Capitalism is always better, innit?

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Capitalism is always better than Venezuela. Come back to me when you don't have access to toilet paper and have to eat the family pets if not children to survive.


Also, feel free to get the fck out of our nation. This nation is capitalist, read the constitution. There are plenty of shit holes to choose from for you. Instead of wanting to make the country in your miserable sorry ass image, go to a country that already is that way.

They won’t leave. Why you ask? Well because they would be shot on the head for saying it anywhere else.

An excellent point. Leftists never admit how dependent they are on the system they vilify to be able to vilify it in the first place.
How many countries are actually, really, truly socialist?

Not many. Cuba might be the only one.

China claims to be Communist but is at best not that Socialist.

The USSR was Socialist to a large degree.

But then again we can find Capitalist countries that suck.

HOWEVER, this thread isn't a Socialist countries v. Capitalist countries thread.

It's that sometimes Capitalism isn't the best thing. That doesn't mean that full bang on Socialism is also the best.

Not many, because it has been the observation that socialism is a catastrophic failure everywhere where it's been tried. Yet you are cheering for it here, because you are a jackass.
America is part socialist. Pretty much everywhere is.
You have medicaid,welfare,schools,libraries and stuff.

Any or that stuff working well?

Well, a capitalist company with poor CEOs or bosses, will be a poor company, won't it.

When the country is run by a bunch of fuckers elected by people who think who they vote for doesn't matter as long as they "win", then you get a shit system.

A capitalist company with poor leaders will not be in business long. Government is forever, good or bad.

As my mother would say, you slobbered a bibful that time.
Capitalism is always better than Venezuela. Come back to me when you don't have access to toilet paper and have to eat the family pets if not children to survive.


Also, feel free to get the fck out of our nation. This nation is capitalist, read the constitution. There are plenty of shit holes to choose from for you. Instead of wanting to make the country in your miserable sorry ass image, go to a country that already is that way.
Capitalism is not always better. He has given you examples of that. Why do you feel the need to show how uncouth you are ?

We don't know all the details of those examples. The train example shows what happens when the government enforces union membership. That's hardly an example of pure capitalism at work. All three examples included significant government involvement. Try producing an example of pure free enterprise that sucks. You can't do it.
The government does not enforce union membership.In fact this government would probably like to abolish the unions altogether.

The train example is an example of the state having to step in and rescue a failed capitalist venture in the public interest.
Its the clearest example you could find.
Why do you "funny" this post Norman ?

Because as your other posts in the thread it's so stupid it's funny. Or maybe it's just stupid and not funny, but since there is no stupid button this will have to do.

Here is your basic argument:
- Capitalism failed to build a road somewhere.
- Therefore capitalism fails in all aspects and I am entitled to your cash.

I give very little shit about who builds the roads or this particular railway. If it's the government probably not the best choice, but ok. Now get the fck out of my wallet and get a god damned job.
Well you do lack basic comprehension skills so thanks for clarifying what you understand it to be.
Capitalism is not always better. He has given you examples of that. Why do you feel the need to show how uncouth you are ?

We don't know all the details of those examples. The train example shows what happens when the government enforces union membership. That's hardly an example of pure capitalism at work. All three examples included significant government involvement. Try producing an example of pure free enterprise that sucks. You can't do it.
The government does not enforce union membership.In fact this government would probably like to abolish the unions altogether.

The train example is an example of the state having to step in and rescue a failed capitalist venture in the public interest.
Its the clearest example you could find.
Why do you "funny" this post Norman ?

Because as your other posts in the thread it's so stupid it's funny. Or maybe it's just stupid and not funny, but since there is no stupid button this will have to do.

Here is your basic argument:
- Capitalism failed to build a road somewhere.
- Therefore capitalism fails in all aspects and I am entitled to your cash.

I give very little shit about who builds the roads or this particular railway. If it's the government probably not the best choice, but ok. Now get the fck out of my wallet and get a god damned job.
Well you do lack basic comprehension skills so thanks for clarifying what you understand it to be.

Brilliant rebuttal Mr. Gamma.
Capitalism is always better than Venezuela. Come back to me when you don't have access to toilet paper and have to eat the family pets if not children to survive.


Also, feel free to get the fck out of our nation. This nation is capitalist, read the constitution. There are plenty of shit holes to choose from for you. Instead of wanting to make the country in your miserable sorry ass image, go to a country that already is that way.
Capitalism is not always better. He has given you examples of that. Why do you feel the need to show how uncouth you are ?

We don't know all the details of those examples. The train example shows what happens when the government enforces union membership. That's hardly an example of pure capitalism at work. All three examples included significant government involvement. Try producing an example of pure free enterprise that sucks. You can't do it.
The government does not enforce union membership.In fact this government would probably like to abolish the unions altogether.

The train example is an example of the state having to step in and rescue a failed capitalist venture in the public interest.
Its the clearest example you could find.
Yes, the government does enforce union membership. You don't know what you're talking about. The train example is where government enforced unions drove a business into the ground with their unreasonable demands. Under real capitalism, the railroad would simply ignore the union and negotiate with each worker individually.
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I would like to block some takeovers in the public interest. I think that would be a good thing for people. It is something that the takeover panels could look at.

And if it was something that was "bad" the panels could just abolish and destroy it.
Its a complex issue. The local brewery I highlighted was a profitable business.It didnt need to close.
If a business is in difficulty and someone comes in for it then that is a different matter and different criteria come into play.
There should be consideration of all stakeholders when these things happen. That isnt unreasonable.

A year or so back a UK retailer, BHS was sold to an Aussie conman for a £5. They were struggling and about to collapse.The owner wanted rid and the staff were relieved that someone wanted them. Less than a year later they went bust.
Then the problems started. There was a mega sized hole in the company pension fund. The new owners had bought assets and liabilities but were potless.
The previous owner played Pilate and washed his hands of them. That takeover should have been blocked until the pension deficit had been put right.
The pensioners were stakeholders in the business and had been ignored in the takeover process. That cant be right.

Liberal Dictionary
Stakeholder - someone who didn't create it or pay for it but thinks he's entitled to control it.

Your belief that the previous owner could have filled the hole in the pension program is idiotic. They were going bankrupt. Where would this money to fill the hole come from?
Philip Green agrees to pay £363m into BHS pension fund

Well eventually he had to.

Sir Philip Green has agreed to hand over £363m in cash to rescue the BHS pension scheme, and settle one of the biggest City rows of recent decades.

The deal with the Pensions Regulator, which is likely to help the billionaire keep his knighthood, follows the controversial collapse of the BHS department store chain last April, which led to the loss of 11,000 jobs and left a pension deficit assessed at £571m.

A high-profile parliamentary investigation into the demise of BHS concluded that the company had been systematically plundered by its owners and described the hole in the pension fund as “the unacceptable face of capitalism”. MPs voted in favour of stripping Green of his knighthood.

The billionaire tycoon owned BHS for 15 years until he sold it to Dominic Chappell, a former bankrupt, for just £1 in March 2015. During his ownership, the Green family and other shareholders collected at least £580m from BHS in dividends, rental payments and interest on loans.

He took £580m out of the business whilst runnning up a £580m deficit in the pension fund. the figures are quite revealing.
The pensioners were STAKEHOLDERS in the business and their pensions were a contractual obligation that Mr Green tried to offload when it became burdensome.

The takeover shoud have been blocked whilst this was sorted out. That is not a controversial stance.
According to the Guardian. Of course, we all know the Guardian is a commie rag. I doubt the details are as presented here.
20 pages and not a single example...

Capitalism sounds excellent.

I agree we should arrange something to these loser leftists, but only if they STFU and act decent. Maybe then it can be discussed.
Capitalism is always better than Venezuela. Come back to me when you don't have access to toilet paper and have to eat the family pets if not children to survive.


Also, feel free to get the fck out of our nation. This nation is capitalist, read the constitution. There are plenty of shit holes to choose from for you. Instead of wanting to make the country in your miserable sorry ass image, go to a country that already is that way.
Capitalism is not always better. He has given you examples of that. Why do you feel the need to show how uncouth you are ?

We don't know all the details of those examples. The train example shows what happens when the government enforces union membership. That's hardly an example of pure capitalism at work. All three examples included significant government involvement. Try producing an example of pure free enterprise that sucks. You can't do it.
The government does not enforce union membership.In fact this government would probably like to abolish the unions altogether.

The train example is an example of the state having to step in and rescue a failed capitalist venture in the public interest.
Its the clearest example you could find.
Yes, the government does enforce union membership. You don't know what you're talking about. The train example is where government unions drove a business into the ground with their unreasonable demands. Under real capitalism, the railroad would simply ignore the union and negotiate with each worker individually.
Mate, you are a fucking tool. What are these "government unions" you are on about. If you cant get basic facts right then I cant see how you can converse with adults. I would ask you for a link to back up your shit but really, I think you are just on a wind up mission.
Capitalism is always better than Venezuela. Come back to me when you don't have access to toilet paper and have to eat the family pets if not children to survive.


Also, feel free to get the fck out of our nation. This nation is capitalist, read the constitution. There are plenty of shit holes to choose from for you. Instead of wanting to make the country in your miserable sorry ass image, go to a country that already is that way.
Capitalism is not always better. He has given you examples of that. Why do you feel the need to show how uncouth you are ?

We don't know all the details of those examples. The train example shows what happens when the government enforces union membership. That's hardly an example of pure capitalism at work. All three examples included significant government involvement. Try producing an example of pure free enterprise that sucks. You can't do it.
The government does not enforce union membership.In fact this government would probably like to abolish the unions altogether.

The train example is an example of the state having to step in and rescue a failed capitalist venture in the public interest.
Its the clearest example you could find.
Yes, the government does enforce union membership. You don't know what you're talking about. The train example is where government unions drove a business into the ground with their unreasonable demands. Under real capitalism, the railroad would simply ignore the union and negotiate with each worker individually.
Mate, you are a fucking tool. What are these "government unions" you are on about. If you cant get basic facts right then I cant see how you can converse with adults. I would ask you for a link to back up your shit but really, I think you are just on a wind up mission.

The irony has once again reached the limit. You in the same breath detail how you are clueless and call someone who is not clueless a tool.

Classic leftism!
Capitalism is not always better. He has given you examples of that. Why do you feel the need to show how uncouth you are ?

We don't know all the details of those examples. The train example shows what happens when the government enforces union membership. That's hardly an example of pure capitalism at work. All three examples included significant government involvement. Try producing an example of pure free enterprise that sucks. You can't do it.
The government does not enforce union membership.In fact this government would probably like to abolish the unions altogether.

The train example is an example of the state having to step in and rescue a failed capitalist venture in the public interest.
Its the clearest example you could find.
Yes, the government does enforce union membership. You don't know what you're talking about. The train example is where government unions drove a business into the ground with their unreasonable demands. Under real capitalism, the railroad would simply ignore the union and negotiate with each worker individually.
Mate, you are a fucking tool. What are these "government unions" you are on about. If you cant get basic facts right then I cant see how you can converse with adults. I would ask you for a link to back up your shit but really, I think you are just on a wind up mission.

The irony has once again reached the limit. You in the same breath detail how you are clueless and call someone who is not clueless a tool.

Classic leftism!
Perhaps you have a link to these "government unions" ?
We don't know all the details of those examples. The train example shows what happens when the government enforces union membership. That's hardly an example of pure capitalism at work. All three examples included significant government involvement. Try producing an example of pure free enterprise that sucks. You can't do it.
The government does not enforce union membership.In fact this government would probably like to abolish the unions altogether.

The train example is an example of the state having to step in and rescue a failed capitalist venture in the public interest.
Its the clearest example you could find.
Yes, the government does enforce union membership. You don't know what you're talking about. The train example is where government unions drove a business into the ground with their unreasonable demands. Under real capitalism, the railroad would simply ignore the union and negotiate with each worker individually.
Mate, you are a fucking tool. What are these "government unions" you are on about. If you cant get basic facts right then I cant see how you can converse with adults. I would ask you for a link to back up your shit but really, I think you are just on a wind up mission.

The irony has once again reached the limit. You in the same breath detail how you are clueless and call someone who is not clueless a tool.

Classic leftism!
Perhaps you have a link to these "government unions" ?

I am tired of always having to explain simple things to you that could be figured out by a simple google search. But of course, just as you expect a handout, you expect people to do even the most trivial basic tasks for you.

Since this is a public forum, here are at least two government's workers' unions:

American Federation of Government Employees - Wikipedia
American Postal Workers Union - Wikipedia
Capitalism is always better than Venezuela. Come back to me when you don't have access to toilet paper and have to eat the family pets if not children to survive.


Also, feel free to get the fck out of our nation. This nation is capitalist, read the constitution. There are plenty of shit holes to choose from for you. Instead of wanting to make the country in your miserable sorry ass image, go to a country that already is that way.
Capitalism is not always better. He has given you examples of that. Why do you feel the need to show how uncouth you are ?

We don't know all the details of those examples. The train example shows what happens when the government enforces union membership. That's hardly an example of pure capitalism at work. All three examples included significant government involvement. Try producing an example of pure free enterprise that sucks. You can't do it.
The government does not enforce union membership.In fact this government would probably like to abolish the unions altogether.

The train example is an example of the state having to step in and rescue a failed capitalist venture in the public interest.
Its the clearest example you could find.
Yes, the government does enforce union membership. You don't know what you're talking about. The train example is where government unions drove a business into the ground with their unreasonable demands. Under real capitalism, the railroad would simply ignore the union and negotiate with each worker individually.
Mate, you are a fucking tool. What are these "government unions" you are on about. If you cant get basic facts right then I cant see how you can converse with adults. I would ask you for a link to back up your shit but really, I think you are just on a wind up mission.
I meant to say, "government enforced unions." That's what they are. The government forced the business to deal only with the union. That's the only way the union was able to shut down the business.

The most brainwashed commie in the forum is calling me a tool? Now that's funny.
Capitalism is not always better. He has given you examples of that. Why do you feel the need to show how uncouth you are ?

We don't know all the details of those examples. The train example shows what happens when the government enforces union membership. That's hardly an example of pure capitalism at work. All three examples included significant government involvement. Try producing an example of pure free enterprise that sucks. You can't do it.
The government does not enforce union membership.In fact this government would probably like to abolish the unions altogether.

The train example is an example of the state having to step in and rescue a failed capitalist venture in the public interest.
Its the clearest example you could find.
Yes, the government does enforce union membership. You don't know what you're talking about. The train example is where government unions drove a business into the ground with their unreasonable demands. Under real capitalism, the railroad would simply ignore the union and negotiate with each worker individually.
Mate, you are a fucking tool. What are these "government unions" you are on about. If you cant get basic facts right then I cant see how you can converse with adults. I would ask you for a link to back up your shit but really, I think you are just on a wind up mission.
I meant to say, "government enforced unions." That's what they are. The government forced the business to deal only with the union. That's the only way the union was able to shut down the business.

The most brainwashed commie in the forum is calling me a tool? Now that's funny.

He fully well knows what you mean. But since he knows he has lost the argument, better just play stupid and pretend that you don't understand.

I bet this guy is the king of undesirables.
The government does not enforce union membership.In fact this government would probably like to abolish the unions altogether.

The train example is an example of the state having to step in and rescue a failed capitalist venture in the public interest.
Its the clearest example you could find.
Yes, the government does enforce union membership. You don't know what you're talking about. The train example is where government unions drove a business into the ground with their unreasonable demands. Under real capitalism, the railroad would simply ignore the union and negotiate with each worker individually.
Mate, you are a fucking tool. What are these "government unions" you are on about. If you cant get basic facts right then I cant see how you can converse with adults. I would ask you for a link to back up your shit but really, I think you are just on a wind up mission.

The irony has once again reached the limit. You in the same breath detail how you are clueless and call someone who is not clueless a tool.

Classic leftism!
Perhaps you have a link to these "government unions" ?

I am tired of always having to explain simple things to you that could be figured out by a simple google search. But of course, just as you expect a handout, you expect people to do even the most trivial basic tasks for you.

Since this is a public forum, here are at least two government's workers' unions:

American Federation of Government Employees - Wikipedia
American Postal Workers Union - Wikipedia
And these Unions influence an English rail company in which way ?
Capitalism is not always better. He has given you examples of that. Why do you feel the need to show how uncouth you are ?

We don't know all the details of those examples. The train example shows what happens when the government enforces union membership. That's hardly an example of pure capitalism at work. All three examples included significant government involvement. Try producing an example of pure free enterprise that sucks. You can't do it.
The government does not enforce union membership.In fact this government would probably like to abolish the unions altogether.

The train example is an example of the state having to step in and rescue a failed capitalist venture in the public interest.
Its the clearest example you could find.
Yes, the government does enforce union membership. You don't know what you're talking about. The train example is where government unions drove a business into the ground with their unreasonable demands. Under real capitalism, the railroad would simply ignore the union and negotiate with each worker individually.
Mate, you are a fucking tool. What are these "government unions" you are on about. If you cant get basic facts right then I cant see how you can converse with adults. I would ask you for a link to back up your shit but really, I think you are just on a wind up mission.
I meant to say, "government enforced unions." That's what they are. The government forced the business to deal only with the union. That's the only way the union was able to shut down the business.

The most brainwashed commie in the forum is calling me a tool? Now that's funny.
Well you are back peddling now but you still have a way to go.

If you think these tory bastards and the RMT would agree on anything you must be on crack.

You know nothing about the UK and your ignorance pours out of every post.
Yes, the government does enforce union membership. You don't know what you're talking about. The train example is where government unions drove a business into the ground with their unreasonable demands. Under real capitalism, the railroad would simply ignore the union and negotiate with each worker individually.
Mate, you are a fucking tool. What are these "government unions" you are on about. If you cant get basic facts right then I cant see how you can converse with adults. I would ask you for a link to back up your shit but really, I think you are just on a wind up mission.

The irony has once again reached the limit. You in the same breath detail how you are clueless and call someone who is not clueless a tool.

Classic leftism!
Perhaps you have a link to these "government unions" ?

I am tired of always having to explain simple things to you that could be figured out by a simple google search. But of course, just as you expect a handout, you expect people to do even the most trivial basic tasks for you.

Since this is a public forum, here are at least two government's workers' unions:

American Federation of Government Employees - Wikipedia
American Postal Workers Union - Wikipedia
And these Unions influence an English rail company in which way ?
They 'influence' it by going on strike constantly, shutting it down, and holding it up for exorbitant wages.
We don't know all the details of those examples. The train example shows what happens when the government enforces union membership. That's hardly an example of pure capitalism at work. All three examples included significant government involvement. Try producing an example of pure free enterprise that sucks. You can't do it.
The government does not enforce union membership.In fact this government would probably like to abolish the unions altogether.

The train example is an example of the state having to step in and rescue a failed capitalist venture in the public interest.
Its the clearest example you could find.
Yes, the government does enforce union membership. You don't know what you're talking about. The train example is where government unions drove a business into the ground with their unreasonable demands. Under real capitalism, the railroad would simply ignore the union and negotiate with each worker individually.
Mate, you are a fucking tool. What are these "government unions" you are on about. If you cant get basic facts right then I cant see how you can converse with adults. I would ask you for a link to back up your shit but really, I think you are just on a wind up mission.
I meant to say, "government enforced unions." That's what they are. The government forced the business to deal only with the union. That's the only way the union was able to shut down the business.

The most brainwashed commie in the forum is calling me a tool? Now that's funny.
Well you are back peddling now but you still have a way to go.

If you think these tory bastards and the RMT would agree on anything you must be on crack.

You know nothing about the UK and your ignorance pours out of every post.
Which "tory bastards?" Who is the RMT?
Well, a capitalist company with poor CEOs or bosses, will be a poor company, won't it.

When the country is run by a bunch of fuckers elected by people who think who they vote for doesn't matter as long as they "win", then you get a shit system.

WOW! Can't slip anything by you! A business with poor management will fail. Have you thought of publishing this new finding of yours? IF you're a good manager, I bet you could make a lot of money with this discovery.

Yes, look at what happened when we had failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, we got a s*** system. Thank you!
Well, a capitalist company with poor CEOs or bosses, will be a poor company, won't it.

When the country is run by a bunch of fuckers elected by people who think who they vote for doesn't matter as long as they "win", then you get a shit system.

WOW! Can't slip anything by you! A business with poor management will fail. Have you thought of publishing this new finding of yours? IF you're a good manager, I bet you could make a lot of money with this discovery.

Yes, look at what happened when we had failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, we got a s*** system. Thank you!

The thing frigidweirdo doesn't understand is the fact that bankruptcy is what makes capitalism superior to government. If this railroad was run by the government, they would keep pumping money into no matter how much of a loser it became. The politicians would cave to every union demand, and the cost of running the monstrosity would become astronomical. That's why Britain sold off most of its state-owned industries when Margaret Thatcher came to power.
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