Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

The dollar costs of inequality: they are greater than you think | MR Online

"Pretty much everyone accepts that inequality is a big problem in the U.S.

"But it is doubtful that most people truly grasp how successfully U.S. elites have captured the benefits of economic growth and, as a result, how much the resulting inequality has cost them.

"Here is one estimate of that cost—according to Carter C. Price and Kathryn A. Edwards, authors of a Rand Education and Labor study on income trends:

"That $2.5 trillion was enough to give each and every worker in the bottom nine income deciles an additional $1144 a month, every month of the year.

"That is life changing money for tens of millions—and that is only a partial measure of the costs of inequality."

"Pretty much everyone accepts that inequality is a big problem in the U.S.

Only the whiney people.

"That $2.5 trillion was enough to give each and every worker in the bottom nine income deciles an additional $1144 a month, every month of the year.

this so bs the crash of 29 happened due to massive borrowing to pay for a colossal war in europe when they couldnt pay the banks banks went under
When US banks required France and the UK to repay loans made prior to US involvement in the "'War to End All Wars", Germany took the biggest hit and Hitler got his Big Part.

On this side of the Atlantic, a decade of speculation helped crash the global economy:

Great Depression History

"Throughout the 1920s, the U.S. economy expanded rapidly, and the nation’s total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, a period dubbed 'the Roaring Twenties'”

"The stock market, centered at the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street in New York City, was the scene of reckless speculation, where everyone from millionaire tycoons to cooks and janitors poured their savings into stocks.

"As a result, the stock market underwent rapid expansion, reaching its peak in August 1929.

"By then, production had already declined and unemployment had risen, leaving stock prices much higher than their actual value.

"Additionally, wages at that time were low, consumer debt was proliferating, the agricultural sector of the economy was struggling due to drought and falling food prices and banks had an excess of large loans that could not be liquidated."
How did Americans benefit from Afghanistan, Iraq or Vietnam?
Americans who own shares in defense stocks certainly benefitted.
There is also the additional gain all Americans receive from using a global reserve currency in their daily transactions:


Transcript - How the US makes countries pay for its wars: Economics of American imperialism with Michael Hudson | Moderate Rebels

"MICHAEL HUDSON: Well I wrote “Super Imperialism” in 1972, and it was published exactly one month after President Nixon took America off gold in August of 1971.

"And the reason he took America off gold was the entire balance of payments deficit from the Korean War to the Vietnam War was military in character.

And every time, especially in the ’60s, the more money that America would spend in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, all this money had to be spent locally.

"And the banks were all French banks, because it was French Indochina, all the money would be sent to Paris, to the banks’ head offices, turned over from dollars into francs, and General de Gaulle would end up with all these dollars, and he would, every month, send in the dollars and want payment in gold.

"And Germany would do the same thing.

"And so the more America fought militarily, it was depleting its own gold stock, until finally, in August 1971, it said, 'We’ve been using gold as the key to our world power ever since World War I, when we put Europe on rations. So we’re going to stop paying gold.'"
Democracy is rule by the dumbest 51% of the people. What makes you believe majority vote is a good way to design a car? It obviously isn't. There is no technical innovation that resulted from a majority vote. Economic democracy is the dumbest idea ever concieved.
What's you alternative?
Rule by rich morons?
socialism and communism always fail when big brother takes your paycheck and re distributes it its only a matter of time you spend your time at work drinking and sitting on your ass cause working hard will get you NOWHERE
You should mention that to Hitler the next time you see him

Soviet industry in World War II - Wikipedia

"An economic turning point for the better came in 1943, when gross industrial production increased by 17% compared with 1942. In the Urals and Siberia, metallurgical plants were being built and expanded at an accelerated pace. In 1944, the volume of industrial production when compared with the volume of industrial production in 1940 was at 103-104%.

"In 1943-1945 mass production of the newer military equipment was carried out. In 1943, when it became clearer that the war was going in allied favor and that the Soviet Union would not outright lose the war, one of the most important tasks became to restore the national economy"
"In 1943-1945 mass production of the newer military equipment was carried out. In 1943, when it became clearer that the war was going in allied favor and that the Soviet Union would not outright lose the war, one of the most important tasks became to restore the national economy"

It's been nearly 80 years.....when are they going to restore the national economy?
That is " fractional reserve banking."

A bank issuing their own notes is not fractional reserve banking.
Of course it is, turd. You don't know the meaning of the term. Gold in the vault are reserves. If you don't have enough reserves to exchange every note issued for gold, then you have a fractional reserve system. That's the definition of term, moron.
Fractional reserve banking is when a bank holds a part of their deposits as a reserve.
Yes, like gold, moron.

That doesn't make it a "partial gold standard."

Notes are partially covered.
It's still not a partial gold standard.

You're legally entitled.

I'm sure that makes you feel better after the bank failed.
It doesn't matter what makes me feel better. I'm explaining the meaning of the term "entitled."

That means if the bank doesn't cough up the gold you can have the legal authorities go after it.

Go after the gold? They never had it.
Go after the bank? You're the one who thinks private bank notes are a good idea.
Private notes backed by gold are a much better idea than government fiat money.

It's separate issue.

You claimed banks had 100% of the gold needed to cover their notes.
That's the issue that started our disagreement.
No, that isn't what I claimed. Go back and read through the thread.
Social Darwinism is an idea promoted by progressives like Woodrow Wilson and Margret Sanger. birth control was part of Sanger's plan to keep blacks from reproducing.
You're forgetting Alfred Rosenberg

Social Darwinism - Wikipedia

"Nazi Germany's justification for its aggression was regularly promoted in Nazi propaganda films depicting scenes such as beetles fighting in a lab setting to demonstrate the principles of 'survival of the fittest' as depicted in Alles Leben ist Kampf (English translation: All Life is Struggle).

"Hitler often refused to intervene in the promotion of officers and staff members, preferring instead to have them fight amongst themselves to force the 'stronger' person to prevail—"strength" referring to those social forces void of virtue or principle."

"Key proponents were Alfred Rosenberg, who was hanged later at Nuremberg.

"Such ideas also helped to advance euthanasia in Germany, especially Action T4, which led to the murder of mentally ill and disabled people in Germany."
Of course it is, turd. You don't know the meaning of the term. Gold in the vault are reserves. If you don't have enough reserves to exchange every note issued for gold, then you have a fractional reserve system. That's the definition of term, moron.

Yes, like gold, moron.

It's still not a partial gold standard.

It doesn't matter what makes me feel better. I'm explaining the meaning of the term "entitled."

Private notes backed by gold are a much better idea than government fiat money.

No, that isn't what I claimed. Go back and read through the thread.

Private notes backed by gold are a much better idea than government fiat money.

Meh. Clunky and pointless.

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