Capitalism is always better, innit?

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Tommy Tainant said:
You dont understand the point I am making either and you respond with gibberish.
You Don't Really Have Any New Points To Make
Just The Same Prog Slant
And Dis-Information Of The Last 125yrs

Prog Involvement Is The Biggest Problem

So, where does it say that all arguments need to be new, shiny and flash?

It doesn't. Arguments used 2000 years ago, are still used by people today. Using the argument that the other person is spreading dis-information isn't new either.

How ironic.
Tommy Tainant said:
Nope, if you have enough money you can eliminate the competition and that always ends with the consumer and workers getting screwed.
Show Where A Company Has Been Able To Maintain Profitability
With-Out Government Interference In Their Market
In The Way You Discribe

That Is Merely A Prog Theory
That Has Never Sustained Itself, Ever
It Only Invites More Competition It Can't Stamp-Out
Or Buy-Out Forever
frigidweirdo said:
How ironic.
Not At All
It's Just Over Your Head
Due To Your Deliberate Mis-Understanding
And Your Deliberate Ability To Ignore Historic Facts

Progs Envy Politics Is A Much Bigger Problem
Than Raw Free Markets Ever Could Be
Yahoo is now part of Oath

The UK govt has taken over a G4S prison because the G4S couldn't run it properly.

"He wrote: "It was often difficult to find officers, although we did find some asleep during prisoner lock-up periods."

Government planning possible take-over of Southern rail – report

Government planning possible take-over of Southern rail – report"

"Commuters have suffered almost two years of disruption and delay on the rail network, a situation that has been exacerbated by strikes since last April. "

Louisiana, Prisons for Profit, and World's Highest Incarceration Rate

Louisiana's private prison system is the envy of nobody anywhere. It's a system that encourages reoffending, because it earns the prisons more money.

Yep, capitalism is always best... except when it isn't.

It's sad how someone can be born and grow up in America and not have a fucking clue what capitalism even is.

Capitalism is not government outsourcing to private companies. Capitalism is free markets. Prisons and public transportation are government functions. Just because government outsources it to contractors doesn't make it remotely capitalism.

You can't have competing free market prisons or public rail. That's why they are government functions.

You're proving how bad socialism is. Only government can do those things, yet as you point out government sucks at doing those too.

People like you are the ones who just completely and utterly leave me despondent as to the future of our country. How can you possibly know so little about what made your own country so great? It's truly sad
Capitalism is always better than Venezuela. Come back to me when you don't have access to toilet paper and have to eat the family pets if not children to survive.


Also, feel free to get the fck out of our nation. This nation is capitalist, read the constitution. There are plenty of shit holes to choose from for you. Instead of wanting to make the country in your miserable sorry ass image, go to a country that already is that way.
Capitalism is not always better. He has given you examples of that. Why do you feel the need to show how uncouth you are ?
No he didn't. He showcased a failed business. That is not indicative of capitalism

The problem with capitalism is that it is better than anything else out there and has done more to lift people out of destitution and poverty than any other system bar none.
Well it sort of is the point. Capitalism,left to itself, is driven purely by greed. It will always screw the people unless the people keep it in check.

What is pure greed, however, is the government. It takes for power and provides nothing material for its avarice.
There are many many examples of companies failing because of greed, there are even more examples of communities being devastated by unfettered capitalism. I could list them if you wanted but we both know that it is true.
I know that you think it is true. That is not the same thing as it actually being true.
Tommy Tainant said:
Capitalism,left to itself, is driven purely by greed. It will always screw the people unless the people keep it in check.
That's Pure Hogwash
What You're Talking About
Can Only Happen With Gov't Protection From Competition
Like With The Calif Robber Baron Railroads

It Has Never Happened For Long In A Free Market
That Only Invites More Competition
Nope, if you have enough money you can eliminate the competition and that always ends with the consumer and workers getting screwed.

That's just a load of crap. Tell that to Ma Bell. No one had more money than they did. Microsoft has gone crashing down in one new market after another, particularly in terms of their investing billions in web services and losing out to newcomers in every market. Trains originally were 8 out of the Dow's original 10 stocks. Now there isn't one within sniffing distance of the Dow. The top 10 American airlines used to rule the skies, now there are like 3 even left.

This is just Marxist rhetoric, you don't know what the hell you're talking about
Capitalism is always better than Venezuela. Come back to me when you don't have access to toilet paper and have to eat the family pets if not children to survive.


Also, feel free to get the fck out of our nation. This nation is capitalist, read the constitution. There are plenty of shit holes to choose from for you. Instead of wanting to make the country in your miserable sorry ass image, go to a country that already is that way.
Capitalism is not always better. He has given you examples of that. Why do you feel the need to show how uncouth you are ?

He gave examples of government outsourcing government functions to a private business. That has zero to do with capitalism. It's still socialism. Companies that bid on government contracts are following government specs. They aren't making any free market decisions. You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Free markets are companies that create a better mouse trap. They aren't companies that build a mouse trap to government specifications.

Yes, actually making your own choice is ALWAYS better than a politician making your choice for you
Tommy Tainant said:
There are many many examples of companies failing because of greed
That's The Hole In Your Theories Of Capitalism

Do You Even Realize You Just Dis-Proved Yourself ??
Tommy Tainant said:
There are many many examples of companies failing because of greed
That's The Hole In Your Theories Of Capitalism

Do You Even Realize You Just Dis-Proved Yourself ??

Nicely put.

Yes, in capitalism, you fail, you die. That's the beauty of capitalism, not a downfall.

When government fails, it gets out it's guns and shakes down taxpayers for more money
kaz said:
Yes, in capitalism, you fail, you die. That's the beauty of capitalism, not a downfall.

When government fails, it gets out it's guns and shakes down taxpayers for more money
With Progs Leading The Charge
Yahoo is now part of Oath

The UK govt has taken over a G4S prison because the G4S couldn't run it properly.

"He wrote: "It was often difficult to find officers, although we did find some asleep during prisoner lock-up periods."

Government planning possible take-over of Southern rail – report

Government planning possible take-over of Southern rail – report"

"Commuters have suffered almost two years of disruption and delay on the rail network, a situation that has been exacerbated by strikes since last April. "

Louisiana, Prisons for Profit, and World's Highest Incarceration Rate

Louisiana's private prison system is the envy of nobody anywhere. It's a system that encourages reoffending, because it earns the prisons more money.

Yep, capitalism is always best... except when it isn't.

It's sad how someone can be born and grow up in America and not have a fucking clue what capitalism even is.

Capitalism is not government outsourcing to private companies. Capitalism is free markets. Prisons and public transportation are government functions. Just because government outsources it to contractors doesn't make it remotely capitalism.

You can't have competing free market prisons or public rail. That's why they are government functions.

You're proving how bad socialism is. Only government can do those things, yet as you point out government sucks at doing those too.

People like you are the ones who just completely and utterly leave me despondent as to the future of our country. How can you possibly know so little about what made your own country so great? It's truly sad
Just because government outsources it to contractors doesn't make it remotely capitalism
It's state capitalism.
Capitalism is always better than Venezuela. Come back to me when you don't have access to toilet paper and have to eat the family pets if not children to survive.

Yes, we've done a wonderful job of punishing Venezeula for 18 years now for picking a form of government we don't like.

The Venezuelans punished themselves. We didn't have to lift a finger.
Yahoo is now part of Oath

The UK govt has taken over a G4S prison because the G4S couldn't run it properly.

"He wrote: "It was often difficult to find officers, although we did find some asleep during prisoner lock-up periods."

Government planning possible take-over of Southern rail – report

Government planning possible take-over of Southern rail – report"

"Commuters have suffered almost two years of disruption and delay on the rail network, a situation that has been exacerbated by strikes since last April. "

Louisiana, Prisons for Profit, and World's Highest Incarceration Rate

Louisiana's private prison system is the envy of nobody anywhere. It's a system that encourages reoffending, because it earns the prisons more money.

Yep, capitalism is always best... except when it isn't.
Capitalism must always be regulated otherwise it will destroy the workers and the environment.
Yahoo is now part of Oath

The UK govt has taken over a G4S prison because the G4S couldn't run it properly.

"He wrote: "It was often difficult to find officers, although we did find some asleep during prisoner lock-up periods."

Government planning possible take-over of Southern rail – report

Government planning possible take-over of Southern rail – report"

"Commuters have suffered almost two years of disruption and delay on the rail network, a situation that has been exacerbated by strikes since last April. "

Louisiana, Prisons for Profit, and World's Highest Incarceration Rate

Louisiana's private prison system is the envy of nobody anywhere. It's a system that encourages reoffending, because it earns the prisons more money.

Yep, capitalism is always best... except when it isn't.
Capitalism must always be regulated otherwise it will destroy the workers and the environment.

When you replace capitalism with the border, this does start to make sense.
Yahoo is now part of Oath

The UK govt has taken over a G4S prison because the G4S couldn't run it properly.

"He wrote: "It was often difficult to find officers, although we did find some asleep during prisoner lock-up periods."

Government planning possible take-over of Southern rail – report

Government planning possible take-over of Southern rail – report"

"Commuters have suffered almost two years of disruption and delay on the rail network, a situation that has been exacerbated by strikes since last April. "

Louisiana, Prisons for Profit, and World's Highest Incarceration Rate

Louisiana's private prison system is the envy of nobody anywhere. It's a system that encourages reoffending, because it earns the prisons more money.

Yep, capitalism is always best... except when it isn't.

It's sad how someone can be born and grow up in America and not have a fucking clue what capitalism even is.

Capitalism is not government outsourcing to private companies. Capitalism is free markets. Prisons and public transportation are government functions. Just because government outsources it to contractors doesn't make it remotely capitalism.

You can't have competing free market prisons or public rail. That's why they are government functions.

You're proving how bad socialism is. Only government can do those things, yet as you point out government sucks at doing those too.

People like you are the ones who just completely and utterly leave me despondent as to the future of our country. How can you possibly know so little about what made your own country so great? It's truly sad
Youre also disappointing.
Private prisons are crony capitalism.
and they're up 100 percent under trump.

The definition of Trump administration: Cronyism is the practice of partiality in awarding jobs and other advantages to friends, family relatives or trusted colleagues,
Tehon said:
Privatizing the social functions of government is now fascist? That's a new one.
I Addressed 'State Capitalism'
There's No Such Thing
And I just explained that the state hiring private firms to carry out social functions of government is state capitalism.
Yahoo is now part of Oath

The UK govt has taken over a G4S prison because the G4S couldn't run it properly.

"He wrote: "It was often difficult to find officers, although we did find some asleep during prisoner lock-up periods."

Government planning possible take-over of Southern rail – report

Government planning possible take-over of Southern rail – report"

"Commuters have suffered almost two years of disruption and delay on the rail network, a situation that has been exacerbated by strikes since last April. "

Louisiana, Prisons for Profit, and World's Highest Incarceration Rate

Louisiana's private prison system is the envy of nobody anywhere. It's a system that encourages reoffending, because it earns the prisons more money.

Yep, capitalism is always best... except when it isn't.

Frigidweirdo- it’s called capitalism, not Utopianism. No system will be perfect because they will all be populated by imperfect people. Your post show just how small minded you are. You are incapable of understanding nuance or subtlety.
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