Member
Oct 16, 2017
Once in a while.. great things happen seemingly by coincidence far more than due to anyone's particular plan. I recently began listening to David Feldman's podcast because he's a frequent contributor on The Ralph Nader Radio Hour. He seemed smart and funny, and soothing to listen to most of all. A natural radio voice and a lefty to boot. But I soon sensed some kind of magic developing as well. This man soon expanded into arranging 24 hour productions with, even hosted by, talented expert guests spanning many fields. I see the YouTube gathering / presentation below as his greatest achievement so far, ushering in a something better finally taking place because the capitalist horse has run its course. It's finally worn out and died of its own weight. High time we celebrated and moved on..

The first eight minutes can easily be skipped. Watch the rest. At least once.
Once in a while.. great things happen seemingly by coincidence far more than due to anyone's particular plan. I recently began listening to David Feldman's podcast because he's a frequent contributor on The Ralph Nader Radio Hour. He seemed smart and funny, and soothing to listen to most of all. A natural radio voice and a lefty to boot. But I soon sensed some kind of magic developing as well. This man soon expanded into arranging 24 hour productions with, even hosted by, talented expert guests spanning many fields. I see the YouTube gathering / presentation below as his greatest achievement so far, ushering in a something better finally taking place because the capitalist horse has run its course. It's finally worn out and died of its own weight. High time we celebrated and moved on..

The first eight minutes can easily be skipped. Watch the rest. At least once.

What a collection of lunatics!
Once in a while.. great things happen seemingly by coincidence far more than due to anyone's particular plan. I recently began listening to David Feldman's podcast because he's a frequent contributor on The Ralph Nader Radio Hour. He seemed smart and funny, and soothing to listen to most of all. A natural radio voice and a lefty to boot. But I soon sensed some kind of magic developing as well. This man soon expanded into arranging 24 hour productions with, even hosted by, talented expert guests spanning many fields. I see the YouTube gathering / presentation below as his greatest achievement so far, ushering in a something better finally taking place because the capitalist horse has run its course. It's finally worn out and died of its own weight. High time we celebrated and moved on..

The first eight minutes can easily be skipped. Watch the rest. At least once.

the capitalist horse has run its course. It's finally worn out and died of its own weight. High time we celebrated and moved on..

Venezuela and Cuba can't wait for us to share in their success.
The fascists have released a virus to completely overhaul the fiat currency system so the monopoly capitalism and corporations can take over, and serf's will no longer have any say. . . and you think "capitalism is dead?"

Nah buddy, the corporations are just now merging with the state . . . .

Think, um. . .

These egg heads just aren't paying attention to what is going on.

The economic and political elites that control things, have no intention of letting the "free market" survive. But neither do they intend to let the state take over either.

The only thing that will survive is a technocracy of corporations in partnership with a bureaucratic global Deep State.

These academic egg heads don't have a clue what is going on, because of their biases and fantasies.

China is merging with the U.S.. . . they don't even see it. There are global institutions where the Chinese and the US elites meet together and plan. . . . a common future, for all.

. . .and it won't be a socialist or communist future, it will be a corporatist technocracy, and you won't have a say. Nor will you like what they are planning.

And it won't be governments in charge, it will be corporations with CEO's and board members that are also in government.

“Capitalism can no longer bail itself out” — this was how this video started out after 8 minutes of introduction. Most others repeated this in different ways. I disagree.

Capitalism, especially in this era of Federal Reserve bail outs and credit / fiat currency creation, can always bail itself out. Theoretically, as well as practically. Our own U.S.-led corporate capitalism is learning this in our own day. Of course this is not only a monetary problem. Social cohesion and political will is needed, and those may very well fail.

Unstable as modern Western capitalism is, it probably never will completely collapse. But Western capitalism in our era picks itself up after “irrational recurring collapses” by paying a price. That price in the real world may well mean war with competitor state capitalist systems, or conversion into a fundamentally “illiberal democracy,” or something even worse. In any case there seems to be an almost inevitable natural growing concentration of capital and wealth, an increasing tendency to crony capitalism, which brings new social disruption.

Here I agree a bit with MisterBeale, who understands the tendency toward global technocratic capitalism. But it is only a tendency. Nobody knows the future. What will scientific / technological change bring? Will there will be a major war with nuclear weapons? Will ecological disasters strike? Will there be political movements in the West capable of forcing new social-democratic reforms? If Western alliances were to self-destruct due to a failure of leadership, then the question would arise whether China or other world leadership might emerge. China is not looking for this sort of responsibility. Clearly there is no “working class” leadership possible along old-fashioned Marxist lines.

It’s a conundrum and I think there are no easy answers.
Under capitalism, you reap what you sow. Some do well, some don't so some were joyful and some wallowed in misery.

Under socialism, you will now all wallow in and share the misery.
So you've been living in a cave under some rock in England imagining yourself somehow above it all?
“Capitalism can no longer bail itself out” — this was how this video started out after 8 minutes of introduction. Most others repeated this in different ways. I disagree.

Capitalism, especially in this era of Federal Reserve bail outs and credit / fiat currency creation, can always bail itself out. Theoretically, as well as practically. Our own U.S.-led corporate capitalism is learning this in our own day. Of course this is not only a monetary problem. Social cohesion and political will is needed, and those may very well fail.
So you actually agree. Political death naturally being the only sort considered by serious beings. Professor Wolff explains very clearly. Listen again. Unless you've somehow convinced yourself that all a dictatorship or feudal system ever needed was a good "bail out." In that case, never mind.

Ron Paul has never been completely nuts:
“An essential element of a healthy free market is that both success and failure must be permitted to happen when they are earned. But instead with a bailout, the rewards are reversed – the proceeds from successful entities are given to failing ones.

“How this is supposed to be good for our economy is beyond me… It won’t and can’t work. It is obvious to most Americans that we need to reject corporate cronyism, and allow the natural regulations and incentives of the free market to pick the winners and losers in our economy, not the whims of bureaucrats and politicians.”

Bailing out a major bank is no guarantee that it will do well in future. In fact, the bailout often helps perpetuate bad business practices, say many economists.

The UK taxpayer bailed out the Royal Bank of Scotland to the tune of £46 billion ($70 billion). From 2008 to May 2015, the bank posted £50 billion in losses. Many would say it is a classical example of a zombie bank.
We understand that "free market" is a lie promoted by wistful liars, but most are lying to themselves at the same time. Look around. Idiots abound.

Look again: "with a bailout, the rewards are reversed – the proceeds from successful entities are given to failing ones."

What therefore is success? What is failure? What then is mass starvation? Affordable healthcare? Clean air and water? Education?
The first eight minutes can easily be skipped. Watch the rest. At least once.
I skipped the first 8 minutes but should have skipped the whole thing

yes free markets have down turns

socialist countries like the soviet union never had downturns that we were are of

but they never had upturns either

the socialist economy was bad all the time
Nobody knows the future. What will scientific / technological change bring? Will there will be a major war with nuclear weapons? Will ecological disasters strike? Will there be political movements in the West capable of forcing new social-democratic reforms? If Western alliances were to self-destruct due to a failure of leadership, then the question would arise whether China or other world leadership might emerge. China is not looking for this sort of responsibility. Clearly there is no “working class” leadership possible along old-fashioned Marxist lines.

It’s a conundrum and I think there are no easy answers.
Um, much of that has already occurred and Marx, being human, wrote interesting, pertinent stuff for human beings to consider - at no point moreso than the present. Can't help reflexively responding fearfully like one of Wolff's Ivy League professors when simply asked a question about Marx? Okay, best move along then.
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a fundamentally “illiberal democracy,” or something even worse. In any case there seems to be an almost inevitable natural growing concentration of capital and wealth, an increasing tendency to crony capitalism, which brings new social disruption.
Like a Republic, a half-assed experiment. A poke at democracy. And yes, "social disruption" - bingo. That's what can only be "bailed out" for so long.
Under the new requirement, it’s unclear how, say, someone whose job offer was rescinded back in April and has yet to find new work, will prove that they should remain eligible for PUA in the new year. Will they have to dig up an old email thread with the company’s HR department? What if the exchange took place over a phone call?
This is the modern reality for most. Austerity measures will be reoffered as a solution.. just wait..

Meanwhile, people are suffering and dying in record numbers here..
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The economic and political elites that control things, have no intention of letting the "free market" survive. But neither do they intend to let the state take over either.
You make zero sense. There's never been an actual "free market" and they are the state. That's what to "control things" means.
Nobody knows the future. What will scientific / technological change bring? Will there will be a major war with nuclear weapons? Will ecological disasters strike? Will there be political movements in the West capable of forcing new social-democratic reforms? If Western alliances were to self-destruct due to a failure of leadership, then the question would arise whether China or other world leadership might emerge. China is not looking for this sort of responsibility. Clearly there is no “working class” leadership possible along old-fashioned Marxist lines.

It’s a conundrum and I think there are no easy answers.
Um, much of that has already occurred and Marx, being human, wrote interesting, pertinent stuff for human beings to consider - at no point more so than the present. Can't help reflexively responding fearfully like one of Wolff's Ivy League professors when simply asked a question about Marx? Okay, best move along then.
My point was not to denigrate Marx as analyst of capitalism or deny his insights into its history and its contradictions. My problem isn’t that I have read too little Marx (and Lenin and Trotsky), but too much. I was speaking of the changes to be expected and the process of getting there.

I know (and I think you do too) that there is no present or future “working class leadership possible along old-fashioned Marxist lines” to lead society out of the crisis of capitalism. The “death agony of capitalism” will probably be with us for some time, and may well bring humanity down with it. It certainly won’t be replaced by a “dictatorship of the proletariat” in the advanced countries, as Marx predicted. That is all I’m saying. Given the consciousness and organization of American workers, I don’t see how that much can be argued with. The old slogan of “socialism or barbarism” was probably more or less correct, but the future remains murky in the extreme.
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Once in a while.. great things happen seemingly by coincidence far more than due to anyone's particular plan. I recently began listening to David Feldman's podcast because he's a frequent contributor on The Ralph Nader Radio Hour. He seemed smart and funny, and soothing to listen to most of all. A natural radio voice and a lefty to boot. But I soon sensed some kind of magic developing as well. This man soon expanded into arranging 24 hour productions with, even hosted by, talented expert guests spanning many fields. I see the YouTube gathering / presentation below as his greatest achievement so far, ushering in a something better finally taking place because the capitalist horse has run its course. It's finally worn out and died of its own weight. High time we celebrated and moved on..

The first eight minutes can easily be skipped. Watch the rest. At least once.

/—-/ Cuba needs workers to harvest the sugar cane. Why not sign up? Guaranteed employment and free healthcare to boot.
Once in a while.. great things happen seemingly by coincidence far more than due to anyone's particular plan. I recently began listening to David Feldman's podcast because he's a frequent contributor on The Ralph Nader Radio Hour. He seemed smart and funny, and soothing to listen to most of all. A natural radio voice and a lefty to boot. But I soon sensed some kind of magic developing as well. This man soon expanded into arranging 24 hour productions with, even hosted by, talented expert guests spanning many fields. I see the YouTube gathering / presentation below as his greatest achievement so far, ushering in a something better finally taking place because the capitalist horse has run its course. It's finally worn out and died of its own weight. High time we celebrated and moved on..

The first eight minutes can easily be skipped. Watch the rest. At least once.

the capitalist horse has run its course. It's finally worn out and died of its own weight. High time we celebrated and moved on..

Venezuela and Cuba can't wait for us to share in their success.

But those places aren't examples of REAL socialism/Communism/Marxism.

The way they want it done will work, THEY PROMISE!

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