Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

You're forgetting Alfred Rosenberg

Social Darwinism - Wikipedia

"Nazi Germany's justification for its aggression was regularly promoted in Nazi propaganda films depicting scenes such as beetles fighting in a lab setting to demonstrate the principles of 'survival of the fittest' as depicted in Alles Leben ist Kampf (English translation: All Life is Struggle).

"Hitler often refused to intervene in the promotion of officers and staff members, preferring instead to have them fight amongst themselves to force the 'stronger' person to prevail—"strength" referring to those social forces void of virtue or principle."

"Key proponents were Alfred Rosenberg, who was hanged later at Nuremberg.

"Such ideas also helped to advance euthanasia in Germany, especially Action T4, which led to the murder of mentally ill and disabled people in Germany."
Yeah, we all know that NAZIs believe in social darwinism. What most people don't know is that the NAZIs got the idea from American "liberals."
Name a place socialism works?

also, what’s your issue with capitalism?
Private notes backed by gold are a much better idea than government fiat money.

Meh. Clunky and pointless.
How is it any more "clunky" than government fiat money? The point is to keep the government from looting your savings. Apparently you are one of those imbeciles walking about with a sign that says "kick me" attached to your back.
Of course it is, turd. You don't know the meaning of the term. Gold in the vault are reserves. If you don't have enough reserves to exchange every note issued for gold, then you have a fractional reserve system. That's the definition of term, moron.

Yes, like gold, moron.

It's still not a partial gold standard.

It doesn't matter what makes me feel better. I'm explaining the meaning of the term "entitled."

Private notes backed by gold are a much better idea than government fiat money.

No, that isn't what I claimed. Go back and read through the thread.



Fully gold backed didn't mean they had 100% of the gold to redeem their notes? LOL!

That's what I've been telling you.

They don't have 100% of the gold to redeem their notes.

Why do you keep disagreeing?


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How is it any more "clunky" than government fiat money?


The above note buys $1 worth of goods.


The note we discussed less than 2 weeks ago is worth 1/1846 th of an ounce of gold.
About 96.5 cents worth today. You expect a store clerk to look up the value of every bill you hand over to make a purchase? LOL! Clunky.

Sorry, but that article is full of non-sense. For starters, the criteria they use to rank "successful" socialism are ridiculous: they don't indicate how stable the economy or political systems are, they don't include any indication of how happy the people under those systems are, and they don't include any indication of standard of living. Just because they divide 1 loaf of bread among 3 households evenly, doesn't mean the people in those households are well nourished.

Right away, the first four in the list, Moldova, Armenia, Croatia, Slovenia, are all known to be war torn unstable regions that participate in straight up ethnic cleansing (kind of like our democrats' cancel culture, except there they just kill the people they don't like and bury their bodies in mass graves).

Portugal, with 19.5% of it's Population below poverty line or at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE, 2019), is not exactly a stellar example, now is it? Spain is worse, with 25.3% below the poverty line or at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE, 2019). According to one source (, "Spain's economic downturn in 2020 is likely to be the worst of all eurozone countries".

Compare those "successful socialist" countries' poverty level to the USA, which is at about 10% (US Census Bureau). Over time, our rate of poverty continues to climb the closer we get to implementing those same socialist "government runs all" programs.

I could go on, but the other countries they list as "successful" have similar dismal pictures of the situation for their people.

[Edit: and their top pick, Sweeden, is NOT EVEN A SOCIALIST STATE. They strongly favor private ownership/capitalism and is LESS socialist that the USA is these days. No wonder it's beating us out as an innovator and producer]
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You obviously don't know the meaning of the terminology, and you're deliberately misconstruing it.

We're done. I don't waste my time arguing with lying scumbags. At some point I resort to pure verbal abuse, and you've reached that point.

You obviously don't know the meaning of the terminology, and you're deliberately misconstruing it.

Right. Like when I said they don't have full backing. LOL!

At some point I resort to pure verbal abuse, and you've reached that point.

Don't cry.
You meant fractional reserve banking.

I'm talking about banks issuing their own notes under the gold standard, before the Fed existed.
Of course modern banks have always been fractional reserve.

That's still a 100% gold standard.

Free banking always had less than a 100% gold reserve.

If a bank customer turns in bank notes, he's entitled to receive 100% of the note value in gold.

Yup. Entitled all day long.

Whether a bank had enough to cover all it's not obligations is another issue altogether.

The issue is, they never did have enough gold to cover all their obligations. Never ever.
Fractional reserve banking is what has allowed people of lesser means to purchase a home. Prior to that people needed to have the cash on hand.

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